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danny Oct 2016
"hey just wondering but why did your dad unfriend me on facebook?"
i mean he never even called me your girlfriend even after over a year but at this point i am not sure if that counts for anything

"um excuse me but i am triggered by your tweets about your girlfriend"
mainly because they are just recycled versions of things you used to say about me

"but yeah ok that's fine!!!"
hope she tucks you in at night and remembers that you never texted "i love you" to me and that you only posted six pictures of me on instagram during our whole relationship but really who's counting??

"**** the both of you honestly"
thanks for sending your bff to like this tweet because we all know that none of us are ready for the long overdue confrontation that is obsolete

"is it raining where you are?"
i hope it never stops ******* raining wherever you are
actual poetry written between real tweets i have posted because feelings are dumb and everything is dumb
danny Oct 2016
thanks for letting me borrow your netflix account so that i had something to do with my hours of you not calling me

i just think it's kind of funny how you were capable of spending so much money on tattoos yet you were unable to afford the train home to see me
i'm not one to harp on cliches about your lack of commitment to me but really how the **** did you rationalize that?
we're coming up on the year mark of that phone call that sent me back to therapy and into my mothers arms and it's quite honestly always been all your fault
danny Oct 2016
hey, tell me again about your dead brother
and how falling in love with you should never have been an option on this multiple choice test that was our "relationship"
i killed the chia pet you got me for christmas
and now i can't stop watering the dead plants that are starting to fill my house because i have never once been capable of keeping anything good in my life
danny Sep 2016
broken mirrors neckties garter belts thigh highs *** drunk in love soft shirts tye dyed sheets polaroids constellations philadelphia uber dinosaur statues keurigs red lights short skirts twitter parking spaces tattoos ***  trains train stations train tracks grey hair modern baseball coffee mugs mason jars museums
danny Sep 2016
he called me less and less and less and less until i couldn't remember the sound of static over the phone
2. my bed stretched bigger and bigger until i swear my whole house was just space that he wasn't in anymore and meanwhile he was looking for someone else to take up the lonely space between his sheets
3. "abandonment issues" had become more of a personality trait than i anticipated
4. people began tip-toeing around me, like i was glass on the edge of a coffee table teasing the world with the possibility of my shards cutting everyone and everything around me
5. i stopped singing while washing the dishes
6. i stopped running while crossing the street
7. my future was no longer a glowing exit sign on a highway off ramp and instead became the vastness that is inside my own head
8. i started remembering who i was before him and now that i'm in the aftermath of the natural disaster that was "us", i have the realization every day that i deserved more

i deserved so much ******* better
danny Sep 2016
"my heart is the vacant lot at the end of your street that is full of garbage and broken glass" and other cliches that people should stop writing about
what is my capacity of my ability to love?
is it possible that i was so full of it that now i am my own metaphorical sinkhole?
danny Sep 2016
talking about forgetting each other and assigning half-lifes to our memories as if they were radioactive in hopes that they'll disintegrate like the hazardous materials they have always been
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