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 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
When I walk outside, I see all these happy couples around me.
Young, old, same ***, it doesn't matter, they're happy couples.
Just that sight drills me even deeper into the ground.
All I think is: What do I do wrong? Is it because I'm ugly? Is it because I'm lame, weird, stupid, boring, uninteresting?
I just want someone to love and who loves me for who I am.
I wanna walk outside, being one of those happy couples...
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
Down by the riverside, on a log right next to the water, I sit.
I stare at a point across the river, letting the sunlight reflect into my eyes. The ripples travel across the river. I see myself in the river.
I think back to the good times we had. We laughed, we smiled, we enjoyed the moments. I gave you my heart, and you gave me yours.
I gave you my heart, held together with tape, hoping that you would treat it with care...
I hoped, but it didn't happen.
You broke my heart, crushed it like a bug.
My heart has now shattered into millions of tiny splinters, and it will be virtually impossible to tape it back together.
All because you decided to squeeze in my heart a little too hard...
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
Soaring high in the sky, slowly crumbling down into flakes, falling down like snow.
I hit the ground, people walk over me, cars drive over me, dogs **** on me...
I stay for a few days, and then I evaporate, lost into the dark voids of the earth.
Snow just keeps getting reproduced, but me, Davy, I'm one of a kind, I'm unique in my own way, would be lost, lost forever...
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
If only..
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
If only you could be there...
If only you could be there when I crash after a long ride of happiness.
If only you could be there when I fall out of the sky after a flight of joy.
If only you could be there when I crumble under the weight of my own problems.
If only you could be there when all the walls close in on me and for a tiny box around me.

If only you could be there to be the pillow that reduces the crash impact.
If only you could be there to be the tree that breaks my fall.
If only you could be there to form a safety structure to stop me from completely crumble apart.
If only you could be there to break the walls before they close in on me.
If only you could be there..
Move on
Without looking at your mistakes
Living is better than dream
Don’t think too much
Just do it!
If you fall, get up!
Remember your past
And not repeat again
And yes, get new results
New chances
Hold up
If not hold up
Every opportunity
How do we know?
Battle for you,
Battle, Fighting
It makes us feel alive.
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
Hailey Ngo
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
Hailey Ngo
He sits there waiting. Gnashing his teeth together and barely holding on. As he waits inside his locked room, he knows he's not really waiting. There is nothing waiting for him. Nothing going on in his world to wait for. His world is reduced to this locked room, with barred windows and a cup full of medicine every morning. They say it's supposed to calm him. Relax him. They say it with whites showing in their eyes. And with a heart beating twice as fast. They say it with one hand on their belt, which rests a taser.
He is reduced to a monster. Nothing more than a prisoner in his small, small world. No one knows he exists. No one knows how much he is rotting, slowly but surely. No one cares.
He has millions of emotions running a marathon across his brain. A bit of insanity mixed in with a lot of crazy and anger and hurt and frustration and wild. He has no one to love. He has no one who loves him. He is alone. And forced to fight his battles alone.
Whenever someone unlocks the door and hands him his meal, he always notices that they never make eye contact. They are forcing him to become something not human. With no love, no interaction, no help, no support, he is becoming a monster. A monster everyone is afraid of, a monster no one is willing to help.
He can't see the sunshine. He can't see the rolling hills or the green grass or the blue, blue sky or the puffy, swollen clouds. All he can see is his locked room and the white walls and the punctured ceiling. He can see his whole world in front of him and nothing more. He can't even see himself.
He lays there right on his bed. Wishing for anything. Love, a genuine smile, a conversation not dripped in fear, hope, a second chance, his dead family, something not within these walls of his world. Even death. He wishes for death. Because death is better than this. He would still be alone, but at least he won't be judged, won't be ignored, won't be feared, won't be restricted. He'll be free.
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
Every ******* time...
Everytime I look at myself, I don't see a young boy, I see a bag of sadness and misery, tied together by depression and ugliness.

All around me, I see people who look at themselves without making disgusted faces, or people who have others to tell nice things about them to make them smile...

Not me...
I'm all alone, I have to carry this baggage by myself...all by myself.

Summer should be the season in which people are happy, but for me, it's winter all year every year
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
I...I wanna throw in the towel...I wanna forfeit the match...
I'm just done trying...I just don't deserve happiness, I don't deserve anything. You keep telling me it's gonna be okay, telling me I'll find someone, telling me my life will be better, but as the days go bye, my hope fades away just goes ****...
I'm sorry to say this, but I guess this is goodbye...
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
When I'm with you, I become a completely different person.
When I'm with you, I turn from this lonely piece of crap into Superman.
When I'm with you, I feel like I can move mountains. I feel like I'm on top of the world, instead of in the deepest depths.

You are my addiction, my drug. You make me feel free and good about myself and you clear my mind of all those negative thoughts.

I don't know how you do it, but when I'm with you, I become the person I've always wanted to be...
 Jul 2015 Daisy Mae
People, I'm stuck with this thought...
I'm thinking about leaving HP...
It's nice to have a place to be yourself, and it's nice to have a place where you can be honest, but it just feels like some people make fun of me, like they don't take me seriously...
I know not all of you do that, don't get me wrong...
This thought is just pulling me away from the one place I can be who I am, and I just hope people can and want to talk me out of it...
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