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Daniel McDougall Sep 2016
I love, therefore I hurt.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
And at 2am the world
looks a little different.
It is a magical time
where good plans go
bad and bad plans go
good and you can look
around you and not a single
thing will move. It is at
that exact time you feel
like you are all there is.
No other people, no
animals, not a thing.
It is you and the big world.
Such a magical feeling
can surely only be coupled
with a sense of incredible
loneliness, but if you can't
just sit with yourself at 2am
and not feel empty, then
what can you do?

Daniel McDougall Dec 2013
You can tell me who you are.
Well you can try.
Though that isn't who you are.
I don't want to know that.
I don't want to know 3pm you.
I want to know 3am you.
I want to know how your mind works.
I want to see it.
I want to see you.
Your secrets.
Your desires.
Your fears.
I want to see you at 3am.
When there are no walls.
Let me tear them down.
Let me in.
I love you.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2015
Smoke's dancing into the lungs that blacken what we call us. The lie blurs what she knows and her violin smile doesn't play now. This is not right, but nothing can be damaging when time holds no relevance.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
It's okay to let the heartbreak consume you. Be on the verge of insanity with the range of emotions you are feeling. Be unapologetically irrational, frustrated, irate, and utterly intolerable. But after all that, after you've hit the bottom of yourself and you're too exhausted to hurt anymore, pick yourself up and keep moving.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2015
Give away attachment in favour of happiness. Attachment to her. Attachment to him. Attachment to things. Attachment to hope, dreams and beliefs. Attachment makes you heavy. Attachment drains you. It holds you just tight enough to let you see the world, but not explore it.

Daniel McDougall May 2014
I think people forget.
I think people don't understand.
Look at the word beautiful.
Look at it.
Sound it out.
You are beautiful.
You are full of beauty.
Remember that.

Daniel McDougall Feb 2016
The **** crumbled between my fingers, only slightly more durable than myself. I've missed entire parts of my life because I was busy trying to escape it.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2016
Blossoming into life with a love so fierce that not even the winter could **** your vibe. Shining through clouds of anguish to temporarily bring warmth to others is the way you've played the game. A warm hug and a smile are your type of handshake. You're precious and spectacular and that's more than I or anyone in this world deserves from you, yet you freely give us yourself at the cost of you. If the world's core was made of your heart maybe the wrong parts of the world would start feeling a little more right.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
And in a flash of blinding happiness
you turned my "will  I  ever  find  love"
into "she's  a  gift  from  above".
You came into my life
the same way fires rip through forests,
with great power and force.
You turned my doubts into beliefs
and my fears into hopes.
You showed me a side of life
that I didn't understand.
You held my heart. You held my hand.
You pulled me up from darkness
and showed me light
like I had never seen before.
But once you showed me it,
you turned the light off.
You took it away.
You had shown another the light
and they took it from you and now
you're scared that I will do the same.

And in a flash of blinding sadness
you turned my "you're  my  one  and  only"
into  "I'm  so  lonely".
You stole from me something
I never truly had. Now your smile
and laugh are scratched into the walls
of my brain as horrible memories
and it's only late at night
that I can let these memories crush me.
You turned from "she  is  the  one  I  want  to  kiss"
to "she  is  the  one  I  truly  miss".

Daniel McDougall Dec 2015
She's a loaded gun. Her eyes dance with the devil as they avoid mine. Smoke caught in my throat, my tongue down hers. Give me this tonight, but not forever. Give me this tonight, but not forever.

Daniel McDougall Mar 2014
Maybe I'm not perfect, but that's okay.
Maybe I never will be, but that's okay.
Maybe I overthink, but that's okay.
Maybe I get nervous, but that's okay.
Maybe I get jealous, but that's okay.
Maybe I care too much, but that's okay.
Maybe I try too hard, but that's okay.
Maybe I stress too much, but that's okay.

Maybe it's okay because you love me.

Daniel McDougall Jan 2016
You give me that what are you doing here? I barely know your name. You cosmos of confusion, you paradox on parade. You ring on for eternity, with your warm chord strummed, in the name of spontaneous adventures and fun.  

