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2.3k · Nov 2011
Innocent Youth
Daniel Bauer Nov 2011
The world is full of hatred and spite,
It may come as a surprise
Oh innocent youth,
But allow me to reprise,
The world is full of hatred and spite.

Oh innocent youth,

Change it, we must,
In the way we see fit.
Take charge of the reigns,
And demolish the parts
causing the most pain.

Ignorance and Arrogance
Are the Gods of the day,
Lack of wanting or caring
For the power of knowledge,
Content to be slaves,
Lost in their ways.

Oh tainted youth,

How far will this path take us?
Destroying our home, our friendships, our lives,
Our bodies, our minds, our dreams,
Crushed and broken,
Until nothing is left,
Nothing except subservient beings.

Oh enraged youth,

How do we change the events
set into motion,
Call me a radical but I have such a notion.
Seek knowledge, peace,
Love, and understanding.

In these virtues you will find
The mind’s true elation,
Then, and only then,
Will you break free
From the grip of preoccupation.

Oh enlightened youth,

When and how will our voices be heard?
Whenever it is, we break ranks from the herd.

It will require us all,
Brothers, sisters, blacks, and whites,
No group left uncalled,
For fear that upon deaf ears
our efforts should fall,

Oh empowered youth,

With these tools we must fashion,
Our revolution of choice,
With chests out and heads high,
We will make sure they hear,
Our unified voice.

For without the power of us,
There will be no change,
But the power of us
Is a force to reckon,
Yet we must keep our path straight,
And let it not derange.

Oh complacent youth,

I fear that change should not come,
Soon enough, or yet at all,
Unless we stand tall, and call,
For those in their hall,
To Bring Down their Wall.

When we treat all equal,
With love and respect,
We will have won.
But what do you expect?

Oh innocent youth,

This will not happen, it cannot happen,
The world is filled with Hatred and Spite,
And I fear we will gaze eternally,
At our cause, fading,
Into that great twilight.
2.1k · Jan 2013
The Real World
Daniel Bauer Jan 2013
Where do I land, in the cogs and gears?
I observe all around me, a machine,
turning, churning, grind, pop.
The tenacity of the hive-mind.

My presence could go forgotten
if it weren't for my pathetic attempts,
to connect,
to plug-in,
to that vast unconsciousness.

We are all caught in this "world",
This world of dog doesn't get to ******* eat at all.
They say, "Welcome to the real world."
This is the real world as surely as our fertilizers make the ground fertile.
And as surely as our "freedom fighters" fight for freedom.
No, this is not the real world,
and it never should be.

This is our false reality.

We are not who we are meant to be.

The Mother beckons us home.

These cogs and these gears,
they are not for me,
and they are not for you.

I do not land in these cogs,
I would not land in these cogs,
I could not land in these cogs,
I should not land in these cogs,
I will not let you land in these cogs my fellow being of glorious stewardship, charged with the protection of this great planet and its balance for all who were and ever will be.
880 · Nov 2011
Live it.
Daniel Bauer Nov 2011
If you want to walk,
If you want to swim,
If you want to breath,
If you like,
If you hate,
If you want to leave,
Walk out the door.
If you want to,

This life is full of chances,
and unless you grab them by the collar,
you gain nothing.
Focus on the possible, not the impossible.
Take a life lesson from physics,
even the improbable,
have a possibilty.

Do not allow yourself to be stifled,
London said, “The function of man is to live, not exist”.
Everything gives an opportunity to learn,
so take it all in.

Look for the moments,
cherish them when they arrive,
and cling to them with such ferocity,
you are worried you left grooves in the stone.
Hopefully, you did.

Leave your mark,
others will leave theirs.

No one ever succeeded without first trying.
So don’t say no,
or accept no,
because it and its followers,
aren’t worth your time.

Unlike the pickers in the orchards,
forsaking the twisted apples,
take every opportunity given to you.
You will be one of the privileged few,
to know the sweetness of the twisted apples.

Do not become complacent,
and do not seek sedation,
lest you be tranquilized,
into a grand mediocre existence.

We don’t have much time,
Why waste a single fleeting moment of it?

