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Mar 2014 · 319
Ottar Mar 2014
this will be brief, hope it is clear,
sorry, was not there to greet you at the door,
see you found the food and the wine,
have we met or do you know a friend of mine?

join the party, laugh hearty,
and don't let the average age here
give you pause, we are all younger
than our ages, or maybe  phases of maturity?

like your smile, who did your teeth,
how goes that hot yoga and where do you go?
are you serious or is it just for show, speaking of which,
don't mind my detailed superficiality,
working toward my own TV Reality, does it show?

you can charge your phone over there,
drop your donation in the jar, as you go out the door,
after all this is a free for all, but it is not all for free.
Mar 2014 · 320
Ottar Mar 2014
by rote,
what you wrote,
take a note to,
                      jog the mind,
                            the mind,
                                a minefield
                             or is it yours?
don't bother
to memorize
anything, anymore,
                                  evermore (there is he raven, again)
the world is at
the disposal of
your opposable
thumbs, fabulous phablets,
mephone, myphone and iphone,
costs more time
to memorize,
but what a
surprise when it will
be gone,
as someone will
find out how to pull the plug.
              how to pull the plug,
                                                 evermore (what is he raven about this
Trust your mind,
until you are too old to
remember when you
started forgetting,
that you never smoked,
but today would be
a good day to smoke a
cigar, and between,
distasteful puffs and the exhaled
cloud, is a fog to the mosquitoes
of spring, you spout scripture,
from the mind - mouth connection,
while expectantly looking up heaven
word for direction, because, still my
beating heart there is faith, in your memory,
not in your fingertips trying to
reach out and under
now if I could remind myself to memorize more forget about it.
Mar 2014 · 241
Get it Over
Ottar Mar 2014
sky covered body,
grass stained back
broken lawn,
dampness hung
in the air,                                     "please get it over"
               clung to the copse of bare
               tree branches, their knuckles  
               held a veil of tears, streamed
               one to another as each one was
               shed, became a curtain
               but not a sound,                        "please get it over"
                                             distant mountains,
                                              like gods, towered,
                                              watching the spectacle
                                              while knowing they
                                              were spectacular,
                                              there was no equal,
               the black shape, moved
               on the asphalt, where only
               desperate green hints, grew
               hardy, alive, hardly anything
               moved until the dark shape
               stood still, unsure, idle.

the hands removed
the white stain from the
grass and placed it on a
bed of noisy wheels,
that was swallowed whole.                  "please get it over, I can't see"
by the idle blackness.

All moved slow,
there was no hurry,
no worry, unseeing eyes
stared at the blue sky seeking
God and that mercy had
come and gone, there was no warmth
the cold left, circumspect, all else,      
was corpse that was not soul.                      "get it over, please"

Lifeless left, the car moved on,
the mountains shook their trees,
and the branches near stopped ,
shedding tear shaped water drops,
the grass began to lift slowly as
soon as the weight was lifted,
                                                   some life returned to normal.
Mar 2014 · 343
The Grey
Ottar Mar 2014
She curls,
her curly fur curls,
round her soft,
and she is oft
found sleepng, on her bed,
                         on any bed,
the grey sweater, knit for her,
she wears,
it is her color, matches her fur,
brightens her eyes,
belly breathing,
small movement without
a care,
she is aware of every sound,
when she is curled soft and round.
Mar 2014 · 247
Ottar Mar 2014
from one hand
throw all the seconds and minutes into the air,
do this at night,
when the stars are out,
when those pieces of time touch the stars,
that dust, that magic star dust, falls to you
                                                  and to the earth
time stands still,
as if your will, can freeze for a moment, too
rearrange the parts of your day,
go on make the bad things go away,
pile all the good, close, right near,
be prepared,
                     too disappear, for when,
you judge good and bad,
you may lose the best you had,
you can cast the worst away,
which may have made you more human,
that tick of the clock, you threw away.
Mar 2014 · 765
One Angry Man
Ottar Mar 2014
his mouth doesn't stop
with the obscenities,
his steel-toed boots have seen
any work in weeks,
   his anger would frighten
            a nervous dog,
all who meet him on the street,
    put their tail between their legs,
         and do not make eye contact,
               he gestures in the air,
                       unfriendly stares,
if his eyes don't burn through you
he'll use his cigarette,
people driving by in cars marvel at
his violence, until he looks into their
private space, their fragile cocoon,
turning faces away,
as he strides, black jeans, black hoodie,
he wears a grey hat but woulda,
bought a black one, if he didn't steal the grey one,
there he goes,
punching air,
punching at plastic highway safety posts,
already low to the ground and
begging for mercy,
as he motions,
like he is a Trojan warrior,
jumping as he drives his fist down,
                   too bad he does not have a mirror to see the angry
frightening clown he has
Mar 2014 · 305
okay, here goes...
Ottar Mar 2014
blade of grass, grouped like soldiers
makes a lawn, to battle weeds,
to battle floods,  even makes a
walkway for slugs, ughh!

blade of grass infested by weeds,
that is what happens with foreign seed,
with a vicious wit, and an appetite,
will tower over the thin blade, day and night,
leaving the grass, starving for attention.

blade of grass grown taller,
hold to your lips, the reed
squeeler, whistle caller mirroring
the night sky for every blade of grass,
is there a star?