Daniel McDougall Sep 2016
Grinding, sweaty, throw yourself in to the abyss of their body. Let the bed swallow you both whole as your desires stain the sheets. Cover them in your essence even just for one night, but be careful who you choose.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
If we actually got control of our lives the way we all profess we want to, we would be eternally bored. Dance the chaotic dance of life and ride the ride while you can. There will be bad days, but there will be bliss. Let go of wanting to control it, lean into the discomfort and let the unfortunate surprises become your fondest memories. A life without the full spectrum of emotions isn't much of a life at all.

Daniel McDougall Jun 2016
Fill the cracks of others with love instead of trying to pry them open enough to find out what caused the cracks to begin with.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
His days are wasted,
for he isn't even conscious.
Sleep dominates his life,
because it's better than this

He is lost in his mind,
and sometimes late at night,
he opens his drawer of dreams
and hopes to reach them

But he is wasting his days,
sleeping through the best of them,
because he is afraid
they might be the worst of them

My friend slept until about lunch time today. Get up mate!
Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
Few things in the world feel as lonely as when the person you used to consider as home becomes all but a complete stranger. Find your bearings and keep stumbling forward because the pain won't stop just because they've said sorry.

Daniel McDougall Jun 2016
Soft breaths and restless mumbles to my right have become the soundtrack to my nights. The only time you're more vulnerable is when you're choosing to love me every day, but that's okay because every day I choose you too.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
**** expectations. Whatever you want to do, do it. Your age, gender, ****** preference, race, and beliefs shouldn't affect the path society lets you carve. Do it because you want to, not because society, or even those around you, want you to. They won't be there at the end of the day. You will.

Daniel McDougall Nov 2015
Drugs are the realest of falsehoods when reality isn't where you want to be.

Daniel McDougall Nov 2015
May your intense hunger for adventure always triumph over your crippling fear of failure.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2015
She cascaded into me with the feeling of does this change things? With the curiosity of maybe the castles we built were meant to last. Her lips collided into what will become familiar.

Daniel McDougall Dec 2015
You ask questions like the answer could change your life. You shuffle your feet and tip toe across the part of me that doesn't want to be alone anymore. Be the foreign feeling I long for and your maybe I shouldn't will become who wouldn't?

Daniel McDougall Dec 2013
I radiate the being I am not
And not only that, but I break and snap as I do so.
The room spins so many nights in a row, but for what?
Escaping a reality that I created.
Running from truths that I spoke.
Becoming the lie you're yet to be told.
I radiate the being I am not
And not only that, but I break and snap as I do so.

Daniel McDougall Mar 2014
And I guess I'd just rather feel every bone in my body break ten times over than watch you leave.

Daniel McDougall Nov 2016
I fell in to you recklessly and without a thought of what the repercussions would be if you refused to catch me.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
I won't beg you to stay or try to convince you why you should care. I won't sing and dance for you the way others might. If you want me, I am yours completely. If you don't, I'll be yours from a distance.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
Lost in a dance of confusion. We live the only way we know how. We hold on to some too tightly, while we let all others drown.

Daniel McDougall Dec 2015
Fold yourself into my arms and let your restless thoughts desolve to the sound of my heartbeat. Brought together by chance; staying together by choice. Your depths are unending in a world that's so shallow. I never knew home could be found in a stranger.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2014
You're spectacular, darling.
That's all there is.

For those who forget
Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
They exploded into your life like a hurricane. Let them disrupt every inch of you while you find the eye of storm.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
Emerse yourself in the life you want. Spend time doing the things that make you sit back, look at your life, and exclaim I ******* love this ****. It's just not worth it otherwise.

Daniel McDougall Feb 2014
I toss and turn at night. Not out of discomfort, nor out of sadness. I lay awake thinking of her. I think of the way her tongue sits between her teeth after we kiss. I think of how looking into her eyes is one of easiest things I've ever done. I think of how being around her brings me the same comfort one's own bed does. I think of how our bodies are entangled and traced by the other. I think of her laugh. I think of her smile. I lay awake thinking of a girl who I hope thinks of me as much as I think of her.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
How are we ever meant to figure out who we are when there is no consistency in our values? You're a different person at home than you are at work and different again at school. How are you meant to be you when you keeps changing?

