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Mar 2010 · 578
Sight Below Flesh
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
My pathetic eyes can see
Far below the skin
Where touch means nothing
and agony is insatiable
A method is possible
Too dislodge your torment
or seal the cracks
So I'll be brave and
Prescribe a kiss
Hopefully brightening your insides
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Mar 2010 · 729
Stale air surrounds coffins
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
settling down and out
an uncomfortable atmosphere
draining from above
dripping onto oddly shaped benches
and the people among them

amongst quiet faces
i slowly feel this somber rain
drench all souls
and glaze over our eyes

black and red
dominating the colors
accenting the wet wood
and matching this silence

voices, words, memories
fight the grieving pupils
forcing them to join the air overhead
leaking a most potent substance

aching from the hard lumber
pushing toward my spine
joining the window planes and
man sleeping peacefully
i coat my eyes clear
and connect the tears
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Mar 2010 · 1.3k
Surgery Between Texts
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
creating invisible lines
across my scalp
grinding dead fingernails
down to the living skin
slowing peeling the cells
trying to reach my brain
performing surgery
my bed the operating table
pulling and yanking
blindly putting nerves
back in their places
feeling with sore fingers
to find the bad spot
the chunk of my mind
containing you
aiming and seeking
to yank from my thoughts
the fragment
that makes my blood boil
forces me to text you
when my ten scalpels tire
and i finally fatigue
no molecule, particle, or
can i find
you have infected my brain
down to the core
and every atom in between
but still
the capacity of my conscious surgery
can find no defect
sensing sanity return
i put back every nerve and neutron
and use my ten tired needles
to stitch back my scalp
hiding my work
beneath many blood hairs
deeming myself rational
sound and levelheaded
i use electricity to connect
my disorganize mind to yours
ten tired tools helping me along
and when I'm done
when the message has left
...i question my health
and the process begins again
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Mar 2010 · 434
Unsung Misery
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
my body
unaware and awake
sensing dreams
two eyelids away
my body
clinging and floating
sweating the darkness
between cotton threads
my body
heavy and insignificant
visualizing energy
leaving through the outline
of lips etched to a cheek
my body
cold and lifeless
picturing what night
is like without you
my body
yearning and despising
that sweet smell
caught in the fibers
my body
wishing and hoping
the dimness was darker
to hide the
square inside the frame
held up on my stomach
and blurred by my tears
my mind
fighting and losing
a battle of insomnia
my body
knowing and trusting
that when daybreak
slivers through the blinds
you won't be next to me
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Mar 2010 · 951
Time Spent Wisely
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
Told myself not to
to dream about you
but i do anyways
it just shortens the time between
the time i spend waiting
for your response
the time i spend hoping
that I'll become your everything
the time i spend wondering
if when you close your eyes
you picture for a moment
me and you
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Mar 2010 · 979
Stubborn Sheets
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
Half pass twelve
Having yet to stir
Light is my enemy
Kept at bay by the blinds
Week old sheets
Stuck to my body
Because your perfume
Hasn't left them
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
misty with a hint of fog
moist to the tongue
on a sweet September night
alone, companion to the single street lamp
speaking words
to a wet road and the silent dew
fumbling the syllables
while the smokey night sky
begins to leak, and push my emotions
far below alright
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.
Mar 2010 · 565
Leave the light on for Me
Dan Pramann Mar 2010
Shine dim light
behind a simple cone
off white and wood
there you'll find me

gazing with blank eyes
towards red numbers
hoping their transformation
happens faster

To the lamp's dismay
my eyelids can't keep pace
and grow heavier
with each flicker of red

Only when the world
is thin and blurred
does the transformation stop
and everything pauses
entering darkness comfortably

New light added to the lamp's
stirs my movement
and i witness myself
not where i was before minutes ago
...minutes or hours

what seemed small is large
my time spent away
was longer than thought

Belief that the red numbers paused
is all but childish
I recall waiting, gazing blankly
and thinking of you
I remember i left the light on
because of you
© Dan Pramann. All Rights Reserved.

— The End —