When you become contented,
Run away.
Get as far away as you can,
And embrace the discomfort.

Life is now,
not then,
not later,
but now.
Live it.
844 · Nov 2011
The Astral Summons
Daniel Bauer Nov 2011
How does one feel when they glimpse
the pure night sky?

And yet,
For we see only half, of the whole truth.

What stars?
I have seen the stars,
This is not their irradiant glory,
This is a poor semblance,
A portrayal of our Ignorance.

We cannot see
The stars,
By our own hands we have blinded ourselves,
From the single-most
Ego-diminishing experience,
And it shows.

Constantly busying ourselves,
we fail to make time to gaze skyward and
When you look at the sky, you are
Forced to question.

Those who do not look,
Do not question,
Those who do not question,
And those who accept,
are blind.

And dumb.

Led here,
Led there,
From pasture to pasture.

Fed ideas like they’re kibble,
And the dogs are hungry.

It’s a dangerous thing,
to gaze up,
There is always the chance
Of choking
On your own existence.
How will we awaken the masses
From their eternal slumber?
A difficult task when
their heads lull ,
from the self-induced hypnosis.

The light is what we need,
And they stars,
They give it.
But we drown it out,
and substitute it with
the eternal hum of the artificial glow.


The population thrives on it.

I would be stunned,
Nay, terrified,
If every mind awoke to the reality,
of the vast insignificance.

You can hear the minds imploding.

You can feel the torrent
of individual thought.


Terror threat level Severe,

Burning red.

I have seen the stars,
Filling every void in the infinite blackness,
Radiating their celestial secrets,
Tantalizingly close to revelation,
Yet lost in translation.

You find your true self,
When alone with the stars,
No one except,
Your thoughts.

what a dangerous place to be,
Floating somewhere between consciousness,
and stellar knowledge.

Will you rise to the Astral Summons?
Seek respite
from the electron hum,
Find yourself under the endless
luminous canopy,
And question.
721 · Nov 2011
Let me in...
Daniel Bauer Nov 2011
You say you don’t know how to feel,
Or how to care,
But I’m here to tell you,
Even a pretty girl can feel.
Stop, listen, absorb, feel.
You have so much to offer and you hide it away,
But I have seen the door,
And I can hear the music behind it,
The sweetest sounds I’ve heard.

You don’t like filters,
Well I’m telling you to get rid of yours.
Drop down the wall,
Let someone in,
Take a chance.

Your thoughts dart here,
Dart there,
But I am here to tell you,
I will slow down April.
Stop, listen, absorb, feel,
For just one minute,
And you’ll find it is easier than you thought possible.

Share, experience, learn,
Life is all about learning through experiences,
How can you experience everything alone?
Who would you have to share memories,
Because happiness is only real when shared.

I like you,
And you like me,
And boy and girl like each other,
But where does it go?
What does it mean?
Who decides?
We do.
I like you and I am glad to know you,
Not just the typical yes I know who you are and you’re very pretty and I would like to kiss you now.
No, I am glad to know you, to know how you think, and why you think that.
You are special, and you know it,
It is not a bad thing to recognize that,
yes, You are a beautiful individual and you have a lot to offer,
but until you let someone in fully,
no one will be able to appreciate how truly special you really are.
So take a chance,
Be bold,
And remove the filter.
I have removed mine.
My door is open, and the music is cool and inviting.
I want to stop, listen, absorb, feel, share, experience, and learn.
With you, and from you.
And I will slow down Abril,
If given the chance.

You have boys at your heels,
You manipulate them,
You have fun,
And you’re still alone.
You may like it,
But this is nothing sustainable.

It may be easy to be alone,
As you said,
When there’s constantly someone there willing to coddle you
It’s not hard,
lacking caring, or feeling, or sharing.

I like this functional thing we have going,
You said that yourself.
Well it’s only functional if you care, feel, or share.
I know you, get to know me.
I want to feel exposed and naked
every time I talk to you.
When I look at you,
I want to pools our eyes,
to be the infinity mirrors of our souls.

So stop,
And let someone in,
Please let me in.

— The End —