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588 · May 2015
dancingintherain May 2015
I close my eyes, against the bright light
and try to count the stars,
yes with my eyes shut tight
they flit away, my thoughts, like humming birds taking flight...

I try to latch onto it , only to fail
all the while whirling in a boat, trying to sail

I search for it , but in vain
and i'm left staring at the spot it'd lain.

It teases me and taunts me of the paradise, that exists,
just out of my reach, floating there it persists...

It stays there the memory of a time without taint,
and i follow the path that my tears now paint.

She stares at the phantom girl, her eyes open wide,
and feels the feelings crash into her, tide after tide.

she ventures unafraid into the dreary , cold foreboding dark
the cold does not bother her and she moves on guided by a spark.

just beyond the realm of darkness, where she sees an inviting spark,
the memory that taunts her, it lies just beyond the dark...

She wades in through the murk,
just out of her reach does the memory lurk.

Through and through, drenched with fear
as the doubts mount in numbers in the sidelines and leer.

She runs towards it rather than away,
facing the demon , unyielding to its sway.

Its stares at her, with dark dark eyes
taunting her yet again with promises, that are all lies.

She stares back at it, through all the shadows,
that lurk
all the fears and doubts and beyond all the despair in the murk.

The memeory rushes into her like a deep breath of fresh air,
to fill her with love and happiness and all the joy that she could bear

But suddenly, its blown away just as soon as it came
disappearing within seconds,with a passing gust of air,
she realizes nothing can ever be the same.

That life is but momentary,
and you don't live long enough to hear all the commentary

That all things
Love and Hate
Fear and Courage
Truth and Lies
exist side by side
and one thing has to die, for the other to survive
and this is the rule by which,
they all abide.

I open my eyes to the brightnes of the sun-rise
all the fear is washed away and so are the lies...

— The End —