blade of grass with roots that hold,
grab the dirt, and won't let go,
sure some grass blades do fall,
yes some don't grow at all,

but if even one can hang on,
dance in the breeze, until it warms
grow so tall as to reach for the sun,
what is your problem, eh?
Ha ha!
Mar 2014 · 369
Ottar Mar 2014
piles of paper over my head
cover the box I lay in,
to do not, is to cause dread,
become the administative burden,
to carry around,
but never get carried away,
trundle, then bundle cellulose
fibre in a fundle,
measuring the fundal height of...

the pregnant pause, each time I am
supposed to pick up the phone,
can't go it alone, standing up for
  somebody else, who is unable
                        actually disabled,
"Just Like Someone Without Mental
Illness Only More So"  

drawers of receipts climbing over
one another to be fed to the
unfiled file folders, holding older
paper dreams, paper woes,
Origami folds, of the forgotten projects,
cranes, phone receivers, and say
isn't that a heart,
clumsy feet, clumsy fingers,
cluttered mind, to much paper to bind,
up and hold together, the edges of the
paper cuts, that bleed the last of the free
dreams, the nice dreams, the two week
vacations dreams, buried under reams,
of aging paper,
                        no point to be a paper chaser,
                         set the phaser on ****,
                          and send it with the will,
                            or ... send in the clowns, there has to be clowns,
                              maybe I'll get around to it next year.
"Just Like Someone Without Mental
Illness Only More So" by Mark Vonnegut, M.D.
Mar 2014 · 285
The Clear Cup
Ottar Mar 2014
soggy clothes,
drape limp like hope,
need to be wrung out,
soaked from night sweats,
save all the drops, in a clear cup,
from sobs into a tired pillow case,
good to the last drop,
save all the tears, in a clear cup,
on a window sill,
watch them evaporate evenly in the heat,
of the days,
of the sun,
maybe then,
ah then and maybe,
  wellness will be found again,
   tears will stop,
   no longer a hole in the heart,
    and joy will fill the whole of life,
     unless the clouds thick and static
       stay still, and hide the heat to take
         the tears and sweat ...away.

But wait, ...
       what will show the trail of the trial,
        to here

                                     Yes... look closer and see,
                                             the line high up on
                                                   the clear cup.
Mar 2014 · 570
give and take and give...
Ottar Mar 2014
so low,
some do,
well, ...alone.
Not for sake alone,
go to the meaning of life.
take what you earn and share,
take what you own and wear,
there is no time to spare,
give freely as you have received,
give freely and do not deceive,
blame is not a game,
to be played with so much passion,
                                as to fashion,
fingers pointing in all directions,
away from the center, get some back bone,

of all the nerve...
if life is a maze,
spending it, amazed or amazing?
how to say it with OUT using the words,
the beginning of life is...,
the meaning of life is...,
the gloaming of life...,
through and through,
are connected one strand,
through and through,
one nerve felt by
everyone under the sun,
so to the past,
so to the present,
so will the future,
need ...
I am not about to give away the meaning of life,
you can take or give your best guess, no spoilers,
hints have been dropped, don't step too close,
you may glow in the dark, there is a state of...
that we are all part of, okay I have said too much,
made it to easy...pieces
Mar 2014 · 571
The Rush;
Ottar Mar 2014
traffic stalled,
an adrenaline
can't feel the thrill with hands on the wheel,
tired of a persuasive
that means so much,
       ...eats so much of a lifetime,
that hurries home,
that hurries hard,
that furries can't stop,
just make movement go slower,
foot off the gas pedal, time ticks by,
don't gossip or meddle, drop a call,
out of touch, in the affairs of man,
                               drop the cell phone,
feel the length of the distraction,
it has been ages,
since the road rage,
was trapped, in the cage,
of a Cadillac dream,
with fingers, texting at
the speed of light,
and the blur, again,
can be seen, and the whir,
of the engine becomes a roar,
motor and human
flesh enmesh,
and an
hour of
the rush,
Mar 2014 · 273
Ottar Mar 2014
chaos reigned,
then brick
    and debris,
rained over,
E. Harlem,
in NYC,
the fear caused,
the anxiety,
even half a day later,
worse for some,
of all that fear,
this very event,
took lives,
way too soon,
injured some,
                      lives filled with
                      and the will needed
                      to repair their bodies, minds and spirit
who'll pay for the health care,
what a
at a time
like this,
I had smelled gas, months and months ago, called the gas Co. shut
off the offending fireplace and got out, repair took a couple of
hours from start to finish...ours only cost us money.
That sounds stupid when I put it on paper.
Mar 2014 · 849
Too Safe
Ottar Mar 2014
Not raucous
not random
too bad
too safe
      waif like
soot and ashes
no smile
endless miles
no one listens,
sweat glistens
like a flooded furrowed
but brow
beaten down
by life choices
wrong voices
filling ears with corny
jokes, told to an audience of one,
choking on the
cigarette tobacco
bits in the unfiltered,
last bit of gentle
human kindness,
while all else is too safe,
looking and taking,
every rock hides a
every empty cup a
full measure of what
seems deserved
           but not
a life
is too safe.

Shopping cart full
makes one wanted,
and unwanted at
the same time as
not everything in
but all is owned,
by the one who
pushes the cart,
like life has pushed
him, around and
down flights of stairs,
with only an empty bottle
to match the empty life,
his children, his wife,
would not know him
if they saw him on
the street,
bet you he writes
mean poetry,
while mine is too safe.

