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Sep 2014 · 450
the blood drips from the grip on my arm
the noises
the voices
the unseen feeling of terror
this is my hell from which there is no escape
Sep 2014 · 294
the last
they have taken me to my end
i have no more left
im all out of steam
i seek the place where there are no tears
a place with no pain
a place where happiness abounds
i am going on an adventure to find this place of joy
please dont worry for ill be okay
i will be free, i will be me
maybe ill see you there one day
until that day remember me fondly
the few times of joy we shared
the love we have
for when i said five-ever i meant five-ever
im so sorry i failed
Sep 2014 · 310
another day
another day, another hell
the torment continues
the torture begins anew
the night brings death
the day brings a new start
for the demons to have their fun
my heart, my mind
thats their playground
i yearn for peace
i seek the day when when death is all they leave
Sep 2014 · 313
wish i was
im not superman 
but i wish i was 

i wish i could be youre everuthing like he is 
i wish i could make you hapoy like he does 
i wish i could make you smile like he does 
i wish we had songs 
i wish we had memories 
i wish so many things 

im not superman 
but i wish i was
Sep 2014 · 300
will i ever be okay
will i ever find peace
will i ever find me again
i am trapped in my own mind
i am tourtured
i am tormented
day after day i hope for peace
but it never comes
it may never come
until then i am an empty shell of what used to be happiness and joy
Sep 2014 · 287
my hero
the thoughts, the pain, when will it stop

when will i be good enough to bring that smile i long to see

the thoughts are more like demons dancing in my mind

i wish it would end, i wish it would cease

will my hero come and wipe the tears away

will i have a hero to share music and tattoos with

wishes are nice but never come true

so for me its my demons and i
Sep 2014 · 286
the dreams they haunt me
my failures they taunt me
each night i die a little more
until the day i no longer wake
Sep 2014 · 307
who will hear my cries

who will make the suffering stop

will anyone come and wipe the tears away

how i long for peace

i dream that one day the light will break through

but alas for now i am alone

my self and my demons
Sep 2014 · 267
"good" night
days go by, they seem to be okay

force a smile dont show the pain

night comes along with the darkness

the voices seem so true

so convincing, the things they say

tears are comfort

they only way to fall asleep
Sep 2014 · 606
im surrounded by its embrace

like a wave rushing over me

try as i might to escape, its grasp is too strong

there is no light here, there hasnt for a while

myself and the darkness is all that is left
Sep 2014 · 889
"not good enough" the voice says
"you have failed" he taunts
every time a reminder

"you cannot run, the darkness will always find you"
the voice is right
Sep 2014 · 222
the thoughts are dark
they seem to overtake my mind
taking me to a place id rather not be
stealing my joy and leaving pain
when will it end
when will i be me again

— The End —