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D Lep Feb 2012
And you never told me if you believed me.

Both giving the other
more reasons to question

a fate
set in sand.
In this poem and others posted here, the title is read as if it were
the first line of the poem. Professor Irizarry (who taught me Latino/a Literature
last semester) showed me the importance of titles. I used to have the
tendency to skip titles altogether in my readings, but now I take great care
in constructing titles that correspond with the poems themselves.
D Lep Feb 2012
A landscape of flesh
And your static halo
And my unfortunate mind

The sun had already set.
D Lep Feb 2012
choking back guilt

You should've been severed

Tangled in a net
of blackened hair

A breeze hollowing
the body above.
D Lep Feb 2012
Tumultuous sprays of foam
waltz across the tie dyed sky.
Afternoons spent wandering
the nearby unknowns.
Eventually the shroud unfurled
and offered a sliver of reality.
Lifting the head
from a downward gaze.
Glad to be content
with one's own thoughts.
Though nearing an end
your signs and symbols were cursed.
But I say to you:

Wax and wane,
come and go,
the moon, the tides
they've all been named.
(Life goes on.)
D Lep Feb 2012
Crude and sweet,
raw sugar.
D Lep Feb 2012
My fingertips are peeling
where they touched your skin.
Is it wrong to find comfort in the living?
To hide away in a moving pulse?
The only salt you've spilled
is for yourself.
And I'm in love with everyone else.
This is our dilemma.
D Lep Feb 2012
Repenting past lives
confirming aching anxieties
these tarnished memories
are beginning to stir.
Their perfumed ashes
choking out
dulling the senses.
When a leaf departs
and lands amongst the others
it is futile to attempt
to reattach it to a tree.
(What once was, shall never be.)
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