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Jul 2013 · 471
Someone else...
D Garner Jul 2013
The thought of someone else loving you and you loving someone else.
It makes me wish I was someone else.
Jul 2013 · 1.8k
D Garner Jul 2013
When I see you...
My heart gets ready to run and puts a number on its chest,
My heart stretches,
My heart goes to the start line,
Ready... set... go!
My heart begins racing,
My heart goes as fast as it can,
My heart doesn't stop,
It races until it reaches the finish line,
My heart throws its hands up and runs through the ribbon,
Finally it slows down,
My heart beats steadily as I try to keep you out of my thoughts,
Then I think of you again...
Another marathon.
Jul 2013 · 474
D Garner Jul 2013
I watch you dancing across my thoughts.
I see you, but you don't see me.
In my mind we're both free.
Free from the poison of the words spoken by the snakes in the grass.
Knowing that our feelings are forever meant to last.
I watch you dancing across my thoughts and I imagine our future, even though its unsure.
Our future is as clear as muddy water in reality, but in my thoughts its as clear as filtered air.
Something as beautiful as you, but you don't see me.
Something as unique as you, but you don't see me.
Something as colorful as you, but you don't see me.
The truth is, I watch you dancing across my thoughts.
You look at me and smile and then you tell me to come closer.
You whisper in my ear ever so sweetly, only for me to hear that a future for you and I will never be near.
You don't see me, but I watch you dancing across my thoughts.
Jul 2013 · 348
Time of Day.
D Garner Jul 2013
You won't give me the time of day.
But I think of you all the time of day.
I want you.
Jul 2013 · 387
My Secrets Come in 3's
D Garner Jul 2013
My Secrets Come in 3's...
The truth is I've found pleasure in what those say should not be enjoyed.
I have not found myself feigning the delight between the legs of one opposite of me, but rather of one the same as me.
I have known these things since the time before the time I could remember.
My secrets come in 3's.
First in line is the time when I first saw you.
I knew what I wanted, I knew what was true.
Your eyes met mine, your soul met mine.
Ever since then we've been connected.
Nobody knows what the darkness held for us at our best of times, we only show the opposite of what we both know in the light.
Next in line is secret number two.
That face, that laugh, and at last that voice.
Joy beyond compare, in the good and bad times we chose to share.
My feelings were once a suspect in a line up of things that you thought you knew.
But as soon as you knew the right thing, I made sure the feelings were removed.
I faked it like nothing was there, but all along I wished there was something to share.
Truth is I love you, I loved you, I'll love you.
Next in line is my longest desire.
There are no words for how I feel. How I've felt.
Every aspect, every moment, every thing.
The reason my secrets come in 3's.
The reason that triangles even matter.
My ocean, that I can't swim in.
My tea, that I can't sip.
My book, that I can't read.
My secrets have spilled like milk I can't replace.
My secrets come in 3's.
And my secrets are still true.
I'm in love with you... And you... And you.
Jul 2013 · 816
A Love Hindered.
D Garner Jul 2013
My Love
My Heart
My Life
A love hindered is a love with potential.
A love where it is essential to realize that there lies a power within
Where in between there is a tension so thick and that quick our love can be over
My lover, my world, my moon, my sky, my star.
The sun in my sky afar.
Im giving you my all.
As my heart makes its call,
I realize that somewhere the love has fallen short
The beauty has turned dark
The warmth has turned cold
The embrace has turned bitter
A love hindered
A love that is hurting a laugh that is crying, slowly dying, but yet denying that it's losing it's power. It has lost its touch
It has lost itself
It has lost its wealth
Who is the hero of love?
Who can be the hero when the hero knows not what needs to be saved?
A constant dismissing
Of hugging and kissing
Bodies fail to meet
Faces fail to greet
Drawn from a broken heart lines flow
Drawn from a broken spirit lines flow
Drawn from a broken soul lines flow
This love. This love. This love.
It's lost. Gone. Gone. And gone again.
But suddenly breath like wind, takes us for a spin.
And again
Back to begin
Give me your hand
Give me your heart
Give me your body
Your taste, touch, temperature.
A love hindered
It's a love still there
A love that looks up at you as a lost child, waiting for repair.
A love hindered.
Jul 2013 · 435
The End.
D Garner Jul 2013
The End...
As I sit and lay,
At the end of the day
I've found myself puzzled
One moment I've gone completely mad over something I thought was true.
Now the only thing which I avoid turns out to be you.
My would heart would jump, my eyes would light.
This was me at your sight
There's something that could have been but I don't dare to say
Love, was it love that's now slipping away?
The End.

— The End —