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Dec 2014 · 860
Friday the 13th
Lonely soul Dec 2014
The woman was crying with fear
He has come her time is near
Feeling the warmth of her salty tear
Shouting you shall die here

His trembling voice, became louder and deeper
For he is the one and only grim reaper
Her time is short his presence awaits
They say that life depends on ones fates

But this woman is apparently to late
She has waited till the age of 88
To be saved from the evil hell gates
She has not yet been saved from birth date

He laughs in her face
Swallows her up in place
But who could say that was cruel and mean
Hey, it's Friday the 13th.
Dec 2014 · 422
Father of.....who's?
Lonely soul Dec 2014
How could you let your family down
How could you just let our voices drown
Underneath all your distractions
Above all our situations

Your my father, my idol, my hero
But now your just a big fat zero
You let moms heart shatter and break
You drove into her heart an old wooden stake

I don't think I can ever look at you the same
Because you are now in the hall of shame
Wait till your son hears about this big bad mess
Imagine how much more he'll think of you less

But it's whatever, go ahead and tear us apart
Just to let you know, we're strong by heart
So throw whatever you got at us.
But just remember, there's a door
Leave your keys, don't think we don't love you anymore
Grab your ticket cause here comes the bus.
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Love is VOODOO
Lonely soul Dec 2014
Why do I let such little things get in my way
Can't I just live my life as if it's okay
I go through this struggle almost every single day
I wish, I wish, I could just have a bae
So he can help the pain roll away
But I know that is never to happen for I am here to stay

I just want someone to say I love you too
And they say it back with the same love I do
And I know that wish is never to Come true
Now here is what I must say to you
True love may seem true but it's clearly VOODOO

— The End —