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Daniel Dritto Mar 2012
Hear her words she who swims in the silvery light.
The night seeps in with a beckoning grin
forcing out the darkness within which burst into
flame of desire which grows higher.
In this darkened flame nothing tame is the same.
The cards are dealt with with a deafening welt.
When it is felt a man can't withstand the torrent at hand.
Like sand in a wound makes one howl at the moon.
With a grinning retort my thoughts deviate from their
unnatural sort all is not for naught.
543 · Mar 2012
The Path
Daniel Dritto Mar 2012
A ripple in a pond at summers end.
A road before me of which I see no apparent end.
I walk this path not knowing what this adventure hath in store.
The road it beckons to me saying come follow me for a while though you cannot see me before you with mundane eyes.
It implores to me to look with closed eyes through my mind to follow the path now unveiled before me. Though I know it wont be an easy journey I stroll on. In my mind I think and hope one day in some way that maybe some day the path I see before me may show to me a life of gratitude and peace.
Though this path may be vast, and full of trials through the vast and many miles I stroll I endure on forward forward to the journeys end.
Through the trials set before me I hope as I may that maybe some day in some way shed some light upon the world.
Light of golden hue in which nature's beauty shall unfurl to shine true.
As a beacon to the few and true whom a voice from within beckons to them to follow their path.
475 · Mar 2012
Daniel Dritto Mar 2012
The autumn wind blows and in everything it shows.
The leaves on the trees fall in the breeze as if they were dancing.
This dance puts me in a trance that lures me to dance.
The storm that stems from the autumn wind that spins and turns in the autumn moonlight.
A raven stirs from it's roost into the starry sky.
Oh how I wish I could fly to see the autumn day in a birds way, to see the trees sway in the breeze would put me at ease to fly amongst the autumn breeze.
456 · Mar 2012
Daniel Dritto Mar 2012
I feel her breath upon my neck, my heart aches with loneliness.
I long to feel her caress which I must confess is when I feel the safest and can rest.
But my heart has yet to be found in the vast world.
I hear the sound of my soul wanting to soar but it fears the pain of another long hard fall.
I know not whether I can weather another fall.
For if I fall again my spirit will rise again colder than sin.
My heart will then never thaw from that icy fall.

— The End —