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Daniel Feb 2013
Today I witnessed something spectacular.
What it means I'm not too sure,
It's not that clear.
The story will come in time.
I happened to meet my hero,
in a dream that's for sure.

Next I was gonna die
he was there and it made me cry.
But I was not ashamed
nor was I sad.
Glad he was there for me
almost like my dad.

My family at my side,
also Annie and my fiends Sam and Mike.
Into the room,
the four-person crew,
immediately I grew teary eyed.

Oh can it be?
Weezer is in here next to me?
But how did they know?
Who told them so?
They've come here to complete my life.

Laying sick in bed
tubes bulge from my arms
no hair covering my head
but I've never felt so alive before.

We created a song together
and now it's fading fast
I awake from the dream
and grab some paper fast.

Few notes linger in my head.
Lightly I whistle the the tune.
It's not quite close
but it will have to do.

I've awoken from the dream,
the melody is in my head
but words to me
are as heavy as lead.
Daniel Feb 2013
What are you trying to prove?
Why are you so stubborn?
This hardened shell of yours is not normally you.

Just let me in,
I promise to help,
I know you ****** up
when you said "Welp,
I'm done here"
Daniel Feb 2013
She walks without fear
and pushes her path clear
do not go near
cause she will make you shed a tear

leaving only the slights trace
where your heart once held place
and beat with a loving pace
and you feel like such a disgrace

you've been caught in her grasp
now it stings like venom from an asp
and there is no antidote to clasp
your voice begs for relief which is rasp

yet through turmoil and pain
silently crying in the rain
there is nothing for you to gain
come on man use your brain.

"she will only let you down"
wipe off that sagging frown
and get out of town
you are everyones favorite clown.
Daniel Feb 2013
We were both in dance class,
all I did was stare at your ***,
while I plunked on the piano.

I was such a dweeb back then,
actually I still kind of am,
but I felt like I had no
chance with you.

But here I am today
with no women in my way
my roommates were still my wingmen.

Apparently you thought I was cute,
in your spandex you felt like a ******
and were to afraid to give me your number then.

Today is my final chance
to see if we can make this last
and let me take you out.

You look great in your summer dress
I'm in my Sunday best just so I
can find what you're all about.
Daniel Feb 2013
Potential that is between us
like butter and bread,
and for whatever reason I cannot
get you out of my head.

4 am messages
bringing me out to you,
even if it is early,
there is nothing I'd rather do.

Why must we dance around so much,
when I know you're just begging for my touch?
Don't deny your feelings it just makes them show more.
Now I'm in so deep I'm not walking out of this door.

So open up, tell the truth
No more games, no more sleuth.
I've sung to you, and you knew why.
Why oh why, can't you give us a try?
It's the smart thing for you look and see.
"I'd be good for you, and you'd be good for me."
Daniel Feb 2013
Take a long drive to see the theater production
called "Your Life" in front of me.

I take it in letting my imagination float
and get wrapped in the reality of you and me.

The plot will thicken and the suspense grows
the desire will bring the ******, then resolution.

But by the time it leads to the final scene, I'm upset,
as there is no happy ending, just confusion.

So now I leave the stage with disapproval and hurt
thinking how I just wasted my time.

Unwilling to accept the fate of this show
I wish to re-write it with my own rhyme.

Spending hours upon hours pondering new ideas
of how to end this show perfectly

Rejecting every possible outcome I write
trying to elude the feeling of misery.

However, I can't give up or stop trying
this play must not go sulky.

I must keep on making endings
to complete the thespian in me.

— The End —