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750 · Dec 2013
The pain of letting go.
Danielle Dec 2013
Lately I feel like nothing is important. Nothing makes sense anymore. Maybe it's because I lost something, a part of me. You were always here for me when I felt like this but even you left. Why did you leave? You told me it was because you had no longer feelings for me, you didn't love me anymore. You told me I wasn't good enough and that you doubted every feeling, every spark you ever felt for me. But if that is the truth why did you put up with it? Why bother? Do you like to see how I'm drowning in my misery?

It's is making me so angry. I can feel the anger inside of me at this point I'm even scaring myself. Can't everything just go back to how it used to be?

Somehow you are still the first thing that comes up in my mind. I miss you every day, the feeling does not go away. I'm afraid it's going to last forever. I can't forget you. I keep fantasizing how you walk into my room and tell me that everything is alright, everything is better than it ever was. We can get back together again and love will never define itself so good. But then I get smacked in my face by reality because you're not here and you don't love me anymore.

What happens when we let go? Where is the memory going? I've been thinking about this for such a long time. I figured if I hold on to the thought of you, you will stay with me, only in my memory but maybe that's how it's supposed to be. Just because I'm no longer with you doesn't mean I will forget you. But once you give in there is no way back, I'm not sure if I'm willing to take that risk. I'm not sure if I want to let go.

You will always be with me in my memory and I will carry you in my heart, even though you broke it.
547 · Dec 2013
The devil in my heart.
Danielle Dec 2013
Behind the wings of an angel, the wings of a devil appear.
Now we are all left with the fear of our hopes.
Everything is lost, no change of turning back right now.
Who will wake me up from this nightmare where I've been suffering from?

Some things aren't meant to be.

I wanna see it burn in your eyes for the last time.
We all have our imperfections but yours hit me in the depths of my desire.
So many things I will never understand but everything seemed so real without you.

I've got an angel on my shoulder but a devil in my head.
Don't look down it's time for payback.
I wanna see you drown in your misery.
I wanna see you choke upon my words.
I wanna see you're hurt for all that you have done to me.
Danielle Dec 2013
It's my own fault.
I always knew it was but I kept denying it.
Which is normal I think because who likes to admit that something bad was their fault but denying it doesn't make it less true.
I guess I just looked for an excuse or someone to blame, someone else.
No one wants to face their mistakes but everyone wants to fix each other.
I still don't understand why people put so much effort in fixing the broken even if they succeed it's going to hell anyway.
So I close my eyes, save a little prayer and hope when I wake up I can start over again.
321 · Dec 2013
For we are slowly fading
Danielle Dec 2013
What does the government and destruction have no more room to give.
Trying to hold on to my humanity.
We are told we have to conform.
They will never change who we are, deep down our souls burning with fire.

Who will save us from ourselves deeper and deeper in depression black shadows, closing and trying to hold on to our humanity.

Squeezing the life out of the people, constantly pushing you down, down to the depths of no return.
Slowly we are disappearing.
No one sees us anymore, silent we move amongst you.

You don't know who we are but we keep screaming.
Put us in a plane going nowhere maybe nowhere is right here.

— The End —