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Dakota Carter May 2014
I am a man with meany hidden secrets. I am a Templar. I am sworn to protect our secrets. And with that i have heart the love of my life. I wonted to to tell her but with that there came a price. we would be hunted down. i could not let that happen to her.

So for that I am sorry Abigail Ryan Bailey
Dakota Carter Mar 2014
I take my gun and walk out that door to welcome hell rounds hit me. I am still stand and i give them back 30 rounds of ammo as i bleed out i and killing all of thous basters that took my love. 1000 of them and 1 of me. I am hell on wheels and I will not stop till you r all dead. 1. 2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7.8. eight rounds eight dead. A another bullet hits me. As i keep standing i can see my friends be hind them they open fire they are 100 strong. we will fight till we r all dead we will keep you safe. get that r.p.g over her. take that ******* ****** out. You OK. crap you are bleeding out.  I am not going to make it. help me up. lets finish this. aaaaaaaaaaaa. rounds hit me. as i lie there i can see my life flash right be fore my eyes. i am coming my love. i will be there soon.
Dakota Carter Mar 2014
We are under fire need help we will hold out as long as we can. We need tanks and choppers. Our ammo is almost gone we need help. if we do not get help we will retreat. Hope this letter get to you in time. May god help us. **** they broke throw the door. Fire now. **** them.
Dakota Carter Mar 2014
It has been 6 months since i sent you a letter.
We have lost over half of our men I fear we will not make it threw the night.
They have over a million strong we are a force of 120,000. I have sent a message to command saying we need more men. If you are reading this then I am dead.
I love you very much.

Your love
Dakota Carter Mar 2014
I feel death coming i can here him coming in my legs can not move. I say may i have this last breath to tell her how i feel. i am death non can run or hide. i am here fore your soil. Your body will look as if you r a live. as my vision fads i here a voice calling me it is her she is crying. as i breath my last breath i told her i am in a better place do not cry for me i will always be with you as i fade i say death i am ready for my jugging let him jug me. Death show your face let me see who is taking me.  theses were the finial words i said. then i heard a voice. come my son let us ease your pain. It was the man him self. I saw god.

(hope you like this)
Dakota Carter Mar 2014
You make the chose you make the plan you make your own destoney you are the only one who can change it. Use that power wiseley.
leave a like or commit if you wont more or send me requests think you
Dakota Carter Mar 2014
We are pended down and in need of men. we lost 300 of our men send help we only have 20 agents  agenst there 4000 we will not sorvive the night i hope this letter gets to you soon if not tell my wife i love her.
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