Mar 2014 · 3.6k
The Crocus
Ottar Mar 2014
ground may as well be a sponge,
so much rain Saturday, had a hunch,
to build an Ark,
but the strength of an old
promise, made me think twice,
and the small amount
of lumber in the garage, thrice.

"Faith ... would be nice"
I am sure, that voice echoed in my head.

yet today, as I walked and I wondered,
how the air was so sweet and clear,
I saw, the pride of them gathering,
as they prepared to bloom,
the rain had swept the grounds,
                       of all the ***** germs,
enough rainfall there IT watered the worms,
softening up the dirt,
so the crocus flowers could come out to play.

The leader of the Crocus Band, his name was Stripes
go to instagram, for a view of the leaves behind, spikes,
leaning into his role and a leader, close at hand he,
chooses a humble stance as an example, see?

Be wary of this Crocus,
He may Spring, focused,
Seeing Winter is now bogus,
on the West coast.  
His name is Stripes,  earning every one.

look up #crocus, on instagram and #nameisStripes
and there awaits, yet another poem
Mar 2014 · 260
Keep your stick on the ice
Ottar Mar 2014
eyes fixed
on the black disc,
a dot on a white
the suggestion,
to discover,
what it is to play.

stick in hand,
head up,
eyes drink in
the frozen surface,
bodies moving,
gliding, striding,
each action a demand
to play.

everytime your stick
touches the ice,
it leaves a line or
a trail, giving not away, the intent,
but the chill thrill of the play,
about to happen through,
creativity sharing by passing,
a dot, a disc, proof of play.

skate blades carve and cut, finding,
that fine edge of traction attraction,
control is the mirage, as the ice steam,
rises to a fog hardly noticed,
among the players of the game they,
all adore, one cuts in front, takes the pass,
he shoots, He Scores!,
All because he kept his stick on the ice.

as I write this in my room chilled,
white sheet of paper not ice before me,
steam rises from my tea, a black dot,
of ink,
appears in contrast against the white,
and I begin to write, as I kept my pen on
against the icy writer's block.  And stayed in the play.
Mar 2014 · 1.1k
The Barber's Chair
Ottar Mar 2014
the rain falls and runs
over the black shield, not bullet proof,
       like a life, that is not mullet proof,
bad taste in personal care, bad taste in your mouth

so be aware, rain drops don't have legs but they
run anyway, across the umbrella,
and drip to the ground,
your heels kick up the spray of discarded raindrop corpses,

they bleed into your pants and the stain grows,
the further you try to walk away,
from the moving scene, of a crime,
but the clothes like all things, even drips dry overnight,

until it falls and runs again,
on a day, when the umbrella gets forgotten,
where the mullet meets its taker,
and the barber's chair and floor,

take on a texture change, as dead
pieces of hair fall and rearrange,
each time the door opens to the shop,
the unwelcome chill breeze sweeps in,

as the chair forms to the body of the voluntold,
striking the strop, blade raised, the barber stands behind,
a man who is getting old as his hair,
the living and the dead each strand

but the chemo is coming,
and it will take it, a requirement, a demand
anyway, may as well give it away,
cancer the disease takes, without saying please

here where the pole twirls and never stops,
the chatter of voices and murmurs in the shop,
good riddance to bad *******, he thinks
as the barber powders his neck and brushes,

any hairy evidence to the ground, they tumble and fall,
until night falls and runs, over the cityscape,
the pinpricks of light along the streets,
as he walks home alone, the umbrella he left

behind, closed up like the shop, the twirling candy cane pole stopped,
is far from his mind, for the rain falling will hide the tears,
he is not ready, he is unsteady, how will he hide the fears?
Soaking, in the night, pale against the dark future as it appears, like his hair...short
Fear - be afraid of (someone or something) as likely to be dangerous, painful, or threatening.
Ottar Mar 2014
pieces of flotsam
soak and float on the paper,
jetsam thrown to lighten
the load,
or goad,
the alligator, away
the guttural noises, sound like harsh
commentary the closer the
is allowed to get,
not wanting to look over the shoulder,
but stop in for biting remarks,
the gator's teeth are so large and famous
they have names and voices;
"punctuation or punctures, I can help"

"point of view tch, tch, tch"
"your grammar needs work"

"doubt you will finish"

"no one will read IT"

"you will never find the right word"

"is your audience a six year old"


"what a croc"

"are you enjoying what you are doing?"

"successful writers are all published"

"you call that a sentence, keep it up and it will be a death sentence "

"how many tenses can you misuse in a paragraph"

and these are the names of some of the smaller teeth,
the molars, are more than a mouthful,
have polar names, that would leave anyone cold,
                                                      even the bold,
and shall not be put in print,
they bring out the PTSD,
imprinted for eternity, by
the gator which
comes at the sounds
of splashing, flailing, and failing,
as the pounding of the heart,
the deepened breathing,
as the ink from
the pen, unfiltered,
leaves nerves and veins exposed,
while leaving to find home, a safe haven, a storybook ending,
away from the gator's keen sense of
overt criticism, intended to gut,
and eviscerate, cutting remarks,
putdowns to hold down and under,
the piece that IT is trying to tear off
while spinning or shaking the head
side to side, which is both NO!
and to bash the will, the self-esteem, into little pieces
of me...
            and my worst enemy,
                                                my internal, infernal editor,
                                                         ­                                     with the voracious appetite for self-def**eating
Meet My Internal Editor - ddaarrrreellll Alli the Gator,
why the double letters,
double duty - writer and editor,
double talk -
double the amount of time to getting anything done,
doubly mean spirited
Mar 2014 · 8.0k
Soul Food
Ottar Mar 2014
Soul to feed,
from origins
of the first love,
not greed,
not of nutrition
but fruition,
and of need.

