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557 · Sep 2010
I Wait
Dark Paradox Sep 2010
Slowly I awaken and reach for you
Finding only the pillow you left behind.
Pulling it close I take in a breathe
And smell the scent that is uniquely your kind.

Dreamily I remember the night before
And snuggle the pillow closer to my heart.
The love we share is something rare.
It has grown from the very start.

I close my eyes and dream of you
Gone out into the world.
While I laze about in our bed alone
And wait for you to come home.

Some would say that you spoil me,
But they don’t know all of our tale.
The years we have spent together
Struggling, we weathered each gale.

Now is our time to enjoy one another,
To laugh and love and to play.
Our job as parents is done and now
We act like young lovers every day.

Our dues have been paid
Our hard times are over and done.
I wait in our bed for you, sleepy and sated,
I wait for you. Come, let’s be one.
9/14/2010  Peggy Montgomery
For my Love
556 · Aug 2010
Autumn Returns
Dark Paradox Aug 2010
There is a hint in the sunlight,
It is not as harsh as it was a few weeks ago.
Now it seems kinder, softer, and not as bright.

You can taste it in the air.
Warm, lazy days are still here,
But at night, just a taste of coolness is there.

Green leaves and grass still flourish on trees and ground.
Every now and then a soft breeze blows and you can see
Yellow and gold, hidden yet, but ready to astound.

School bells ring and children rush to learn.
Warm days and cooling nights bring a smile.
My favorite time of year; Autumn is on the return.
8/31/2010  Peggy Montgomery
527 · Sep 2010
I Remember
Dark Paradox Sep 2010
I Remember:
Thinking I was watching a horror movie,
This couldn’t be happening, not here, not now.
I Remember:
Reaching up to find tears on my face
Calling my husband to ask him if this was real,
And his awful answer; “Yes.”
I Remember:
Staring at the television all day long,
Not daring to leave, afraid to move, so afraid.
Watching those planes fly into the buildings over and over again.
I Remember:
The eerie silence that night as no planes were flying.
The fear I felt as we heard a fighter jet fly low over our house.
I asked my husband, “Is it ours?  Is it ours?”
His arms tightening around me.
His answer.
“I hope so.”
I Remember and I Will Never Forget!
9/10/2010  Peggy Montgomery
509 · Jan 2011
Dark Paradox Jan 2011
Gray skies, gray slush,
Cold gray day outside.
Wraps me in a gray cocoon of pain
Wishing it would all go away.

Feeling like the eye of a thunderstorm
Chilly to the bone
Waiting to get warm
Counting the seconds between the lightning strikes of pain.

If it were possible to be in the flames, I would be,
Still the chill clings because it comes from within.
Bones ache and muscles scream,
No one hears but me.

Tears seem to find their way down my face
I am not aware I am crying.
The pain and loneliness just squeeze them out of me
Like an overly wrung sponge

If I mention it to you
There is always that silent eye roll and sigh
Before the question, “Can I get you anything?”
Just some of your time, only time.

There is nothing you can do
But a warm, gentle hug would sure feel nice.
But in my gray world, it is asking too much
To feel warm arms around me.

Retreat is sounded in my head
Nowhere to go but back to my bed.
There I won’t be seen as a constant reminder.
Of whom I’ve become; this cold, gray cocoon of pain.
484 · Jan 2011
Dark Paradox Jan 2011
She awakens to an empty room
Alone.  He left hours ago.
Her children grown with lives of their own
Her days spent alone.
Young enough to still be able to work,
But that choice taken from her.
Friends promises to stay in touch
Fallen by the wayside.
She understands but feels so alone.
He comes home late in the evening
Makes a half hearted effort at conversation
Then takes out his phone.
She is still alone.
She lays next to him in their bed, listening to him sleep
Crying silent tears and has never felt lonelier in her life.
474 · Jan 2011
Times Gifts
Dark Paradox Jan 2011
The cool touch of time skims over my face.
Another year looks back in its place,
Tiny wrinkles begin at my eyes and my brow,
Signs of times passage. No escape will allow.
My babes are all grown. Men with their own families now.
Grandchildren come and go on their way,
Filling our lives with joy and laughter each day.
Time may be leaving its mark behind
But what gifts it has brought to this life of mine.
A love so true I am amazed by this gift.
My children safe and happy, what more could I wish?
So while I see wrinkles mar my once smooth, perfect skin.
I wouldn’t trade a moment of the time that I’ve been given.
473 · Aug 2010
Dark Paradox Aug 2010
I see the moon rise in your eyes,
Your fingers, fire on my skin.
My breathing echoes your soft sighs:
You are my addiction.

We move from this world to our own,
where it’s just you and me.
Our souls entwined, we are alone:
You are my fantasy.

With skills honed over years of loving,
you take me to ecstasy.
This sensual dance is only for two:
You are my destiny.

I see only you and the love in your heart.
My soul slips back into me so fast.
I feel the pleasures that you bring:
And know you were my past.

My Husband, my Lover, my Darling, my Heart.
The years flow and together form a picture.
Our loving, our lives, our bodies, and minds.
Together;  You are my future.

— The End —