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Nameless One Aug 2013
Afraid to go to sleep
'cause the thoughts will creep up
through the windows,
past the curtains
through the walls,
wrap themselves around me,
pin me to the bed
devouring what's left of sanity
Nameless One Jul 2013
Why did you block me
in real life?
Why have I changed
my privacy settings for you in the first place?
You could delete me aswell,
you don't even have to click.

And I'll deactivate my feelings for you.

Nameless One Jun 2013
I need a purpose,
an epic tale!
I’m not a princess.
I’m a swordsman,
a mercenary,
my last breath given in a fight
where all is done for higher cause
no matter the pain,
the danger and loss.

I refuse to just live it through
and be put to rest.
I need a purpose,
an epic quest!
Nameless One May 2013
I don't drink because I like it,
I'm just giving CPR to my dreams.

Love means just being an idiot.

Friends come and go.
People die.

Work. Earn money. Keep on running
because you choose to exist.

Create art. - ***** your feelings.
That's good.

Who knows if there is God.
What comes after death?

Follow the rules.
Be unhappy. - You're living the life correctly.

I don't drink because I like it.
I'm just giving CPR to my dreams.

— The End —