Starts with belief.
As promised!
Ottar Mar 2014
seeing for the first time, any colour
other than metal or white,
eyes wide with suspicion,
smelling for the
first time, any scent other than
a chemical cleaning product,
noses a quiver, wet then dry then wet again,
to move, uncertain, unsteady legs
touching for the first time, the ground
with blades of grass, pointed and poke
between the pads, calloused pads,
wobbly steps and attempts to run
with stumbles upon the green grass of freedom,
under a blue sky of hope, no shadows  
from the stainless metal cages, and a stark scientific
horrific place of pokes and needles and loneliness  
a Lab, no a Labratory
but we are Beagles, and OUT to prove it.
I am sure science does some good,
I am sure science is advanced enough to
not have to do tests on living subjects,
C'mon it is science, right? Brilliant minds and all, do better!
Mar 2014 · 289
Ottar Mar 2014
could be
no sweeter moment
than if I tasted
your exhale, full with
a hint of
honey as my
last breath

Mar 2014 · 284
Ottar Mar 2014
If I could sing, it would not be a lament,
I cannot sing,
If I could sing, it would be an exultation,
I cannot sing,
For some might hear and go deaf, as a result,
I cannot sing,
I will not sing unless, the wind is running wild,
                                   the view of the ocean, as seen by a child,
                                   the place is nowhere near, nay nigh,
I cannot sing so,
I will write Fare Thee Well in a lilt, that sends chills down the spine,

I will write, I am richer for knowing you, even in this dark night where I
                                                                ­     travel poorly all alone,
I will write May God watch over us, both need His Grace and His Mercy,
                                                          ­  each day without you, and no song
                                                            ­                                              is wrong,
For I cannot sing.

We will now return you to your regular programming
Mar 2014 · 442
Ottar Mar 2014
a peaceful beach full,
colour matters naught,
reflects sunlight,
no matter how slight,
sticks together when wet,
sticks to skin you bet,
count the grains in the palm
of your hand
if you lose that number,
start over, ****!
what does sand have
that we can graph,

Mar 2014 · 333
At Length
Ottar Mar 2014
there was a day, like any other day,
in a military place and military time,
where an exercise was as close to war as
Marcel Marceau speaking about pantomime,
we the engineers were to build a bridge,
there was no margin for error, the length
had to fit.
The coded message sent and the math did not
agree with the winter reconnaisance, see?
It was spring and the creek had blown back
the banks, in such a telling way that we
                                      had to say
in clear, "it's got to be long, it's got to be long"

we measure time in much the same way
what have you got to show for the time you have
been allowed, out to play,
run with that rope and when it stops,
so do you, your life is through,
birth and youth are all that sadly some get,
others have had a century and will live more, I bet,

the emPHAsis is on the wrong syllABLE,
bring not your curriculum vitae to the table,

I want to know, how many
hours in a row, have you smiled?
Found something lost or captive,
returned it or set it free,
I want to know have you ever
hugged a child and let them decide
when to let go?
I want to know have you knelt beside
a person in despair, put one hand
on their shoulder and caught every tear
that they dropped in your other hand,
and gathered them
and threw them into the sky and cried,
Why, oh Why, this one?
why not me instead...
I want to know if you have ever woke up laughing,
when you went to bed crying, or
thanked God for living when you thought you were dying,
At length, I want to know if you know how vital you are
to the rest of us, with out you we all fail the test,
that make us humanity,
that make us community
common unity

Mar 2014 · 428
You Crane, guard your neck
Ottar Mar 2014
the air falls and lifts,
contained in the wind,
there is no warmth tonight,
it reminds me...
of another time
of another place
when all the world fell and was lifted
swept up in the winds of war,
there was no warmth
but the drops both clear and opaque
a drop of time and drops of tears
drops of blood and many fears
do not look to the past,
be a student of history, lesson learned,
look to the East, for there stands
a selfish beast, pounding with clay fists
his fake chest, so armed to the teeth,
ready to spit bullets to spell P E A C E
so the orchestra plays
the piece conducted by a man, put in
charge,                                                      ­         too bad he reads the times as
                                                              ­             well as he does english,
the cast of our play
has been selected,
they all know their lines,
the music has been chosen,
the ground is still frozen
like some hearts,
and the audience who has not paid the
price of those it is about, is watching
the ochestra pit, where a verbal fight
has broken out, just the way the conductor
knew it would,
his baton beats, the air as it falls and lifts,
to contain the wind,
he smiles, as those watching hold their breath
wondering, what he will do next...

Left margin best applies, hear!
Mar 2014 · 281
Fear of Failure
Ottar Mar 2014
He blew out once
                           under the sun
emptying, and emptying
                                        the blue sky air,

from his only lung,
                               he did it again for the second time,
and paused;
then breathing in deeply,
filling, and filling,
until he could hold no more sky.

