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Darkin Aug 2012
I thought
that it was so
My thoughts
splayed open,
wrapping fingers in hair until
the water drains
    spins in a spiral.
        green eyes.
Where are you?
In the corridors
Behind my eyes.
In my veins, sending me sensations
through veiled fabrics.
Tug, retrieve pieces of my heart
You finally said the words I needed
   I didn't say it back,
Instead, I let you share gazes,
and nothing was left behind when our souls combined.
    I was about to say it,
but...sun, heat, darkness
I retreated to the surface.
I left everything behind except the words on this page.
Darkin Jul 2012
Time unfurls
like a lotus in the hand.
Plant spirits splitting overhead.
The sky unfolds into spiraling stars.


Words in the air
Your mind in your heart
Your eyes to your soul.
Time unfurls
like a lotus in the hand.
Here you are!
Splays of color
Don't be afraid don't keep them in a bottle
Open the top, splatter a pattern.
Darkin Jul 2012
The waves hit


Crying, screaming
Then still waters.
Silent cold freezes our perceptions.
We walk on the water hand in hand.
Darkin Jul 2012
So it's Summer.
Another part of me gone. Another seed swallowed.
Blue entrancing. Green hypnotizing.

These colors are wreaking havoc on my critical reasoning.
My bleached body shakes, sun singing shivers to me.
I dye it blue and my skin crisply peels.
Open my eyes, and again Green.
Green falling in my hair and Green wind whispering.
Green hissing stories of much time and plans unfurling.

And then the Green circles.
Please, not the round pools...
I drowned. Swallowed the Green it went inside.
Absorbed me and when the darkness spread it wasn't the end.
In the abyss, deeply drowning deeply dying,
in those Green pools floating.
A flip, a blink, a twitch.
Then Blue. My circles. My reflection standing.
The current must have brought me here to safety.
In the lapse of time
when the circles eclipsed,
between the

I fell in love. Green love. Much to quickly.
When will I learn my lesson?

Washes of lashes ruffling of nails
pulling of flesh ******* the ground.

Green eyes
Bright lies.

Fingers brush lips.
Shivers whispers
Whimpers Winters

White skies
Closed eyes.

The ground heavy on my feet, I can't fly.

Green eyes.
Bright lies.

Holding another mind in my mind (I'm in love with it)
Ice glass shatters and I twist in the dark.
The potential! The potential!
Love can strike a face, so deceitful when the heart has not been heard.
I wanted our lips as mine, your fingers in my thighs,
the heart in your chest and our feet entwined.
I stuttered and froze in time.
Satisfied with keys, striking keys.
Satisfied with paper of your Green eyes.
Don't ask about the depths I tread, but please...
how do you sound?

Invited to a hunt I'm afraid of what's hunted.
In that pivot point two lovers were united
leaving me with Green eyes.
How did I dive this far down?

You must have hypnotized me.
Love at first sight is like a brisk decapitation. So stop looking at me I'm headless. I have no mouth to kiss.
Darkin Jun 2012
Circle's intentions.
Time's intentions.
Solace. Unity.
A record of movement.
How? Blood. Solidified.
Shared separation, soon to shake hands,
but in the mean time...
Stories to tell, stories told. Ears to fill in the verbose silence.
Science. Colors.
Origins and reconciliations.
And still, be still.
The rocks will whisper
Circle's intentions.
Time's intentions.
Definitely about rocks.
Darkin Jun 2012
Echoes lost, each ripple straight from the core.
Drawn for clarity, crooked fingers write sincerity.
I can't hold me inside me, what about you?
It pours through my pores, shaking me apart into light, rotation.
Differences converge.
Collapses into skin, bones, capillaries.
Dirt, rocks, trees.
Darkin Jun 2012
Drops dashing, air oscillating.
Eyes, averted.
The continual game, hide and seek with a sacred caress.
Eyes, reflecting.
Feedback, at that spot near god.
Close to the center, and with mouths shut, god pushes away.
Tell me, do you know? Do you know?
All this chatter with very little chatter about the chatter.
Sure we are conscious.
Direct your blood, count the beats, and soon, very soon.
We will be conscious of being conscious and flicker with the wavering kiss thrown to space that landed on god's lips.
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