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Dani Apr 2014
I may be a bit high,
But I love you.
Even when I'm sober,
I'll still love you the same. 
I wanted to kiss you under the sprinklers because it's the closest we get to rain 
that will put my cigarette out if the sky starts crying 
like I have been since you left me 
to look at the stars by myself instead of holding your hand while I'm driving 
and you're asleep while I look at your eyelids gently fluttering every time we pass a street lamp 
that illuminates the most perfect face in the world 
that is cold like your arms without a long sleeve shirt and that's why I wear sweaters in the summer
that I'd hope to spend with you 
on adventures and maybe we can run through sprinklers again and this time pretend that it's rain pouring down our faces because my eyes look at you like you're the universe while yours look at me like I am a friend, I am a friend, who is in love with you, who now realizes that they are only just sprinklers, 
doesn't rain here.
Dani Mar 2014
can you write a six word story?
bad people have soul mates too
another story please. this is fun.
don't trust reality, it doesn't exist
love doesn't exist, just like reality
i don't exist, no one does
my heart aches because you're sad
don't, my sadness has become me
you're amazing! not made of sadness
perhaps in your eyes, not mine
why don't you let happiness in
i don't know, i never have
happiness is natural, this is not.
i see life as it is
look again. there's so much more.*
i don't glorify what isn't there
Dani Mar 2014
Maybe one day I will show my wrists to you, and you will find out that my soul is not as beautiful as you thought it was. you will discover that the flowers you attempted to plant in my mind have withered, because the soil ran out of nutrients long before you became a gardener.

because I cannot move mountains and I am not able to swim oceans because I’m already drowning.

maybe one day I will show you my hips, and you will realize all of the kisses that I have pressed against your lips weren't just a sign of lust or affection towards the way your mouth can form words, but a sign of protection

I thought you could protect me

protect me from the monsters that live inside my mind the demons that haunt me from time to time and that time is every day and every night for the past four years of my life. and however many more days that remain on my mental calendar.

I've tried to write poetry that hits you from the inside out with rhymes that flow into your ears like a melody you've been needing to hear to get your life together. but rhyming is a cliché way of thinking and poetry can breathe just fine without it.

but all we are as humans is just masks.

masks with emotion, why aren't we all the same we all have a brain with the same sections and we all have a heart that beats at a relatively steady pace between us and we have lungs that are littered with smoke that you inhale from either cigarettes or cars, and it makes me wonder why no one ever walks anywhere anymore.

what if the ringing in your ear isn't just annoying, but a message in a pitch that you just can’t quite grasp just yet.

and maybe you can’t fall asleep at night because someone is too busy hoping that you won’t die in your sleep and they unknowingly have the power to keep your eyes staring at the ceiling because you yourself aren't quite sure if you’ll wake up either.

and perhaps writers block is a blessing in disguise because the moon knows that the best things come to those who wait. and those who work their ***** off to achieve their dreams.
Dani Jul 2013
i used to fall in love with everyone,
until i fell in love with you.
now i can't even fall into like
with anyone who's brown eyes
can't project fairy tale fantasy's into my mind
and who's spine doesn't dent in,
like where the wings of a dark angel should be.
i can't if they don't have that voice,
that soothes my soul like aloe vera
and can smother me in peace
when our bodies our each others pillows.
because their fingers don't match
with the dents and curves of my knuckles
and their lips don't know the right places
to write love notes with saliva.
they don't know the right words
to slip into my drink of soft lips
to make me love them
while our tongues dance together in the dark.
because my heart has found its permanent happy place
and it lives in the left side of your ribs
right where yours was born.
Dani Jun 2013
because i know.
you're better than drunken weekdays,
and ******* lines on the bathroom counter,
because you can can flourish faster
than the marijuana plant in the corner.
but what is live fast
die young
if your summer nights aren't filled with dreams
because the alcohol clouds your vision.

you're worth more than one night stands
and that cigarette between your teeth
but satisfaction is an inadequate mask for need,

and desire just gets us into trouble.
Dani May 2013
I drew you a poem
with the dripping blood from my soul,
but the tears and the sadness
draped canvases before it was dried
and when it was released
from the sheets
there was a jumbled up mess
of confused phrases and letters
where the paint should have laid
Dani May 2013
I refuse to be cliché
and say
that you light up my world
when I could say,
that you ignite the flame
that burns though my soul.

You're the one,
that makes me whole.
But now your absence
has formed dust storms from the ashes
and they swirl around in my chest
while the oxygen from my lungs
lights the embers back into a blaze.

a burn victim always has scars.
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