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 Apr 2017 Cyrano Jones
a road is a line
with infinite points
of departures but
finite number of

a road sometimes has
flowers on the side
but occasionally
one grows in the road
against all odds

but just because you
do not stay on the
line neither means you
are lost, nor that you
are not on path
 Mar 2013 Cyrano Jones
sirens' songs lured
thousands to their
but i want to
meet the guy who
 Mar 2013 Cyrano Jones
I remember when my mother
Would get angry with me
And I would escape to a tall pecan tree.

I always imagined my mother screaming,
"Where is my dear boy?
He has left and I never got a chance to tell
Him how much I love him."

My mother never did.

So, I stayed up there, watching man-next-door
Mow the lawn or the postman make his rounds.

And eventually,
   I would sink into the strong, loving arms of that tree.
The tree never told me I was bad.
   It never made demands on me.
      It was always nurturing and caring -
         Ever gently rocking.

When I think of the greatest gift
   My child has given me
      It's the moments that she crawls into my lap
         And rests her head against me.

I've become a tree.
 Mar 2013 Cyrano Jones
i am a leaf,
   caught in passion's wind.
      i can only feel myself
         being tossed into the air,
      cast from current to current,
   from elation to remorse,
      jealousy to disappointment,
        concern to misgivings,
     anxiety to grief to ardor.

                         i'm lifted into the air
                            and then
banged to the ground.

   she is dangerous.

      she moves too easily into my being.

i am a leaf.

   i have no will.

— The End —