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who will hear my cries

who will make the suffering stop

will anyone come and wipe the tears away

how i long for peace

i dream that one day the light will break through

but alas for now i am alone

my self and my demons
days go by, they seem to be okay

force a smile dont show the pain

night comes along with the darkness

the voices seem so true

so convincing, the things they say

tears are comfort

they only way to fall asleep
im surrounded by its embrace

like a wave rushing over me

try as i might to escape, its grasp is too strong

there is no light here, there hasnt for a while

myself and the darkness is all that is left
"not good enough" the voice says
"you have failed" he taunts
every time a reminder

"you cannot run, the darkness will always find you"
the voice is right
the thoughts are dark
they seem to overtake my mind
taking me to a place id rather not be
stealing my joy and leaving pain
when will it end
when will i be me again
just for a moment
darling, I beg you
don't move
don't speak
don't laugh
don't feel
don't ****

just for a moment
darling, look at me
stare at me a lil longer
wouldn't it be good this way
with less people to impress

just for a moment
darling, you and me

— The End —