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Darkin Mar 2016
Lightning fingertips
and my vision is gone
perhaps I'm dreaming
and a four letter word cant compare
to this nostalgia in the air
and the kisses of the sun
are so close to you my dear
It's a contact high
seeping into romantic bones
Darkin Mar 2016
Here it is again
the shadow of creation
reminding me of the difficulties of delicacy
we all hold onto time
as much as our hearts can
Life is fleeting again I'm seeing
I'm sorry my Darling
for never telling you I miss you
Friends, I'm yearning for our time
to be intertwining
I forgot again that we're dealing
with finite kinds
lives in the making
before entropy makes its breaking
why is it that it seems we're fighting
against a force that's meant for taking
finite divinity
hold me
a spark in the dark
a brief emergence built up from the heart

Life, you tease me
What is it again we came here to gain?
God are you there?
What's your aim?
Ashes to Ashes
I feel like a flame
that knows its fortune
dancing for it all to begin again
Darkin Mar 2016
When I'm alone
the noise is gone
I'm myself again
and I have a box
I'm whispering in
It's a gift for others
and I know they'll most likely hear it
in their own empty room
when they too
break apart into art
We'll touch the edges of creation
lightning arcs on hearts
Darkin Mar 2016
Things have been changing
I'm seeing new things
when I go to mp3 sea
my screens have multiplied
my appetite rectified
but I'm still a primitive mind
trying to find my kind
things have been changing
minds on overdrive
scrutiny sharpened twice
still dancing under stars

but I whisper what is life?
and balance between abject terror
and blissful surrender
but now I'm chanting between my breathing
I know nothing
I know nothing
Just a piece of a part of some kind of art
and things have been changing.
Screens and dreams
People and scenes
I suppose I'm a summation and something in between.
Darkin Mar 2016
And I've been wondering about fate
slipping through days
smoking for years
no reason to start
taking my chances

but I'm going to start
holding my heart
tipping the odds
I'll be forward
tell you what I really think
bring you to the brink with ink
I'll show you my ideas
I'll break the bonds of light
I'll show you my eternal right
Darkin Mar 2016
Time is an illusion
a mystic alluding
to eluding meanings

just as the seasons
dances with reasons
what curious recursions
curious these lines
how they tread on in time
written and read
remember what you said?
caught you from the stars
what's mine is ours
the hours go slow
and how did you sound
with the music all around
your eyes and hands
story weavers
dream makers
the humanity
the divinity
straight from the stars
and I know what you are
Darkin Mar 2016
Capture the rapture
now enraptured
to hold something larger than your palms
(now cold)
Humanity, fragility
a moment shared
we all cared
a force of nature
humankind unwinds
into an obvious moment in time
so we pattern rhyme
into lines we wind
to tell our story
of life unfolding

Darling, you have such beautiful tears
let's shed our fears
the earth and motion
Humanity's an ocean
surrender to devotion
give in to your dreams
question the way things seem
we want the world to teem with dreams

linguistic mystics permeate my statistics
alignment sans confinement
entwinement, rewind it
find a star and keep it
fill your life with
plightless kindness
take the world and redefine it
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