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Words, I find
are becoming harder and harder
to speak
amongst people
who walk around mindless as sheep
Wandering to the edges of the world and back
all while sitting completely still

All alone with the comfort of myself

Maybe I should buy some whiskey.
Strong winds today atop the meditation rock
As I see the ever expanding geometry of the world
My hands dance to the waves of euphoria that just keep building
My feet, intertwined with the grass and dirt that envelop them
Respond with quick movements and steady timing
Whenever, wherever, forever
The sun sinks it's beautiful face lower into the horizon
I wave goodbye as I embrace the cold breeze
Red, blue, yellow, green, purple even
strands and strings and waves of energy follow me and appear
everywhere i go
from the very second I put the paper in my mouth
to the very end of my life
The energy, the flow, is forever.
Until next time
Let's get high.
And have honest, heavy eyed conversations
Dipped in intricacy and laced with intimacy
Let's get high
And slip each other the occasional casual glances
Mixed with sly words and somber romances
Let's get high.
Listen to some tom waits
Drink like his piano
And run around this strange yet intriguing place
Let's get high.
Talk about insecurities and figure out
That our impurities make us who we are
Let's get high.
And realize that we wouldn't have moments like these, or each other
Any other way
Let's get high.
Take a break from everything that could have ever bothered us
Bury ourselves in blankets and each others' arms,
And remember what it's like to be human.
Calm your shaky, ink covered hands
Paint me a picture of somebody who is perfect in every way
As I allude on about their various quirks and features
You start to see that the picture you're painting is a self portrait
Mutter under your breath in disbelieve you continue on
Until you see the subtilties
that only a man who cared enough to notice could see
Now the only question is, am I so vain as to think
you could notice me as I notice you?
I guess it's a question that will have to be left unanswered
because whichever answer I get would knock me out
So hard and fast I wouldn't be able to tell which way is up or down
And as I stand outstretched and yelling into the wind
Where did I lose it?
Where did I go wrong?
You'll probably be in some far off country, or somewhere close to home
Living a life one could write a whole series of novels about
I'll be here
Right where I was
Until I turn to stone
And crumble under the ever eroding land
That is my love life
Rest assured I'll die knowing my demons
they don't like me very much
but they are old friends
So I might as well say hello and pour them a drink
Hearing about what I used to do, and what I could be doing starting to take it's toll.
Little things I could improve on
I don't want to here about it
I can't
I know I won't be able to compare to you
So I'll just do the exact opposite
I'll be that **** up
It's not at all that I'm trying to be
it's just...
I mean it's more or less that's how I feel when we converse
We have our times but I can't keep getting compared
to all these kids that seem like they'd be more suited for you
sorry I'm not the son you expected
sorry I'm not the son that could shoot straight, or play football
or go fishing,
Or all the things you clearly wanted me to do with my life
I'm sorry I couldn't live up to you
I guess there's really not much more to say than that
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