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Apr 2014 · 376
Note to a friend
Daniel lopez Apr 2014
I love that you seam to see the world as though you are looking through a child's eyes. The simple things that captivate you show me just how much I've forgotten.
It's not a poem so what
Apr 2014 · 384
Note to the one I love
Daniel lopez Apr 2014
You're one or two steps past being a crush, a few steps in front of being my girlfriend, a couple steps behind being my best friend, but you're on the exact step that signifies you being my one and only.
Ok it's not really a poem but I thought it was worth shareing.
Nov 2012 · 398
My Race
Daniel lopez Nov 2012
My race is different than yours
Mine means so much more
I can feel my body, its pounding
Its practically bounding
I take a breath, its time to test
Nov 2012 · 552
Something i gave up on
Daniel lopez Nov 2012
I stand there, ready for anyone
Clearing my mind of everything, that isn't you
I know what to do and how I do it
I look at you and gain focus
I see my enemies, they surround me
I feel my body it's pounding
Through the shark infested waters
The pressure’s on, and I know well,
To fall behind will be farewell

Breakout just before the attack
Don't breathe before it

I will win in this pool
And I will win on the board
Feb 2012 · 545
just want to hold you
Daniel lopez Feb 2012
don't you know that i could be the one to hold you cant you see im stretching but your just out of reach i was yours to hold i cant go on without knowing why you i cant hold you
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
Her beauty
Daniel lopez Jan 2012
Her beauty is unseen
Her beauty is  felt
Her beauty is not mean
Her beauty is her being herself
True beauty is bare
True beauty within you
Her beauty is always there even if she can't see it
Her Beauty can't be covered with makeup
Her beauty has no flaws
For her beauty is all that matters to me
Dec 2011 · 942
The Body
Daniel lopez Dec 2011
This swimmer's body is tan and definite ,It is forged in the waters of determination ,it is as tan as it is discipline, But the swimmer's soul is a thing to possesses, His soul is naked as his breast, Remembers not its east and west, As it is put to the test...
Dec 2011 · 1.1k
My Goals
Daniel lopez Dec 2011
My Goals
They are what make me me
They are what I live for
They are my motivation
They are what make me grow.

Against all odds I aim
I keep my eyes on the prize
Against all odds
My focus remains untarnished.

With it in view
No words can express my desire
To keep getting better
For all my goals
Rest on me

To stand on  the step
Like the champion
And win the Right
Because im the record breaker
Dec 2011 · 1.1k
The Stress
Daniel lopez Dec 2011
The stress is getting inside
Caving in the walls of my mind.
There’s no place for me to hide
The stress has me in a bind.

But I’m not giving in
I feel the resistance within!
Even if this is a battle I can’t win,
The stress will not make me give in.
I am going to fight
Despite my overwhelming fright
Even if this is a battle I can’t win,
The stress will not make me give in

Though the pressure is hurting within…

The stress is getting inside
Growing strong as time goes by.
There’s no reason to run and hide
I won’t refuse to try (and win this fight) .

Even if this is a war I can’t win,
I refuse to give in.

Though the pressure is hurting within…
Dec 2011 · 590
Daniel lopez Dec 2011
water is my escape
from my problems,
from my responsibilities,
from my list of things to do.
Swimming sends me to my own world
away from my life.
Feeling the rush of the water
Flowing by my face as I swim
across the lanes
only turning my head from time to time
When I am swimming
all fears, all mistakes disappear
into the depths of the pool
While visions of my future
of where I want to be
Of who I want to be
rush into my mind
until I have to leave
the pool is a fortress
for my thoughts of the past and future
Within seconds of getting out
reality snaps back.
until I hear the goggles snap
And I go swimming again
Dec 2011 · 597
Notice Me
Daniel lopez Dec 2011
If only she could notice me
Being calm around her I cannot be
Not only do I fall for her beauty
She is everything I long for a
Smart, Intelligent, kool personality
I know that we can never be
cause she does not feel for me
what I feel for her
Maybe, just maybe I can find the key
The key, to unlock the courage inside me
But only if I could get her to see
The nice gentleman I can be
But no, she could never notice me
I know that can never be
cause she does not feel for me
what I feel for her
And so I sit unknowingly
One day
Dec 2011 · 579
Only in Sleep
Daniel lopez Dec 2011
only in sleep
shall we make love
only in sleep
shall I caress your body
only in sleep
shall this love have
only in sleep
shall two become one
only in sleep
shall this passion be
only in sleep
can it be true

after this sleep
one takes the mask again
dresses up for the
coming hours
well poised and respected
one meets lies with lies
quick as a sparrow
meek as a dove
but foxy still
with your smiles
Dec 2011 · 813
Caged in Text
Daniel lopez Dec 2011
You had the best intentions
But you caged me in text and the jailer was your insecurity
Every minute of the day you kept me in my desperate state I lashed out trying to find a escape but my rebuttal was to drastic and I ended our embrace and left my self empty so I told my self I can't reach that far ,you can't change her mind because its impossible
Dec 2011 · 409
Double Edged
Daniel lopez Dec 2011
come back ,come back to me tonight
Come back so we won't struggle in life fight

I new the words were coming ,but i couldn't stop them
Now I wish I had just ate them and kept them away from you
under my shroud and shadow i kept myself away from you
I wish you could see that you where droning me unintentionally

This is for you
Don't you know that I could be the one to hold you
I'm stretching but your just out of reach
I was yours to hold
i can't go on without you knowing y
Dec 2011 · 430
Daniel lopez Dec 2011
Life is changing
Everything seems a dream
But I can't help but realize that I'm empty on the inside
I can't ask you to come back but your always on my mind

I can't believe its over
I wish I could hear your voice tonight
I can't help but feel its not the end for you and I

I remember standing by your side asking myself do we have to end this night
I hope your always as happy as I was by your side
Maybe its not the end for you and I

I believe time is going to come for me and you so don't say anything if I'm not going to hear your voice tonight
Dec 2011 · 501
Was I Blinded
Daniel lopez Dec 2011
The passion that we conveyed
Seemed to always make my day
As we lay there, in arms
Your mind, your body where all I needed !

With you by my side I knew I could never be empty
That was what I believed
I came to find out that I was wrong
Turns out our intimacy would be our undoing

But I don’t blame you one bit
But when I think of you, I begin to have a fit
The anger stirs up inside
And it’s getting very hard to hide
The fact that I miss having you by my side

Although part of me is happy that were done
But the other part isn’t so strong
Even though they both think that something was wrong ,they both know something felt so right
For me
Now that I can see
Was i blinded by lust or love
I don't know which is which is
Could I trust lust
Should I trust lust
Because I lay here empty

— The End —