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Feb 8 · 20
Social Network
Dinank Bista Feb 8
I’ve forgotten how to think.
Sat down, pen in hand, but forgotten how to write.
Constantly battling my urge to use my phone,
Thought vs phone, phone vs thought,
I’ve silenced my thoughts, dumbed down my ideas.
I’ve lost all willpower to fight.
I am an addict—a budding addict of social networking’s might.
I fight my thoughts, I burn ideas, to look at other people’s perfect lives.
Instagram, Snapchat—why the **** are you my kryptonite?
Aug 2018 · 590
Dinank Bista Aug 2018
On the dome of sunrise
I'll wake up
to the smell of home
in your drooling eyes
I'll glide my fingers
through your hair
stumble upon the perfect lips
while I scan through your face
I'll slide my toes towards your toes
to start the morning with
warms hugs and cold feet
by the bedsheet.
Before the daily morning coffee,
I'll drink you everyday,
one sip at a time,
for a lifetime.
Aug 2018 · 420
Value of tears
Dinank Bista Aug 2018
I hide my tears in the sand
for it is the one to understand
how precious water is.
A single drop of tear is beautiful
to the sand in the desert who before
today has never had it.
It's like discovering a new object or like getting a valuable gift
it'll preserve my tear: hide it; keep it safe
for it understands the value of every tear
because water is so precious to it.
It'll cool down the moral compass of the sun
and melt the passionate chills of the desert nights
it'll preserve that tear: hide it; keep it safe
for it understands the value of it.
I will hide all of my tears in the desert sand
until the desert tastes of rivers or the sea
and ever time time a tsunami breaks out in the desert where my tears reside,
I'll know that those were the time when I let
loneliness creep inside of me
Those were the times when my valuable tears
burst open from the sand and flooded the desert because I let loneliness creep inside of me.
Jun 2018 · 222
The Flower
Dinank Bista Jun 2018
each second the flower shimmers a little more
shy behind the blurred lines of yellow
the luster with its flat rays of purity
strolling for a glimpse of secluded glow
this is him all raw and yellow
Do you truly see through him?
or to you, everything seems blue
this is him, withered from the petals you took
but to you, Is he any other pretty face
of which you once took a look?
each second the opaque walls silence you too
on and off; black and yellow
each blink an emotionless lust for luster
until the black snaps all of the yellow
and finally, he hides the beautiful flower
the petals of which, you once mercilessly threw!
Jun 2018 · 330
Dinank Bista Jun 2018
whenever the mind whispers a mysterious tale
of waves in sunlight and oceans in lakes
whenever a burst of yellow curtains the hills
onto the warmth of the blue lights of rain
this is when a voice springs out from nothingness;
a beautiful silence; an unbroken truth
gives a purpose to life's existence
and this is when I begin to question myself
"What exactly is this existence?"
Is is the way nature constantly fills up while
I admire the growth from my loop hole of emptiness?
Or is it the manner in which I am able to foresee
all of existence yet do nothing but curl up in
a blanket of emptiness?
do I have a role to play to uplift this existence or
will I fade into nothingness?
into emptiness?
I voyaged on an endless search of fruitfulness until I saw
that whenever I picture waves in sunlight and oceans in lakes
I can add a world without a sky or any land to step,
olive green sunsets are a blessing for the hills
with the tiny drops of my minute-made purple rain
I've understood, this emptiness with this nothingness
are mine to take
they add up to make my imagination that is mine to make
This emptiness with this nothingness gives the true meaning of my existence.
Apr 2018 · 187
The Kiss
Dinank Bista Apr 2018
they each bear a thirst that
quenches through
warm hugs besides intertwined fingers,
infinite stares with momentary misses,
sweet talks full of countless promises,
voice-message repeats over racing heart beats.
Simply two eyes that communicate in
their own galaxy of blissful bliss ;
him and her and their
eternal binding kiss.
Apr 2018 · 207
Dinank Bista Apr 2018
driftwood legs found their way
into the woods of my thought
as the flames of beauty blazed
sparkles of which, my eyes caught

eyes gleaming of sapphire-like knots
frizzy hair and a bright enough smile
painting tendrils of colorful frenzy
over the black and white of my isle

folding her ember lace-up detail
her demeanour flipped seasons by
as she ran along the chilling breeze
chasing the shadows left behind

I followed her in the dead of the night
tracked her every move; left no trial by
until she paused at the edge of a cliff
before letting her forgotten arms fly

amidst the fading darkness of the night
the brief stare turned into hours of gaze
the blindfolds of lust lifted curtains of rage
for she was never on the other side of the edge

my senses condensed into clouds of sorrow
pouring into the rains of grief-filled  misery
as I realized she was just a resurfacing thought from a decade ago
finding its way back into the woods of my memory.
Apr 2018 · 241
Dinank Bista Apr 2018
:                    Imperfectly perfect
the rainbow that seems a limb short without
             your colors  added to its list
your mind still unclear on what this color is;
     just like my vision in the winter mist
the next time you have a doubt on whether        
       my bland ink scribblings really exist
     Ask yourself this: Does a butterfly really
       know that it is such a beautiful beast ?
Apr 2018 · 183
Dinank Bista Apr 2018
:             talks of love, words that baffle
         glimpses of hope, voices that crackle
        folds of  fondness, promises of better
      those fruitful conversations, that hopeful
      moments became memories, memories
                        became desire    
      desires became want, oh! want became

              like that  prepossessing apple
         colorful on the outside, juicy on the
         a checkmate well before the pieces
      head game was too strong, physical part
  jumbled onto the wire of affection, wildfire
                         of instances flew
             you became me, I became you

    talks of loathe , words remained broken
flashbacks of affection, voices left unspoken
    folds of hatred,habits perversely better
      that unfinished conversation, that
                      understated letter
  moments became common,common became
                           the desire
      desire forged into dislike , oh! dislike
                           became dire
                   like that scant apple
  colorful on the outside, sour on the inside
   a pandora's box of resentful notion and
                    overflowing emotion
  head rush too futile, landed into the ladder
                         of demotion
  dangled onto the wire of disarray, two
                   separate souls flew
            I became me, you became you

  wait too long or seized the moment? Just
  follow the directions of  your inner voice

live in regret for the entirety of your life or
     absorb the knowledge :  Your *******

— The End —