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Jun 2016 · 470
Daniel Jacha Jun 2016
I chose to squeeze the lemons into life's eyes
sue me
but lemonade is never all that satisfying
until you see the ******* screaming on the floor tugging at his hair as the chemicals
sting his eyes
bringing a whole new dimension of pain
that is the definition of satisfaction
because if life throws a wall at you
spraypaint mene mene tekel upharsin
your days are numbered and so is your rule
i will not be subject to your cruelty any longer.
Jun 2016 · 321
Daniel Jacha Jun 2016
is this how it feels like
to be stranded on a desert island
marooned by your feelings
and yet in that far distance you can see it
the glow of happiness
slowly bring consumed by the darkness of the sadness around you
and when you finally decide to smile
life throws a brick wall to your face
a brick wall that says you will never be good enough
you don't deserve to smile
you are insignificant
Feb 2016 · 712
Daniel Jacha Feb 2016
The fight against the color of my skin never stopped
Neither did the prejudice,blame,seperation and hate
And here I am suffering the yoke because my skin has more melanin
and here i am trying to make amends
burying the hatchet that is reddened by my blood
because you dug it right into my back

is my brown/olive skin such an abomination to you?
so much that you want to ban me from your territory
if history has taught us anything is that colour doesnt matter
but i guess in your minds the reason why you commit crimes is because of me
Am I that different that you persecute me

You are the first developed but you are the most primitive
How ******* ironic.
Feb 2016 · 1.3k
Daniel Jacha Feb 2016
I hear voices in my head
Screaming,shouting,giving me advice
I answer out loud
Imaginary friends like you are always there
I could never let you go
Because you are the insanity that keeps me sane
You are the clarity in my blindness
You protect me when their words hurt
The rest doesn't matter coz you are always there
You are the voice in my mind
Disembodied yet wise than those with bodies
You may not have a mind of your own but we can share mine
Because voices with bodies shred lives
Voices with minds are blind
Blind to the suffering of others
Blind to see the other side
Blind o everyone else but themselves.
Jan 2016 · 229
Daniel Jacha Jan 2016
A collection of specialized cells working together in perfect harmony.
Fearfully and wonderfully made.
But why are you so insecure?
Is it because their words burn?
Scald your soul till you are nothing but a shell?
Is it because their words are knives,
Sharpened by the truth that exposes your weaker side?
Even if they cover your skin with bruises,
They have no power over you

Let me tell you who you are,
even in the worst times,
even in the dark times,
even if the worlds collide,
You are the the epitome of perfection
you are the beauty behind all chaos
never mind their words.

Your idiosyncrasies make you who you are
they make you unique
they make you,you
and no matter what they tell you I will always appreciate you
Jan 2016 · 646
Daniel Jacha Jan 2016
I'm just here waiting for you to come back
But I'm tired
Tired because I know that even in my highest hallucination
Even in my wildest dreams
You will never come back.
But I catch myself
Dreaming that you will come back
Deliriously hoping that you will be here with me
That we will be on the same wavelength
Thinking the same things but I know
I know I'm lying to myself
I'm just delirious
Oct 2015 · 449
Daniel Jacha Oct 2015
I know its been a week
But my heart was weak
I could not speak
I could only cry
Cry for the land of the Aztec
Cry for you mexico

Never forget that you are in my prayers
Never forget that you are always in my heart
We may be worlds apart but we are on one earth
Africa, South America ,we are of one heart
We will strengthen each other
We will inspire hope,
We will be the ones to show that recovery and improvement is possible
We shall stand above  the world and it shall acknowledge us
Because we are survivors
Oct 2015 · 341
Daniel Jacha Oct 2015
Here I am,fidgeting
Moving about before this feeling overwhelms me
Shuffling my feet,
Shaking my head,
Arms in akimbo,
Just because I am tired

I'm tired of running
Tired of all the lies,the hate,the deception
Tired of hiding from attack,
Running from war,
Crying at loss,
Maybe its human nature but all it makes me, is uncomfortable

Like standing at attention for 45 minutes
Like lying on a bed of nails,
like Goldilocks on Papa Bears bed,
Like the princess and the pea,
Like trying so hard only to fail,
I am uncomfortable.
Oct 2015 · 212
What happened
Daniel Jacha Oct 2015
What happened to you,
You were so sweet,
so caring,
innocence was your first name,
all that changed.
So again let me ask,
What happened to you man?

Is it the teenage effect?
We can get past it we can rise above the ashes
We can freely use cliches like we are survivors,
or we are phoenixes about to be reborn.
Just stop being the person you are now,
and come back to me,my arms are wide open.

Don't worry about what people say
Words are just vocal manipulation mixed with air after all.
Words don't define you or who you are
They don't foretell your gains and your losses
You are the only one capable of defining who you are
And that is the only thing that matters.

— The End —