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Sep 2014 · 1.0k
Undiscovered Girl
Daisy Renton Sep 2014
Did you know? I guess you didn't
She hid it well
Beneath the vacant expression she called a smile
Vast oceans of undiscovered girl.
Drowning tears, words without a voice, I guess you'll never know
Under the pavement she walked so proudly upon
Miles of undiscovered girl.
I guess you see the tracks now you look,
But further than that she lies
Absent minded smiles, where was her mind?
I guess you'll never know
Beneath the bed in which she lay so happily
Were boxes of undiscovered world
Nothing that broke the surface
Just undiscovered girl.
Sep 2014 · 456
Daisy Renton Sep 2014
My mouth is a prison, words locked away
Broken, bleeding but nothing to say
My mind is a murderer, heart it's victim
He tortures, hurts, wounds then kills em'
So much to escape, so much to release
But head V heart war will never cease
The desire for freedom, the want to be heard
But you've killed them off word by word
Sep 2014 · 355
Daisy Renton Sep 2014
Though seemingly of love and care
They leave you hurt and in despair
Though seemingly will change with clock
The same old pain will knock and knock
Though seemingly happiness will bring
The fear, the horror, the wound will sting
Though seemingly you'll make it through
It never quite works too great for you

— The End —