You said you wanted to
Know me better
So here I go:
I've got exactly 28 pens
I know because I counted
I've got too many notebooks
Yet I can't stop
Buying more and more
Sometimes when it's 4 am
And my mind is
Driving me to the brink
Of total insanity
I take 3 showers
to try and calm myself down
(It never works)
I like apple juice but I hate apples
I've never been good in math
There are too many
Cigarette burns
On the crook of my elbow
And scars on my thighs
and demons in my head
I love the smell of cinnamon
Once when I was 15
I drank blue paint
Because I think blue is beautiful
And I wanted to be beautiful too
That didn't work
So I drank a bottle of bleach
To clean my very core
It didn't work either
Now you know me better
I understand if you'd want
To run away now
It's okay
Save yourself
Wrote this on a paper napkin at a Chinese restaurant today