Daniel McDougall Oct 2015
She scared me because she was going to shine whether I was there or not. She knew she didn't need anyone else for her to have a brilliant life, so she started building one on her own.

Daniel McDougall Aug 2015
Stop looking for inspiration in your Facebook feeds. Stop looking for inspiration in the words of the media. Stop looking for inspiration in places it doesn't exist. Look for inspiration in books. Look for inspiration in nature. Look for inspiration in music. Look for inspiration in yourself.

Daniel McDougall Dec 2013
Tell me your secrets
and I'll spill my soul
across that thing you call a brain.
I promise.  

Tell me truths
and I'll spill my life
across that thing you call a heart.
I promise.

But tell me you love me
and I'll spill everything I am
across that thing you call you.
I promise.

There is no point crying over a spilt self.
Daniel McDougall Oct 2013
The whiskey tickles my tongue
as I think of you and where
you are, but then again
I dont really care

I dont think I will ever care
because I think I always
loved the thought of you more
than I ever actually loved you

But there is another now
whom I adore from head to toe.
One day you will look back
and realise you were wrong

One day you will see me smile
and realise it isn't for you.
That is when your world will crash
just like mine had so many times

Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
I tried to carve how I felt about you out of my heart for hours before I remembered you had stolen it. I tried to erase every memory I had of you from my mind before I remembered you had chiseled your name into the walls of my brain. I tried to scrub my skin of you before I remembered you live in every pore. I tried.

Daniel McDougall Feb 2014
Sometimes I wish I could read her mind, because a lot of the time she can't tell me herself. Sometimes I wish I could see the future, because a lot of the time I imagine her in it. Sometimes I wish she would never leave, because a lot of the time I miss her. Sometimes I wish she was truly mine, because a lot of the time she's all I want.

Daniel McDougall May 2014
I could describe to you in great detail the way her brow furrows when she thinks I'm making fun of her, or the way she places her unbearably cold feet in between mine to warm up. I could tell you how the tone in her voice changes ever so slightly when she tells me she loves me and really means it, or maybe the way she tells me every time without fail, "this feels nice" when I run my fingers through her hair. I could explain to you the way it feels to have her head rested on my chest, or how the the sensation of her skin on mine raises my heart rate by twenty. I could tell you all of these things, but maybe it wouldn't matter much to you. However, these are the small moments in my day that I hope never end.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
Being inbetween a rock and a hard place isn't a problem. It's an opportunity and it's called life.

Daniel McDougall Nov 2016
Undeniably spontaneous in the splashes she makes in this word. Skipping herself across life feels easy when home doesn't have a postcode and everyone she meets is a friend.

Daniel McDougall Mar 2014
Run your fingers along my skin
and make me feel alive.
No one else does it like you.
I swear.

I hope you know
I'm not joking
when I say
that I love you, darling.

Because the face is capable
of over a thousand different expressions.

And I know every single one of yours.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2015
I never believed in marriage. I figured that a ring and a piece of paper could never demonstrate the true depth of what loving another being with nothing less than everything you can possibly give them is. Nothing ever really can except people themselves.

Daniel McDougall Oct 2015
The problem with having so many conflicting thoughts is not that they exist, but that we do not give ourselves the time nor the area for them to take stage. You can't expect your mind to calm by repeating the same steps that caused it to be so loud to begin with.

Daniel McDougall Sep 2015
Climb the mountain that is your life. Don't fret if you're not where you want to be. You're at a peak, not the peak.

Daniel McDougall Nov 2013
And if I'm mankind, then you're the ocean. It's true. I've only discovered 5% of you. Only you know what destructive creatures are swimming in the depths of yourself and I'm yet to see. Everything in me wants to know, though. I want to know your ins and outs. I want to know your every ****** expression, every mood, every twitch, every scent. I want to feel you cover my skin as I dive into the unknown. I want to understand you. And I know you don't even understand yourself, but can anyone really? Maybe we all need an outsider. Maybe we all need to be explored. Maybe we are all waiting to unlock the ninety-five missing percent.

To the girl who wishes she had a different brain, I think it's perfect.
Daniel McDougall Jul 2016
Put your overzealous emotions away for the night because the undergrowth of the city is shifting beneath us. Dance out of your skin, child. Kiss someone you don't know.

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