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Apr 2014 · 229
What is a poem?
It's personal.

Welcome to hello poetry
Apr 2014 · 234
It's back
They put a knife into my back
But they can't take my pride, no they can't take my pride
They came and took all that I have
But they forgot my soul, I still have my soul
I have to find something to occupy my mind
I've thought through the list of hate
My list of hate

Is back

Apr 2014 · 237
You don't know what it's like to be me
Walking around in ***** history
You seem too alarmed now
Like something's holding you back
I know what you are
You are... You are....

You're better than that.

I think about you all of the time
But I'm so glad that you're no longer mine
We had a good run
Those times were so great
But all of that sweet love

Eventually turned into hate

Now I'm sinking, or am I dreaming?
Life doesn't come with a handbook.

There is a presence
What is this presence?
Trying hold my hand through the rain.
Feb 2014 · 307
The Way I See It
I've been viewing life from the corner of the room that's packed full of drunk, ridiculous people.
What do I think? I don't think poorly of them, or look down on anyone. I find them interesting and more fun to watch than interact with.
What do they think?  I don't really care.
There's a weird comfort in knowing that I am going to be on my own for the rest of my life, so I try not to get too attached to other humans.
There's a weird discomfort in wondering if I'll ever be able to closely connect with somebody ever again.
It's interesting to see all of these close friends, long-time relationship, and unbreakable bonds between humans.
I believe I've felt it before, but now it's weird.

I built a brick wall last summer. It keeps all of the emotions out.

— The End —