He wanted, no needed, to hold his breath for a minute, NO, two,
he wouldn't cheat, thumb and forefinger pinched his nose closed.

his mind looked at him in the mirror,
while clearly able to see his fear,

"Failure", echoed the shower head
his one eye on the clock as the seconds slipped by
he looked from mirror to the clock, and back,
with his one good eye,

while his minds eye wrote in red lipstick on the mirror,
you will fail at this too, saying "are you already a shade of blue?"

he glanced at the clock and back to the mirror, this seems to be going
a thought, really nothing to fear,

it was then the voices, started, the choir of doubt,
"remember all your other failures, just let the air out"
"you'd be a fool, to
even try this in a pool"

with that forty nine seconds had elapsed and
                                            he collapsed to the outdoor shower floor,
and the last thing he saw,
before all became black,
was his convexing reflection,
in a stainless steel pipe,
                                     the winking of his one good eye.

(west coast)
Feb 2014 · 355
The other
Ottar Feb 2014
wait for me at the gate like you used to do, my friend,
can not think of going into the city looking for you,
we had such great debates with the men of that place,
we were all so serious, brows knitted, frowns on each face,
so much time always so serious,
time has passed, now so perilous,
the days have gone dark,
faces have paled, time stand still,
have we failed, one another?
you have gone on ahead to make plans and prepare a place,
when you get back to the gate, I will be there too and
we can go on together, into the uncertain times
side by side two friends, on a life long journey, lost without
the other.

Feb 2014 · 440
Certain Tea
Ottar Feb 2014
riches? what are those,
I am the owner of the ugly toes,
gain? what is that,
I have lost twenty five pounds,
mostly fat,
peace? of mind
I have turmoil that eats at me so,
to fill that void,
I drink tea,
after a day of coffee and H2O,
so ...
join me in a intercontinental
tea break, everynight at this time,
we can be friends in the sublime
and the surreal,

Feb 2014 · 234
to be
Ottar Feb 2014
the out stretched
is not a demand,
oh but it can,
not this night,
she wants the cold
she feels to flee,
she wants to be
in between,
and know where she
longs to belong,
and to be
part of the pack.

Feb 2014 · 295
Ottar Feb 2014
daily life so pristine lived,
walked and got flecks of dirt on the shoes
rain drops on the pants,
glasses need cleaning,
seeing clearly, the
drunk against a fence leaning,
know where he has been,
by the trail of empties,
now filled with his emptiness,
he does not speak,

the words pouring around inside his head,
are too drunk to, so he shuts his mouth instead,
waiting for the sparks to fly from another's
broadside swipe to ignite the fire of anger
seething and waves, that will wash, from
taking everything
dear and near to him
far away to safety,
while strangers
are in danger,
of the bottlerocket he has become, and he won't remember,
or know how to stop,
until he is found empty,
at the bus stop,
or in the corner,
or with blood staining everything,
so that he doesn't,
know if it is his,
until he does a physical inventory, then
shards of light, poke at his eyes
every noise annoys,
his ears, and drive six inch spikes
into his head to find his pea sized sober brain,
his mouth tastes
like he ****** on work socks instead
of cigarettes,
his stomach growls with distrust as
he ended the night
fended for himself,

as he finds he is in
the same city,
the same county,
the same state,
the same country,
called Alone.

Feb 2014 · 319
The Breath
Ottar Feb 2014
Not the one you take in,
that can be greedy, but not a sin,
but the one as a natural reaction,
to giving it all away,
blowing out the air,
from your lungs,
living out your life,
all the way,
you will not stop
                             breathing that breath, the breath,
the backfill happens naturally,
you fill your lungs not by accidently,
breathing in,                                     in ha la ti on,
the breath of two people so closely,
like they were one mind,
is rare, but so is breathing,
pure air,
but as is true with each day,
handle breathing the same way,
at a
time. Deep Ex ha la ti on.

Remember if stress is on your shoulder or your shadow,
breathing is your response, breathing out is always the
best choice of the two.  For you will always, at some point breath in.
Feb 2014 · 511
Old Souls
Ottar Feb 2014
they exist
they are betwixt
and eternal,
and Gentle,

there is
a beauty
like None Other,

for each
is unique
and can be
found Ubique,

so stay with
me when
sleep wrestles
my head to
the bed
and holds
me there
till I yield,

a field fertile
with rows
rows of sleepy
potatoe eyes,

or stars that
have taken
light years
to get them
selves seen,

or just two
old souls,
you and me side
by side, by side, by side, by
holding our breath,


like dandelion clocks
blown by a breath
that bubbles to the
surface of the quiet
pool of peace from
the old soul you are.

Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Thumbs of Sonder
Ottar Feb 2014
the people where work goes on,
have their faces strapped to their computers,
while the thumbs have texting down to a science,
speed of light
a thumb in motion tends to stay a thumb,
the people where the commute takes place,
get bus(ted), and are in the sky train(ing)
for hours every year while others have car(diac)
arrests for texting while driving or is it driving while
testing the limits of the laws of physics and hand eye
coordination a  n   d    d  i  d    y   o   u   s   ee  a   s  l  o  w    
reaction ...
................... crash,
the people that live in houses and so many paths
wear out the carpet, wear out the floor, hardwood
or laminate, but their thumbs never wear out,
they just grow new ones or more thumbs,

I saw a movie once recently about the end of the
world, and there were certain people who had no
thumbs,...before the world collapsed I am sure this
became the punishment for texting and operating
a vehicle stupidly.

