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Aug 2010 · 1.4k
One Night
Dark Paradox Aug 2010
My soul is hot with need.
My body aches with the fire.
Your kiss of passion pours into me and feeds the flames of love.

Your fingers leave trails of hot coals down my skin
And with loves most intimate kiss, you bring me,
Screaming as the waves cool my fevered body.

I taste me on your lips as we are one.  The world dissolves away
And for moments it is only you and me,
One heart beating, one body moving,
One breath,
One soul.

You look into my eyes and Eros’ arrow finds his mark
Quick, painful pleasure released,
And again, we are two.

Two hearts pounding,
Sweat pouring,
Heat released,
The fire dampened, passion waning.

Sleep comes.  
A murmured word of love.

Sweet release.
Aug 2010 · 473
Dark Paradox Aug 2010
I see the moon rise in your eyes,
Your fingers, fire on my skin.
My breathing echoes your soft sighs:
You are my addiction.

We move from this world to our own,
where it’s just you and me.
Our souls entwined, we are alone:
You are my fantasy.

With skills honed over years of loving,
you take me to ecstasy.
This sensual dance is only for two:
You are my destiny.

I see only you and the love in your heart.
My soul slips back into me so fast.
I feel the pleasures that you bring:
And know you were my past.

My Husband, my Lover, my Darling, my Heart.
The years flow and together form a picture.
Our loving, our lives, our bodies, and minds.
Together;  You are my future.
Aug 2010 · 815
The Boys of Summer
Dark Paradox Aug 2010
Hair in a pony tail, ball cap on.
Wearin’ my team colors, ready to rock on.
Husband agitated cause I’m makin’ him wait.
Hey, gotta have my face on, I gotta look great!
Finally at the ballpark, game already rockin’.
Peanut shells crunchin’ quickly walkin’.
“Excuse me, Pardon me”.  Finally to our seats.
Hot dog and a beer.  This is hard to beat.
Into the first inning and our team at the plate.
Ooh, it’s my favorite player and he is lookin’ great!
Strike one.  Ball one.  Strike two and then,
A crack as wood meets leather and that ball is gone forever.
As one, the crowd roars and on our feet we stand and grin,
We watch our hero round the bases and bring that first run in.
Back and forth the score goes; it’s the bottom of the ninth inning.
Two outs already, bases loaded, our last chance at winning.
Crowd silent, on our feet as my hero takes his stance.
Only down by one, we know this is his chance.
They’ve brought the “closer” in, the one with all the skills.
He’s throwin’ heat, he’s throwin’ low, he’s going for the ****.
A nasty strike zooms o’er the plate and a collective gasp is heard.
My guy steps back, deep breath in, and not a single word.
Ball one is what the next pitch is and the crowd begins to whisper,
My batter glares toward the mound, “That all you got there, Mister?”
The pitcher shakes off two signals from the catcher,
Checks the runners on the bases, winds up the widow maker.
Like lightning that ball leaves his hand, and with a mighty swing,
He hits the best grand slam homerun that we have ever seen.
Our team has won, the crowd goes wild, the stadium is rockin’!
Our boys are roundin’ those bases and not a one of them is walkin’!
Hand slappin’ our seat mates and huggin on each other.
A long night of baseball ended.  Don’t you just love those boys of summer?

Copyright, 9/8/09 Peggy Montgomery
I am an avid Colorado Rockies Fan....
Aug 2010 · 583
The Color of Pain
Dark Paradox Aug 2010
He has come for me again.
A date for which I am never ready.
Dressed in his garb of gray, with
Slashes of red and purple showing through.
Colors so bright, I shield my eyes.
If I am brave enough to look directly at him,
I see black surrounding his form.

It is not a pleasant date.
He takes much pleasure in my pain.
His colors seem to brighten as my moans intensify.
The gray stays constant.  
Foggy, cemetery gray, that chills me to the bone.
His presence makes me bury my head
And long to be alone.

The color of pain may be different for each person,
For me, this is what I see.
Gray and black, with flashes of red and purple.
Until, at last, the narcotic god loosens pain’s hold on me,
And he is left to find another victim to torment.
Until next time I am weary and unguarded.

He will return for another date and
Envelop me in his cold, gray arms of agony,
And kiss me with his red lips of searing, hot pain,
Leaving behind the purple marks of his touch.
Each visit, his blackness grows just a little more.
When will it be that Black will be all I see?
Aug 2010 · 3.8k
The Cyclone
Dark Paradox Aug 2010
Mind and body numb
Disbelief growing by leaps and bounds.
Everything I held dear gone overnight,
All because of jealousy.

There is no dealing with a jealous mind,
No hearing the truth with a jealous ear.
No other emotion is so destructive on earth
So subtle, but destroys from within.

Even when the accuser is guilty of the same,
A jealous eye cannot see.
Abuse heaped upon abuse is thrown
Until all is whirled in a heart wrenching cyclone of words.

Laid waste is my heart, my soul and my mind.
Destroyed is my love, my life and the us we had.
My objections not heard, my tears leave you unmoved.
The cyclone has taken another.
written 7/2010
Aug 2010 · 681
The Final Curtain
Dark Paradox Aug 2010
Talking loud, making my head hurt.
Does that make the words any more truthful?
Your view of things so askew from mine.
Are we finally at the point of no return?

Apathy, anger, disbelief, and slight pain.
These are the emotions that flit over me.
Anger seems to be taking the fore front,
I feel the beginning of the slow burn.

Years spent with you gone in a moment.
Thrown away over your own pride.
Accused of things that are not defendable.
Useless to argue; unheard. That I did learn.

Not supportive, too controlling, just like your mother.
Words hurled like daggers, trying to hurt.
Some are laughable, some hit their mark,
You, you, you coming through like a chant.

Accused of being almighty and manipulative,
Accused of being hateful and full of spite.
If I am such a person as this,
Our marriage is doomed, it won’t last. It can’t.

How you stood me for so many years?
A terrible creature such as me?
The names you have called me must be fitting.
They cross your lips more and more now.

The things I accomplished belittled so, now.
The tears choked back fiercely.
I won’t give in to them, no way, no how.

So as this final curtain descends
I will come and take my final bow.
It was a good life, a good marriage, up until today,
When craziness entered our lives and took you away.
Peggy Montgomery  5-2010
Aug 2010 · 1.2k
Dark Paradox Aug 2010
Frustration, aggravation, confusion, and irritation.
I don’t understand why you make me feel this way.
Do you try to irritate, to aggravate?
Do you frustrate and confuse to amuse you?
Games that you play are getting in the way.
We could be so good, but the games that you play…
Make me want to get as far away as I can from you.
Always underfoot, always within hearing, I cannot understand
Why you think this is so endearing.
You need to stop and think about what you are killing.
It is a chance at a great romance, but you would rather play your games.
Go away, Little Man, until you can understand.
Perhaps then there will be room for you, but don’t expect me to wait.
I can find someone else who won’t frustrate, aggravate, confuse, or irritate.
Peggy Montgomery  8-2010

— The End —