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Oct 2013 · 498
Dani Sousmayan Oct 2013
I hate my life
I hate the time
I have to spend alive
I want to die
To just sit down and cry
Mourn over my sorrows
So set me free
As it is my time to go
Oct 2013 · 896
Dani Sousmayan Oct 2013
I held the rope tightly
Twisting it around my knuckles
Breathing softly whispering
This I what I want
This is what I need
This is what is right
Yes it is I shouted
Finally a way out
Standing up on my mother comforting bed
I tied the rope tightly around my mothers chandelier
Making sure it was secure
I tugged at the rope
Yes it's perfect
Jumping off the bed
I sprinted to my room at the end of the house
Quickly striping down to nothing
I quietly changed into my school uniform
I want to look my best for this
After I had laced up my shoes
I walked silently away back to my mothers room
She will be home soon and I knew it
Quickly jumping up onto the bed
Stumbling a little
I reached out to the waiting rope
Looking into the mirror I tied it firmly around my neck
I flew though the air
Stopping suddenly not to fall to the ground
The rope instantly cut off the air  
I went limp
I was dead
Gone forever
Oct 2013 · 452
Dani Sousmayan Oct 2013
You say your my friend
You say I'm your sister
You tell me all these lies
Oh I know it
I'm not stupid
You know?
When you ask me for something I've got it
But when I ask you
You won't tell me
So why?
Why waste all these years of friendship
When you don't care?
Have I ever heard a sorry from you?
No never
I'll tell you a secret
And you'll blurt it out to everyone
You talk about me
Say false things
Tell lies
You cheat
You manipulate me
You push all my other friends away
Tell them I don't want to see them
So you can just fly away
As I'm sure you know
Demons do have wings
Oct 2013 · 392
Because of you
Dani Sousmayan Oct 2013
My face is going white
My skin is getting cold
My hair is getting hard
My eyes are unmoving
My heart is no longer beating
I am no longer breathing
I am no longer moving
I am no longer talking
As I am dead
But I died with a smile on my face
As it was my time to be set free
I died knowing that when I get to my place
My lover will be there
Holding the gate open for me to join him
Oct 2013 · 318
Did you know?
Dani Sousmayan Oct 2013
Slowly fading away
Slowly shrinking down
Getting smaller and smaller
Till I'm barely visible
Would you believe me
If I told you
That I'm slowly dying
I may be laughing
I'm actually crying
I may be smiling
I'm actually frowning
But you wouldn't understand
Would you?
Oct 2013 · 464
Will you still love me?
Dani Sousmayan Oct 2013
You love me now
With my no line face
With my young soul
With my smooth, tanned skin
When I am beautiful
With my soft hair
With my taut body
With my glimmering eyes

Will you still love me
With my lined face
With my aching soul
With my old, pale skin
When I am no longer beautiful
With my rough, grey hair
With my sagging body
And my scarred eyes
Oct 2013 · 919
Dani Sousmayan Oct 2013
As you walked through that door
With the smell of liquor fresh on your tongue
The anger of a man in your heart
You made me halt and muse
Will he ever quit?
My lover lost in the world of *****
Addicted to the lost feeling in the soul
Numbness that came with it all
But as he drank bottle after bottle
He forgot
He forgot me
His beautiful wife

He would come and plot
Which object should I beat her with tonight?
Should I throw he out the window?
Or should I take the time to hurt her slowly and painfully?
Just so I can hear her beautiful cry of pain

I knew what he was going to do tonight
But as the scared little fool that I was
I would just back down not say a word
Take the beating as it was my own fault
For being born
For living my life without a care
For letting him in
For letting him hurt me
For letting him lock me up
For letting him drink
For letting him **** me...
Oct 2013 · 404
She is the Sun
Dani Sousmayan Oct 2013
It was great and painful tragedy
As I knew the light was coming
Dawn was drawing near
And life would be over soon
But I would do it and do it I shall
As I would and will die a thousand times to let her breathe
I would fall slowly and painfully to the ground where I would be buried
To only be brought back to my suffering
As I could never be with her
I would sacrifice all the stars
To let her shine
I would suffer and suffer I shall
To let her shine
I would die and die I shall
To let her shine
I would fall and fall I shall
To let her shine
As she is the sun
And I am the moon

— The End —