crossing paths, crossing lives, each has at least one cross
to bear, it is bare, but all these lives, from a look,
from a lighted window, to a parked car, a man walking his dog,
to the person you meet in transit, on foot,
do you see their eyes,
is there pain in diguise?
do you even notice
or is it just another lotus
flower in the swamp
called life
called strife,
news said it was a knife,
cutting the strands attached
to each one of us,
not the fibre we are made of
but the life we weave with
all these fibres weft and warped
make society,
but all these unmarked footsteps,
tire tracks, electonic waves, invisible,
so when you wander,
make sure you wonder,
about all the people
on all these paths
and therefore sonder
in awe, go in peace

There is a definition for sonder...happy looking, maybe you meet someone looking for the same meaning of life or the word, or maybe you won't meet them but be Googling in the seat beside you on the bus
Ottar Feb 2014
The grit under a shoe on a tile
floor, is heard, an ugly sound,
under duress, of a hardened sole,
                Or is it the soul that has no give,
     No mercy, with which to live,
Scapes of wrath, scratches on the superficial,
Eke and etch an existence, where None, stood a chance,
For None was luckier than most, and a Host of Others it
appears, in relief. None, Other can I trust, None Other do
I have.

I have failed at having None Other before me, yet I will continue, oh an this is somewhat surreal...really?
Feb 2014 · 397
this story
Ottar Feb 2014
this story has more holes in it than
can be counted on one hand, which a man
can be counted as lucky, if he has more than a right one,
this story has a beginning and an end,
climaxes many times, rather than a few,
this story is beyond genre,
this story is not out of print,
some are getting it I see the glint
in your eyes, after all this is the inter-
net, more than fishers of men
but this story is not that story,
I know an almost doctor name Lori
she would examine this story,
for change,
for content,
for the cheif complaint,
this story is old and getting older
by the seconds, and has not had any firsts yet,
this story is a more than the riddle written here,
this story will not end anytime soon,
for if it did this piece would this...

Not tellin'
Feb 2014 · 315
write downs
Ottar Feb 2014
a moment of time,
a glance, just enough light,
a thought
a breath exhanged,
                              between two,
is there reason
is this right
a doubt
a day rearranged,
                            who knew?
so close to perfection
so choose a direction
so lose yourself
so much to lose,
                          all in the passion for poetry,
add words,
out loud sounds,
go for the prose,
rhymes, found reason up above,
add movement and it becomes sublime,

don't let it end
don't make it end,
hold on, go beyond the status quo,
let go of the present state of affairs,

in debt to life,
in debted to my wife,
in *******, not free,
what is it that cages me,

the walls, I built
the stalling, the years
it is appalling, all under fear

                                              of failure.
don't be shy
give life a try,
read out loud,
to yourself or the crowd,
climb the mountainous ampitheatre,
is that fear, the smell or some other fetor,
how does a relationship resemble barbed wire?

walk in the forest, among the tall trees, the moss is
soft as you fall to your knees, humbled by what?, Child,
they will find you, you are not lost,
they will find you at all costs, you may not know
where in life you are, where you fit, what is you purpose
this is it,
write, write, write
draw ink it is the blood that pours out
taking poison with it like rain down a downspout,
you are not in the gutter
that is for the utter guise, who mock while copying
your imperfections
that make you human,
some have given you up,
some have written you off,
some have written down,
                                         but they did not expect
                                           to find such marrow in
                                             those bones,
                                               such beautiful bones,
                                                 no one owns but you,
                                                     so write down to the bones
                                                         use that marrow for ink,
                                                            ­ stand in the shadows of
                                                              ­   the giants you fear,
                                                           ­          in a voice that trembles
                                                        ­               with emotions, sound the
                                                             ­              words that roll like thunder
use words like swords and weigh them
with your muscled tongue,
and those who listen, those who read
will get your meaning...and sorrow that
they did not write with
                              passion, fire, touch, taste,
there is no down, your words are kindling
to start the pyre,
that will cremate the self you left behind.
Phoenix Rise!
To Write.

not sure where this came of the doors frome the corner of my mind I am not allowed to talk about I guess.
To real to be surreal
Feb 2014 · 322
but it starts with one
Ottar Feb 2014
watching sports
winter snow on the ground,
excitement all around,
disappointment when there
are no successes for to cheer,
on the field, in summer heat, people
of all sorts, dressed in shorts
and shoes with cleats or on the
court with nets and lines, or teams
which have personalities unto themselves
any one
but it starts with one
one glimmer
one idea
one shimmer
one hope
one heart,
one mind,
one body,
one purpose,
one aspiration
one respiration
                        of many, many, many, many, many more,
one dream
       go ahead and dream, give yourself permission
one goal,
one plan,
one step at a step at a step at a time,
one time
one fall and another and another and
get up
            keep getting up and
                      start by taking licence plate numbers of what is knocking you down,
one word of encouragement
one passion,
one cry
one exertion
one no quit, just do, no try
one race,
one training session after another until you no longer remember
how many,
one rest,
one injury
remember that part about not quitting,
                                            stop sitting, on
one couch
one bed,
unless it is just for rest,
one water,
times eight
maybe a myth to rehydrate
but no good to dehydrate,
one day and multiply and multiply and multiply
one race,
one standard,
one Olympic dream,
One place on the podium
One Gold Medal,
many people have completed
by different paths and routes
from different countries and one truth,
but even teams, that become one
start with one, individual.

