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Cynthia May Feb 2015
It feels good to feel the pain
Hidden in the depths of my heart.
Places I closed long ago.

I judged the pain as "wrong".
In fear, I sacrificed potential.
Scared and hurt, but standing,
I now reclaim my flow.
Cynthia May Feb 2015
I am changing.
My perceptions of the past, present, and future.
Fast, chaotic, and out of control.
I have no identity.

But I have nothing to fear.
I need no identity.
Open, I become stronger and brighter.
I feel more love and beauty.
I ride my crocodile, with a smile.
I used the crocodile, as a symbol of our primal fear of change and survival.
Cynthia May Feb 2015
I struggle, wounded,
My body closing in.

The yearning
Is my key to staying open

My back arches as love flows through.
Only to recoil again, under guard.

From holding up shields.

Drop them. Let go.
Feel the pain.
Feel the yearn.

— The End —