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Darkin Jan 2017
and it's like waking from a dream again and again
sometimes thunder sometimes water
and a flicker a whisper
caught between the states
liminal memory
time and my person
twisted and spread onto
flickering forms
neurons dancing in
absolution contempt bliss disgust
feeling like it's feeling
but it's just a spiral, a dance
something akin to noodles
or light
or noodles and light
Darkin Jan 2017
Our hearts are only pieces of the ocean
waiting for the turn of the tide
the wave that brings the vision
of pieces put together
when the stars and the trees and the ocean
are together in one tapestry
our hands are waiting to grasp eternity
our tears are waiting to flow freely
this entire time our breath is
grasping for another dip into reality
inevitably connected to all things seen
evermore pieces in motion
sometimes falling into place in wondrous formations
even as it falls apart only halfway woven
Darkin Jan 2017
Sometimes it strikes me
the beautiful things have such fragility
the dog's ear perking up
clouds close to the mountain
pulses keeping our eyes open
Darkin Jan 2017
Let the water freeze
step aside for a sec
there's something in us yet
waiting for the right time
time to break
time to make
time to gain direction
Darkin Jan 2017
What story do I want in my life?
The American Dream, and I'm sitting here paralyzed
Kingdoms unfolding in front of me
All these visions and schemes
What's my right? What's my right?
With all my ineptitude and inadequacy
sloth and fear my ambitions inhibited
but I'm having infinite visions
sometimes it's clear in my mind
sometimes it's clear in my mind

unfolding pages glued from my past desires
something done brings flutters to my chest
I've been dazed my darling, such a haze
The nights are long and the flowers are in their own sleep
The sun saw me for a moment or two
spinning with a view, I touched a river too.
The nights are getting longer
Another page turned, craving absolution
Less cigarettes, but only one more drawing
When I wake from my slumber
Everything seems so vulnerable
Matter matters, that's what's the matter
Darkin Jan 2017
All these people surrounding me
sometimes you don't see them again you see
There's something precious in a soft gaze
A thousand worlds in a mind I find
the questions subtle, mutable
where is your voice from?
Familiar words, familiar faces
Ideas thought once to be mine I find in your mind
Do thoughts spread near or far?
Darkin Jan 2017
This will not be another century
of ancient doctrines thrown about
empty smiles, not to worry it's been answered long ago
maybe even pleased at blood stained pages
this is the next impression
messages to save the children's children
no more beautiful blood for the shedding
stars are still in the making
in a galaxy we're spinning
soon you will see
our dominion is life not death
and I wonder how you can take a breath
merely to fuel entropy
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