Do you have a dream, that you have carried from childhood and don't go there anymore, revisit as CS Lewis said "you are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream"

Inspired by Olympians everywhere, which I have watched as long as they have been carried on TV, oh and I am not naive, but that does not stop a dream either
Ottar Feb 2014
The wind will toss its head howling and run fingers
through your uncovered, hair
              you'll discover, there will never be a pulling
but that want, won't go,
until the wind winds down to slow, bringing,
chaos somewhere else,
the whistling through the cracks in your doors and windows,
are catcalls to get you outside,
where the wind will ride you until you are out of breath,
chase the leaves, chase the wind, it will chase you and
                           always win,
but leave you unscathed for the most part unless,
your body, your vessel has cracks which it will fill
then the wind will get inside of you,
and break you down too, or leave you be,
but it is better to fight, the wind than to fight me,
for the winds give up eventually.

Feb 2014 · 438
No Place
Ottar Feb 2014
discarded belongings, don't long to be under the trees
                                                 among the dead leaves,
a suitcase, a blow up mattress wrapped in plastic
                 does sleep happen here, how domestic?
There is no place,
watch where you walk, needles and not from the cedar trees,
anything you like under the trees?,
by the babbling creek who has heard, more stories that
float among the shallow pools, until the rain tests the truth and
the lies bob and float away,
under the trees tales have been told,
that get caught in the low hanging
branches, and
the smoky clouds that are lifted with the voices,
get in amongst the cedar tree arms,
and just hang there, ghosts of the past,
dead end relationships,
drug deal, something to steal,
was that a scream?
or did the caretaker of the underbrush
have a bad dream? There is no place like
this, but it happens so often this way.

"Pumphouse, bus stop, hospital and a high school,
Tim Horton's so close that you could...walk right
there, crossing traffic being bullys on the boulevard,
Dairy Queen, rehab centres and a place that takes
...well crazies off the street, and a place that sells
flowers and plants, look at all the amenities that are
close at hand."

"Hey, roll up the rim is here, you can win twice,
can you spare enough change for a coffee mate?, here,
I 'll even show you to the head of the line, I would hold
the door open for ya' but the place is under renovation,
you know, coffee to go from the mobile restaurant"
no place to call home,
no place to live,
no place for privacy,
unless you can find a
bigger tree,
there is no place quite like this place,

see "Up the Creek with out a shopping cart" pretty much the same place
Feb 2014 · 718
Ottar Feb 2014
no controlled response
part or whole nonchalance
body's toll at the whim of this ponce
maniacs a troll named Hans

need to wake from this dream,
still sleeping while the scream
ripped from my lips, a jet stream
of profane pain in the extreme

duck pond near by, fetid pool of duck **** floating
as eyes stare inches away, drool drips from Hans gloating
as I sit with legs wrapped around a pole, body weight totally
resting on one ankle hands behind my back, pain brutally

stay upright
fall back
the punishment will not be light

...oh yeah ...pain
my only friend
this is the end
give me a pen
I'll sign the ****
blank paper and
Hans will be sure to fill it in with anything he wants
he has a hankering for my soul...
he will start
with my heart
go for the nerves
take all my verve
get my mind
in a bind
then leave me
all alone............................................................­...... miles from here
who will then
teach me
to walk
on two feet
And they called it a 3 day training exercise, relived it in a dream...36 years ago, seemed 36 hours long, the dream
Ottar Feb 2014
daredevil diving
base human conditon
adrenaline addiction
base jumping

girl in a gondola busted,
sliding door bungy corded
her face is clear her future too
nah na nah na boo boo

gondola a platform not,
camera captures his first and
only step,
it was a long one,
plummeted until he pulled the ripcord

eyes turn skyward
as the images seesaw,
his excitement
floats his boat,
while the cold air
gives lift to this dare
devil and the parchute he wears

but alas he lands, they joy ends,
once he is busted there will two
court dates, and besides he courted
reality of a trial will

Neither for nor against, I don't have a fear of heights and nor
do I own a parachute, so to me the whole idea is "baseless"
Feb 2014 · 749
Orderly Fashion
Ottar Feb 2014
Fast talkers
line the roadways,
moving at the speed of sound,
the sound of their own voices

bus riders, their lives,
time line chatted and charted,
awaiting departure, an unwilling collection,
waiting to transport theirs mouths,

moving at the speed of sound,
the sound of their own voices,

all peers, all seers,
in conversation with the invisible,
trusting the only one who has
their ear

their ears, ear ringed,
they hear the sounds
they want hear,
as they move together,
each all alone,
they move in unison,

moving at the speed of sound,
the sound of their own voices,
confident they will arrive in
on time, in an orderly fashion,
one bus, many voices,
all moving,

