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937 · Apr 2014
Lack Of Effort
My lovely star, why can't you see that your actions are taking over me? It's like you're on a mission to tear me up inside. Do you really like to see it when I cry? Your lack of effort kills me inside, I don't know what to do about this situation. Yet I know you need your education. But it always seems that you act so secluded avoiding the things that need to be met, acting excluded from a group or two. Saying (the school got the best of you!) or your mom and dad degraded you. Saying everyone hated you/hates you. But my dear i'm still right hear, it can't get anymore clear. But the fact you say you'll try harder, but you lack the effort to show me. Disown me if nessasry. Is it too much to ask for the effort in return that I excert? Or are you to blind and lost by all the hurt people have cast upon you? I don't want to hear (babe I'm trying my dear!) Show me the effort you so kindly hide in this lost void of disguize. I know deep hurt lerks behind those pretty little brown eyes, and big smiles of yours. But all I ask his that you be the star I know you can and sweetheart it's not all that far away. I'd follow you until the end anyday.
I wrote this out of emotional problems. I am having at the moment.
578 · Mar 2014
Slowly dieing inside.
Babe I'm slowly dieing inside, even when my heart cries. The only name it calls is yours all through the night. I try and I try all for you but I'm still hiding in disguize. Afraid from hurt lingering on my past. So blind from hatred, pain, agony. I forget you're right beside me. Baby I know you want me to trust you and trust you I do. But sometimes its hard when I've ran for so long. Ashock and astonish she's so perfect more pressious then the rarest of diamonds. She's my all, slowly driving me to the brink of madness only to find out its because my love for you causes my heart such madness.
I wrote this for my girlfriend. Out of insparation and love, for my one true love. I felt compeled too express it. In a short poem.
572 · May 2014
Weakness Within
My heart breaks into shards  
My body burns to ashes
My soul wonders out where u can see
My rage Rages
If only you could be here with me
I would still my angry winds
And chill just for a bit.
548 · Mar 2014
A brighter us
Gasps of wind, ocean waves crashing along the shore line. Love so kind and tender, wee forget were wee are. So far apart can't think straight I'm lost with out you babe, that's why I procrastanate on our late night phone calls. You are my drug, my anesthetic, you're my high, you're my novacane, the only thing that keeps me sane. I'm sorry I can't do better but just know I'm trying for the better and brighter us. So please hush baby girl dont fight me tonight, just wrap your arms around me and hold me tight.
I wrote this for my girlfriend, babe if you read this know I am sorry. But I watch steadly dreaming of the brighter and future us. <3
538 · Mar 2014
My love
My love, my love, my oh sweet love. I wish I could tell you how tough it is feeling like this. From the momment wee shared our first kiss. Baby I'm so sorry I am so ******* up inside. I feel lost everyday my heart cries your name. Everyday feeling bound to chains, my love, my love, my oh sweet love. I am so sorry I am so evil with this black blood coursing through my vains novacane you're my anesthetic my drug of peace yet deception. To lives joined as one, my love, my love. My love for you is like no other so powerful and strong making me tougher yet weaker like the oceans rip tide feeling the climb. Baby you're a dime your beauty, love, compassion, grace, mind, personality, I love you for you and only me. Wee are forever. My love, my love, my oh sweet love tell me tomorrow will be that much better, my love.
I wrote this as a reminder that my life is horrible. But to stay strong for the one thing that matters in my life my girlfriend.
513 · Mar 2014
slowly watching
Watching slowly as the horizon of the sun begins to fade with a dence glimer beyond the mountains, earth shaking causing a trimer. Im busy day dreaming of you. Feeling as if my body has lost controll loving you so much has taken its toll on me. I cant believe someone as perfect as you exsist. So the given fact makes me want to hold onto this with great protection and never ending love.
I miss you, but I watch slowly until I see you once again.
468 · Apr 2014
Wishing she was thinner.
Um this is one of my personal poems that i made myself.... hope you guys like it.....

She sits in a dark room all alone
A room darker than the heart of her own
Blood begins to run down her fragile wrists.
She's ending it all, because one kiss

The blood flows down her arm like a warm river
She looks at her body, wishing she was thinner
She yells "I can't ******* take it anymore!"
Her mom cries, "honey please open the door."

It is too late, she is torn from life.
Poor girl, didn't even become a wife
All of this pain and suffering that you see.
Well boys and girls, this is all because of me.
I wrote this poem, about someone special in my life! Hope you all like it? <3
445 · Apr 2014
Friendship is a beautiful thing

— The End —