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713 · Aug 2014
Daugter of a Death Eater
Daughter of Death Eaters
By Gemini Lestrange

My name is Gemini,
I am the daughter of a death eater,
And another one,
I grew up only being told that pure-bloods were better,
And that muggle-borns should die.

But I was never given a reason why,

It was always, we are superior
We are better,
We are greater,
We are grander,
I could on with adjectives that they used.

I always would ask why,

I never knew my parents,
They are locked up and the key was thrown away,
When I was young,
I was told the tales of their brilliance,
But I would ask them

How could they be brilliant if what they did got them put in Azkaban?

I was cursed for that,
Because being a child of a death eater,
Isn’t all sunshine and daisies,
We are curse if we dare question our parent’s beliefs
The beliefs that are imprinted on our heads,
From the moment we can start to understand.

It’s all we ever knew.
And then when we turn eleven,
And get sent off to a school,
Where all the things we are told to hate are there,
And when people tells us are beliefs are wrong,
How are we meant to respond?

I’m not saying we are right,
Because we are not,
But choice do we have, but to keep telling our self’s,
That are parents were right,
Because the ones who could help us turn us away,
They give us no choice,
But to go down the path of darkness,
To join the people we despise,

You say it’s our fault,
That we could have chosen differently,
But you don’t understand,
How you made us believe that was our only choice.
I am the daughter of a death eater,
And I will not go down that path.
This was written for a fanfiction, I am writing about Bellatrix Lestrange's daughter Gemini.

— The End —