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2.0k · Oct 2013
The Strange One (Oiseau)
For The Strange One,

Who can see the clouds in perfect formation,
Who move in waves of vibration...

They are the mystics at moonlight,
The tear-stained darkest night,
The waxing moon Vs. first sun-light.

we are the ones

They are the ones who's secrets you’ll die to keep,
deep inside, while others sleep.

They are the originals: darkened-minds, but genuine in love; true & kind.
They can strike you with a smirk and glance.
Or, fool you with a silly dance.
They will lure you with the birdsong's that they sing.
Or creep into your sleep,
To plant infinite kisses to seed through-out your dream.

Wide Awake You/Realize Her Mysteries Will Take You/
To A Whole New View

We swim for you, Oiseau
through the sound waves you drew

Sails Beckoning…
A Whole New Sea
In Me.

Yearning For You, My Oiseau
And The Sound Waves Needed To Lead Me Safely To:

A Light-House Of Love,
Discovered Beyond The Mist & Trees.

A Place For We;
Upon Land & Sea.

Shinning On, Ever-Lasting, Eternally

…My love, I've come to finally fly away with thee.

Love Always,
Your Siren Lost @ Sea

Written By:
Danyle McGuire
Inspired By:
Strange affinities/dreams
990 · Jul 2013
trickling drip-drops of foot prints echoing along-side the ocean shore...

i can feel you here.
                      can you, see --me?

the ocean screams at me in waves of you,
from the future; a vision comes to me...
soaked up in white and deeply saturated in orange fire-light.

can you, feel --me?
                        I see you.

bright ash of memories fade to dusty skies,
her presence memorialized now, by a thousand grain of sand's flowing down the half-moon, rolling on forever, knowing...

i am nowhere, without you.
830 · Apr 2013
Beauty In Ruins
once a house, now, just colorful crumbles collapsed beside a clear crystal creek
                                     sifting gazes through a broken past,
                                                           ­ only a red door remains, untouched;
                                    a lonely threshold,
                          pining to be explored,
          longing to be unlocked,
     and begging to be o p e n e d,
if not, for the first time ever,
then, if only, for the last...

But, where's this skeleton key,
I dare ask?
820 · Mar 2013
♋Link Unknown♋
Forever searching for my link unknown,

searching my life away,

Forever searching for my home,

searching so far away...

nobody tends to love anymore,

all they do is obey...

Signs of hope & love eons above,

but all they wish to be are slaves.

A love like this can never dim,

and, will never fade away…

it's the reason the link exists

for True Love to find its way...

so, every night I’ll lay beside the man whose warmth I share,

dreaming a life of un-lonely nights in the arms of my link

I’ll kiss you in my sleep, where we’ll dance
upon the shadows of every nights dreams...

You are the hope that holds me as I weep,

you are the notes I carry as we sing...

We are the whole of two lost souls:

we are the truth in dreams.

— The End —