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296 · Jan 2017
A Little New England Town
Wispy wintry snowflakes softly settle down
on the hills-the houses-the valleys-of a little new england town    

I wish I was still there on the Footbridge
like we were so many years ago
Me and a lovely girl named Dorothy
who lives-not too far                                                      
from the place where the roses grow

If I could but hold her
in my arms
just one more time
My hopes-my dreams would all come true    
if she just once again was mine

Tonight when she goes to bed
as she pulls the curtain down
My heart will be waiting outside
her window there
in that little New England town
242 · Apr 2017
Little Green Men
They are hiding in the bushes
and everywhere
They may even be hiding in your hair

Donald Trump said they come from Mexico
to steal your job and eat all your ice cream
Little men green- is it ok if I scream?

I just saw one of them up on top of my roof
He barked at my dog
Woof! woof,woof

Then he came down and made me cry
He ate my neighbors cat-
so I ran back inside

When I wake up tomorrow
if I see him again
BEWARE! its one of Donald Trump,s

— The End —