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Aug 2012 · 879
Hello? Where are you?
D. P. Limbaugh Aug 2012
You have to turn yourself in
Yes, they're looking for you
It's all over the news
No, don't tell me where you are

Is that all true?
Where are you?
Are you coming home?
Never mind, don't tell me where you are

I love you, mom
You have to get away, just get out now
Yes, he's dead. He was a cop, with a wife and kid
Turn yourself in, don't tell me where you are
Feb 2011 · 760
Elizabeth Anne
D. P. Limbaugh Feb 2011
I will make you my river-
You'll run to me?
Unflickering star keeping me steadfast  at sea
On deep, dark nights
Even my Anne'bel Lee
I need you, my Elizabeth
A man o' good fortune you could make me
Feb 2011 · 816
My Future Engulfed
D. P. Limbaugh Feb 2011
Engulfed in new memories
Buried too deep to form thanks
"Thank you" would be too constricted
Instead, to you I allow my life and soul

To you:
The peace I can give
Tranquility I pose
Riches and treasures,
Passion I behold
All I can gain...
Or grant, I bestow
On us, our life, and the future untold
Inspired by:   "...soon" - Kelsey Joy
Feb 2011 · 738
Schubert Plays Softly
D. P. Limbaugh Feb 2011
I can tell-
I could just tell
You're hard to sum up, Difficult to describe
Not how-
Or who you are
But the Feeling that night
Like Spring after Rain or how April does Shine
Dew Without Dust
With the Air Thin and Fine

I can just tell

I could tell
Your Grandeur of Love
Reached Father than mine
Further than most and Farther than mine
Having no end
Oh Laborious,  Infinite line
In one glimpse at night

I can just tell

I am able to tell
Our Dreams are alike
Not the Same, I dare say-
Congruent in Virtue
Yet Unequal in Size
Passion Far more
Your words Jump Alive

I can just tell

I can tell-
Aspirations Larger
With beliefs Similar to Mine
Our goals Compliment
Now, our Journeys align
If only we had spoke
We would Forever be Entwine
I can just tell
Nov 2010 · 1.2k
Falling in the Leaves
D. P. Limbaugh Nov 2010
I watch a cardinal fly
And a blue-jay perch
I see a squirrel climb up
That naked birch

All the dreams you see in me
Well, I see falling in the leaves

Those geese flock
And then ducks scatter
It's hard to focus
Over chipmunk chatter

All the life you see in me
Well, I see falling in the leaves

That dog barks
And then a girl cries
Then every bird
Escapes to the skies

Everything that you see
Well, all of it is leaving me
Feb 2010 · 622
Things I've Done
D. P. Limbaugh Feb 2010
We stayed up late that starry night
Correcting things that I had done
You laughed and cried with all your might
I hoped to never see the sun

It rose out there, and stood so clear
I laid there, whispered in your ear
We were meant to be together
These things happen so we can better
Every aspect of our young, lost lives

You said to me that one big thing
I was too afraid to say that night
You said if we were meant to be
I would not have paltered or lied
Feb 2010 · 822
D. P. Limbaugh Feb 2010
Whirling, whisping, talking, hissing
It whispers to me with harsh, cold lips
It hints with smooth, sharp statements
Long, drawn out tales of romance

It speaks to me, telling me where it has been
Stories of travel, love, and despair
It speaks to me, the wind, but I do not understand
I know to care, so I listen further

Through this cluttered conversation
She tells me where she is and what she wants
Where she has been weathers me
Whipped, waned, and windspent
Feb 2010 · 647
Light Out
D. P. Limbaugh Feb 2010
It is not even light out
But I dread the day to come
I dread all days to come
They mean nothing to me now

Who was once my light?
My soul and life
The reason I wake
Now the reason I ache

The reason I sleep
When it is light out.
It is not light out
But I dread all the days to come.
Feb 2010 · 839
In We Prance...
D. P. Limbaugh Feb 2010
In we prance, kingly versions of ourselves.
Nothing to dwell upon besides self,
I am frightened—
Comfortable in the awkward sociality.

I fear the end.
Yet, the start is always excruciating.
Once over the climb toward conversation,
The continuation is admired

This cycle does nothing.
The affluent believe they are better,
The others place great trust in “humility,” but lack humbleness.
These are the two groups of which we do not belong

By the end, there I hang,
Wishing to be forgotten by all instead of many.
Consumed by my own worries
No better than the ones I am leaving.

— The End —