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 Apr 2014 Dana Kay
Joshua Adi
Et al.
 Apr 2014 Dana Kay
Joshua Adi
Et alia

Everything happens for a purpose
The first glance
The first touch
The first kiss

Sometimes in life God
adds a person in your life
that changes your life

It amazes me how many times
one can wake up
and the first thoughts
that come to mind
is about that person

You constantly think about
the first glance that occurred
the first touch you both felt
the first kiss you both shared

It makes you wonder how
it is possible
that God could allow you
to be with some one
so amazing

I wonder

That is why I try to cherish every moment I can get
Every glance that can occur
Every touch that I can feel
Every kiss that we both share

I just can't take little things for granted
Like saying happy birthday

*"God gave us the gift of life, it is up to us to give ourselves the gift of living well."  Voltaire
 Feb 2014 Dana Kay
Joshua Adi
I look at you, I breathe you in, I feel you. Who gave me such a right? I know not. Certainly not the God almighty above. How dare I look upon a being whose beauty rivals the angels above? How dare I think that I could wish to be with someone as yourself? But yet I dare for the main fact that I cannot let such a fallen angel as yourself be unaccompanied even with your brief time here. Yes I dare and in that dare I’ve drawn close to you. It’s not just the pureness in beauty. It’s not just the hair, lips or body. It’s the embodiment of a being so pure and innocent that it compels me to draw close to you. Our meeting wasn’t by mistake and every moment with you, I hope and pray it will not be our last. In every aspect imaginable you are perfect. You yourself may disagree but in every imperfection I see perfection. I hope our time together never ceases or falters. We may have our ups and downs but it’s only this coaster we call life. I pray it never ends. I pray we never end. 10/12/13

— The End —