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Jan 2016 · 545
8th Grade-I'll be there
Daniel Commini Jan 2016
Take away
All of the pain
Don't let my eyes
lead astray;
To the path
That has no way
Or no other option
Where the pain
Will never soften

Where is the path
That leads the way?
Where is the path
That makes my day?

All I see is
Dust and sand;
With no sign
Of a helping hand

All around me
There is love and lust;
Not knowing which'll be
Hit or bust

Where is the path
That leads the way?
Where is the path
That makes my day?

All I see is
A forgotten land
With me as
The only helping hand

I stand alone
And forgotten;
Watching my leaves
Turn to rotten

There is no sign
Over the hill;
Its being held
Against its will

Where is the path
That leads the way?
Where is the path
That makes my day?

Then there is
A sudden change;
It feels so good
And yet so strange

There is a light
From the sun
The start of change
Has begun

My heart begins
to quickly pound
I start to listen
For new sounds

I find my path
Is a person;
One that is
A different woman

Her own laugh
Makes the sun shine
Her own self
Blows my mind
All I wish
Is for her to be mine

Whenever you are hurt
Or are in pain
I'll be there
To make it go away

You are the sun
I am your star
And I'll be there to help you
Wherever you are

If you cry
If you fear
I'll be there
To have a listening ear
And I'll turn that fear
Into mear
Happiness that always will be
Even more sincere

I will help you
Learn to rise
Straight from the Earth
And up in the skies

Whenever you need me
I'll be there
And I promise not to break
That single pair,
That will never fade away
Or turn into a tear
Cuz you'll always know
I'll be there
Jan 2016 · 677
9th Grade wolf poem
Daniel Commini Jan 2016
A wolf in the night
Hunts its prey
Every night
And every day

Tonight it hunts
With its sharp fangs
A limping lamb
Who runs astray

The wolf followed quickly
Not making a sound
Hiding in the grass
So as not to be found

Then the wolf stopped
At the sound of a snap;
And it felt its leg
Stuck in a trap

The sound of the snap
Entered the lambs ear;
Then it went cold
Filled with fear

The wolf looked up
To see the lamb flee;
But the lamb soon fumbles
Into a tree

The wolf dashed
Without delay
This was its chance
To **** its prey

When the lambs head
Reached its peak
The wolf bit it off
On the lamb's final bleat

The wolf eats the lamb
Down to the bone;
Then the wolf leaves
To hunt alone
Jan 2016 · 308
Daniel Commini Jan 2016
Theres so much wrong
And your so confused
Just tryin to figure out
What to do

Theres so much *******
And so many lies
Your just so tired
Of all the fight

Your just ready
For it to be over with;
Your losin control
Of the mind that they're screwin with

Your not sure of
What to do
Your just so worried
And confused
But all you need to do is..
Keep on fightinnnn

When theres so much *******
And life gets hard
Just remember
Who you are

Don't look back
And don't go down
Just keep fighting
And stand your ground

Through all your struggles
And all your pain
You'll grow stronger
And you will gain
Everything that you've been hoping for....
And morrrreeeee.
Jan 2016 · 250
Daniel Commini Jan 2016
When we were young,
we had fun,
chasin the other as much as we could.
Then we grew up,
and everything started to change.
I switched schools,
and you started to date.
i missed you
more than the sky turns blue.
i thought about you
day and night,
wonderin if id ever get the chance again
to fight for the one i liked.
then i saw your name
on a facebook page
and i couldnt help
but not click away
thats when things
changed for the better
i talked to you
and my heart did a twitter
*** now i have another chance.
Jan 2016 · 741
Daniel Commini Jan 2016
There once was a time
Where you could drive
Over anything
At anytime

Then stood 5 guys
With their trucks
And all they had to do
Was run over the most bucks

As the race started
All the trucks farted.
Then they drove
Right into the grove
Yelling "Hillbilly Killtime!"

It was all wierd
Yet crazy fun
Until a guy drove
Right into dung

And there he was
A sitting duck
Stuck in his truck
With nothin but some beer

So while he sat
In his truck
That was stuck.
He drunk his beer
While he can watch and hear
His brother chasing a deer,
Eventually doin a cartwheel.
But then his truck
Did a twirlie
So he died
Without a feeling

The guy in his truck
Watched his brother die,
Without a deer
He took another sip of beer!

Then he watched his friend Liger
Getting chased by a tiger
Eventually getting eaten.

Then came Steven,
The quiet one,
Who died quickly
By a lion

Then there was Bill
Who just got killed
By blowin up his truck
Doin a dunk

Last came Jerry,
As light as a fairy,
Who got his **** kicked and killed
By a deer named Berry.

Back to the guy
Stuck in his truck.
He just found out
What saved his buck.
It was the thing that got him stuck.

Who could think
A piece of stink
Just saved your ****?

Then he found out
That his truck
Didn't get stuck
On a piece of crap.
He actually landed
On the railroad tracks!

He heard the choo-choo
And knew he was *******.
The beer was gone,
So that left one thing to do.
So then he pulled out

Then he died.
Jan 2016 · 476
Daniel Commini Jan 2016
There was once a rapper
Who talked about a truck
Said it was
A piece of junk
The hillbilly heard this
And got in his truck
Then ran the rapper over
Like he was a duck
Then he went in reverse
And the rappers parts diversed.
When they thought the rapper was dead,
They just kept
Running him over
Jan 2016 · 1.8k
Daniel Commini Jan 2016
Theres this girl who can always make me smile
She always knows just how to make my day so bright
She makes me Oh so happy
And I don’t think I’da of made it without her

She’s just so amazing
Like Oh my wow,
And I just love her so much
How she does it I don’t know how
But she’s always there to make my day
Always there to tell me it’ll all be ok
She’s just so amazing with that pretty face
And those pretty eyes
I just want to make her happy
And sit back at night staring at fireflies
With her in my arms
Holding each ot-ther
Watching the sky
Wanting for-ever
Never wanting to ev-ver let go
To ev-er let go
To nevvverrr
Let go

— The End —