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godspeed, dystopian mind.
alls well that ends well
in the war against self loathing.
call upon historic impulses
electrical? fanatical. transfixed. fatal.
axiom? blight. corruption. hunger.
intent? destruction. hopeless. death.
godspeed, dystopian mind
and don't come back.
elegant master bedrooms
whimsical classic tunes
clean healing needles
almost as common as beetles
when your colors match their blues.

but if there's no color coordination
you might need some exploitation
followed by some red and blue
then some orange and white.
and happy times follow
with the vacant and hollow
bibles and books
presenting principles
far from the original examples

but you'll make an example.
it's all you've ever known
it's all you've ever known.
 Mar 2013 D K
Conor Oberst
Now and again it seems worse than it is,
but mostly the view is accurate.
You see your breath in the air as you'll climb up the stairs
to that coffin you call your apartment.
And you sink in your chair, brush the snow from your hair
and drink the cold away,
and you're not really sure what you're doing this for,
but you need something to fill up the days.
A few more hours.
There's a dream in my brain that just won't go away.
It's been stuck there since it came a few nights ago.
And I'm standing on a bridge in the town where I lived
as a kid with my mom and my brothers.
And then the bridge disappears and I'm standing on air
with nothing holding me.
And I hand like a star, ******* glow in the dark
for all those starving eyes to see,
like the ones we've wished on.
But now I'm confused. Is this death really you,
and do these dreams have any meaning?
No. No, I think it's more like a ghost that's been following us both.
Something vague that we're not seeing.
Something more like a feeling.
 Mar 2013 D K
Lula Marie Kamel
Each time we touched back we remembered:
Sitting on the stoop and realizing this is that feeling.
A vague cloud, huge and looming
Let's keep describing experiences as positive or negative.
Keep learning with me.
Flick, Flick, Flick
Another thought lost to the rest,
memories gone, but who cares if they are stored
in the first place
Just to be pushed out and replaced with a surge of new
Clouds of feeling.
"The world,
I toss it to the side and look at you and it doesn't matter."

— The End —