at the speed of sound,
the sound of their own voices

Poem within a poem, one poet inspired the other fleshed it out as he takes more bus trips then I, is that not right, NL?  And no you don't have to answer the question.  Stay where your too, till I come where your at.
as a Newfoundlander said to me often, confused?
Feb 2014 · 219
Ottar Feb 2014
Spring's gleam, sunlight
  Low horizon arc light,
    Heart beating, chasing rest
        Valentine is a day, but
                   my love
                        is all the way
                               Each day
                                 Throughout every year
                                    From the opening of eyes,
                                          The closing of eyes,
                                              The same... as,
                                                 Night follows
                                                    You to the slipstream,
                                                        Of Bubbles, Feathery Pillows, and
                                                                  Land  Softly  Now,
Half a heart, fractioned heart, fractured heart if she were not as close as she is.
Ottar Feb 2014
follow you, follow me
follow you, if you follow me
where are the days of Genesis,
days and nights
for the sounds, of your tears falling like raindrops
when is this,
going to resonate,
going to penetrate,
the dense forest of vessels around my heart,
choking out the Good, It Is
created everything,
created me apart of the very thing,
you right here,
He called Good,
Oh Lord
the echo of that one day and night and day and night
                                day and night and day and night
                                day and night and day and night,
stills rolls through space, in the dark
and it skips a beat every day of rest, the seventh, not the first
and it skips a beat it is not a test,
and it skips a beat so you can give your best,
on the first day for the rest of the days until the day of rest,
old faces singing young songs,
and even if you may not sing
and even if you may not play
                                               you are an instrument, if ever I needed
and even if you may not rhyme,
and even if you hate the sound of prose,
                                                 your life is a sonnet, font in BOLD, please, stay with me,
                                                   even when you rest in peace,
so we will laugh until we cry, knowing
because once you experience Love,
                                                     you     have seen the face of God.

Fully inspired by Phil Collins - Genesis - Follow You Follow Me, In the Air Tonight, Genesis - The Bible, The Pentateuch, Dan Fogelberg(1951 - 2007)- Same Auld Lang Syne
No many good drummers can sing and drum at the same time...not like Phil Collins, amazing percussionist  and oh forgot to mention Les Miserable
Feb 2014 · 423
broke down malice
Ottar Feb 2014
belt loops need an occupant,
pants two sizes too big,

like a shot up mig
cuffs wearing thin, see, red heels?,

bags and bags of leg space,
oh how thin, now is your face,

years younger than you looked
before, mind your limp and crooked back,

your broken down body,
has lightened the load,
here have another hot toddy,
the weather she bodes,

ill, sit close out of the wind,
had supper?, wait till we fend,
after the restaurants close,
the best chow?, well our noses

will know, no it wasn't supposed
to be like this, promised you Camelot
too bad I drank alot
then and now,

promised you cars and vacations,
now begging outside gas stations,
promise you a place, a palace,
now we get broke down malice,

my skin is not thick as the smoke
we smoke, yet they yell and swear,
give a kick or a poke, when they
find me out cold
in the cold

we need each other, for no one else
wants us, anywhere near them,
no family to take care, not that they would
we are broke
we are down
so much malice,

in a world that has everything
we need a warm place,
we need good food,
please don't treat me like a fool,
we need people to know
we weren't
this way...always

off the cuff, for the two older street people I met a couple of times
over the last three weeks, heard some conversations when they were
sober and not so sober, respect and love would be a good start, so next time you see...
Feb 2014 · 459
Ottar Feb 2014
small child crying in the street,
who is there to greet and show love,
out of the midday sun
old couple holding hands as they have
more years behind
than they do months ahead,
as the sun sets and they sit on a bench,
lonely ******* a street corner, watched
by her ****, she shivers as men in machines
race by,
just left their warm beds and wives before
the suns rise
to greet the day,
each moment,
each breath,
each sight,
each person
defines the significance,
you are.
Cheer up your not an amoeba
Ottar Feb 2014
tears in the shape of raindrops,
fell landing on the cars rooftops,
sounding like asteroid pellets,
just trying to punch through darkness,
away from the automatic
duck and run,
hail and lightening are fun,
unless there is fear,
like is found in Tornado Alley,
but we have not had a serious
storm here all winter, not that
one is needed, people don't know
how to drive in winter anymore,
let alone when, the lines are
blurred invisible smudges that
puddles and wet asphalt, hide slowly
don't blame the driver just his speed,
remember his life schedule makes his need,
to get where he is going more important,
than the lives that may get in the way.
Even in  a cross walk.
Feb 2014 · 231
Sounds Sad
Ottar Feb 2014
can you hear them, or
   do you feel them,
are they waves that wash or
are they electrical impulses,
do they change the air pressure, or
             change the way you act,
what if the next sound you heard
was the first time, ever you heard that
that of a breaking heart.
Feb 2014 · 431
Ottar Feb 2014
beauty rests, regardless
after all day, standing
plain for all to see beyond
the pain, beauty,
on the wing that flutters, as
a young child stutters with new words
awash in excitement,
beauty rests not bored,
beauty rests not lazy,
she rests so that the haze of your
world, your eyes, fades away,
so you finally see her
she is not selfish,
she is everywhere you do not see,
                when you are too busy.

Feb 2014 · 421
First and Last
Ottar Feb 2014
The sounds that tumble and pour over,
are refreshing,
until remembering they came from people's mouth's,
bus engines,
heels crunching salt crystals strewn on the sidewalk,
first sound heard, a morning alarm,
last sound heard, is of soMEone falling, asleep,
but it is all those sounds in between, combined with
what was seen,
that is an inspiration...
the first
For Friday Night

Feb 2014 · 958
Ottar Feb 2014
Electro Magnetic Pulse, thank you, no
Early Morning  Physical training, yeah, no...not since my military days
                                                            ­                                                and ways.

Early Morning Poetry
Before the suns' rise,
A spot on the edge of the
Eastern earth,
Grows brighter with delight,
Not just yet.
Sounds and letters
Are ready, waiting
Solar panels,
Hands spread, before the keys,
Recharge, with poetry read
Until the suns' Rise
Ignites the passion, the fire
In your beautiful eyes!

5:39 am Pacific

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