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daisy Nov 2013
If you dont mind
can you tell me
all your hopes
and fears
and everything
that you believing

Would you make
a difference
in the world

I love for you to
take me to
a deeper conversation
daisy Nov 2013
5 years and
still counting

Thank you
for being with me

Through my
thick and thin

Love you
daisy Oct 2013
I'd rather stay inside
Than being out tonight
Just sipping coffee
Nothing to look forward to
Savouring my solitude
No one will ever know you
The way I do
In high definition
Im dreaming of you
With my disposition
Im losing my cool
With my everything
I'd give you anything
To be with you
daisy Oct 2013
Its 4 o'clock in the morning
I lay on the bed for such a long time
Staring at the ceiling
Trying to sleep
Trying not to think
My mind is full with jumble of emotions
My mind is full of questions

Deep inside
I really hope
Everything will turn out fine
Maybe not today
But one day
Im pretty sure
The day will come
And now
I realize
Everything happened for a reason
daisy Oct 2013
I have no idea
What the hell is going on
Between you and me
Sometimes i wonder
If its my fault
We are like strangers
With memories now
To be honest
I miss the old us
I really do
I miss the moment when
I can tell you everything
But now its too awkward
I don't know how to react
In the end
I choose to pretend

— The End —