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Aug 2013 · 610
things that fall
darling Aug 2013
the sun
and I, for you
Aug 2013 · 1.7k
Today I Have Seen
darling Aug 2013
The morning sun inaudibly arising,
Yo-yo weather, blue skies and rainclouds,
The familiar view of the long awaited landscape, evoking memories of many a week spent here before,
The warm feeling of - ‘home’
Shadows cast by clouds hovering eerily above a ‘witch’s house’, high on a mountain top,
Two hundred foot drops and winding peaks,
Dancing streams and wide lakes, the deepest shade of blue
Pedestrian cows crossing a motorway bridge,
The timelessness of the ever nearing estuary, lying in wait,
Our second home – the tin house with two doors,
Our place of wild strawberries and happiness and peace.
The estuary sand and the shallow-deep waters, as inviting as ever, gleaming as I walk on by,
The delicate beauty of fresh scented flowers, on a fine summer’s day,
Endless winding roads, following the sun trail, leading to a place far away,
Sheep on the beach, curious and shorn as the evening sun fades peacefully and the serein falls,
Evening serenity and the swell of the incoming tide,
The mystery of the island in the distance, far, far away.
Blankets and dreamscapes and tea in brown mugs,
And dinner cooked on an open fire,
The lights shining in Portmerion at night,
The noceur of the night sky, the silver-white orb, dancing gracefully amongst the stars.
Jul 2013 · 1.0k
leap into love with me
darling Jul 2013
leap into love with me and meander across the meadow,
picking flowers as we go,
frolicking amongst the grass,
waltzing in the breeze

lay down amongst the daisies with me
resting peacefully beneath the trees
drift away with me,
our vision; a summer haze

descend into the depths of the dream land with me
lets elope and wander and search for our meaning
until then lets tiptoe around
searching for our next great adventure
of trees and smokes and midnight escapades
of daisy chains and good literature
of coffee and poetry
and true

Jul 2013 · 597
darling Jul 2013
white noise
blurry eyes
empty space
then it hits
Jun 2013 · 602
sun / moon
darling Jun 2013
the moon
depends on the sunlight to allow it to shine
and even then
it isn't bright
but we see it
and it is beautiful

the sun is visible
except at night
when it allows the moon
a glimpse,
into the spotlight

what if the moon believed that she had no use
just stealing the light of others
using it to shine

but really, she does have a purpose
she reminds us that the sun
is always there
even at night
when we cannot see her,
her light being swallowed by the moon
allowing the night to shine
and preventing a sky of doom
May 2013 · 582
darling May 2013
thoughts overflowing
whirring around my brain

eyelids heavy
tiredness overcoming
i decide to save the thoughts for another day

but it isn't quite that easy
for the thoughts aren't particularly positive
and leaving them there
whirring around
simply causes more decay

i decide to face my problems
and take the key to my soul
i open up the box that has stored my emotions;
for so long

the thoughts are ever restless
yet when confronted
they shy away
"please, not now. i cannot deal with this today."
May 2013 · 1.1k
darling May 2013
self loathing
sleepless nights
slowly decomposing
a cigarette ignites

tossing and turning
restless dreams
hearts yearning
splitting at the seams

happiness wasn't her only loss
metal pressed against pale skin
glides smoothly across
lets nightmares begin

and now she is left
entirely alone
and the voices enter her mind and begin to roam
and  moan, and groan
May 2013 · 567
darling May 2013
i am like a jigsaw
made entirely of pieces
that fit together like glue
however i have lost a part of myself
i am incomplete
and my missing piece is
May 2013 · 433
darling May 2013
engulfed by sadness
drowning in my own mind
i cannot bear this madness
my thoughts are so unkind

i am lost, alone, absent and gone
finding my way through this maze
the problems upon my shoulders,
weighing a ton

battling through,
staying afloat
the words from my mouth, all untrue
they scratch as i speak them, irritating my throat

all of my burdens, i am just so done
i give up; i cannot go on
May 2013 · 607
darling May 2013
dazzling rays of moon light beam through the stained glass window
hiding behind the curtain, like a child playing hide and seek
when the crimson red curtains were suddenly torn open
they revealed a woman lying upon a soft bed

crouching beside her almost lifeless body
was a demon
waiting for her to awake

her golden ringlets fell
her head drooped
her face was pretty - angelic

velvet soft white robes draped over her body
gracefully still

imagine the eyes of this delicate angel
if anyone were to look into them
they would be lured in
like a fisherman lures in his fish

— The End —