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Daniel Zell Oct 2017
Because I could not stop for Love —
She quickly passed me by —
Our Silent Ships sailed past the other’s
Fated Trajectory.

Looking back I saw — Her Bright Light
Blazed with secret Flame —
A now far flung feeling shrinking
Into inky blue...
Inspired by Emily Dickinson’s poem “Because I Could Not Stop For Death”
Daniel Zell Oct 2017
Up and Down! Rough love!
An Impossible Dream lives
To make me sore. Ouch!
Daniel Zell Oct 2017
now everybody knows but you.
I could shout myself from the rooftops,
still you would not hear me.
in his infinite jesting,
he stuffs your ears with cotton *****.
Daniel Zell Oct 2017
Christ and i
            aren't that different

we both died
                were killed
     for who we loved

but i am my own
       pilate and
       people and
Daniel Zell Oct 2017
the moon hides
      behind the sheet
                    of night clouds

                    it shines
      brightly. a massive
            secret that
                       at points
            penetrates its rays
                    softly like
whispers. from earth, you
         catch its quiet notes
                   on your fair and
     lovely self

                                                the moon and
                                        me. silent behind
                                our clouded heart --
                                but our light is
Daniel Zell Oct 2017
If I could eat this moment
It would sustain me forever
On this Electric Air
I could fly until dawn.

How much does the universe cost?
I have enough currency
In this feeling to buy you
All that exists — now and then.

But I know —
It escapes me now —
The feeling might last for a second
But it will
It will be dry for a moment
Until I find another to
Fill me forever —
Daniel Zell Oct 2017
do you steal glances too?
i thief them now and then
but i hide my crime behind the turn of my head
so if you are as guilty as i
i can't tell
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