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Cynthia Clark Aug 2010
You have a house and three kids
And a college degree despite getting pregnant at seventeen
You lived and you've learned
You went through alot and it really isn't fair
But life isn't easy and no one ever said it would be
You got to deal wiht the bad things and hope they go away
You are told good things are to come
But I've been waiting for awhile and this bad stuff keeps adding up
Nothing good is coming and I'm sick of waiting
I don't want ot give up but soemtimes it's your only choice
Cynthia Clark Aug 2010
As the lies were spun we were blinded
We need are escape
then it came to us
that the escape was within our selves
thats were we could find home
yet it was a dead end street
and now we are all alone
my heart is now turned to stone
there is no place to run to
and no place for us to call home
Cynthia Clark Aug 2010
I have no idea why
I just don't like you at certain times
You don't know it but, I just don't understand you
One day you love him then the next you move on
Just like nothing ever went on
I ask you from time to time you just say "I still love that one guy"
I just laugh cause I know it's all one big lie
Cynthia Clark Jul 2010
You said you'd be here by 6
Well now it's 6:33 and your nowhere in sight
I need a ride an escape
I've smoked all my cigarettes
Now I'm sitting on the porch waiting
I get my phone dial his number
Hope your happy I'm gone with someone else
We took off into the night and I'm not planning to come back till the morning light
Cynthia Clark Jul 2010
Once Again
I tried
I tried so **** hard
Just to make you happy
And once again a failed attempt
You didn’t even notice what I was doing
But I thought I was doing it good
Guess it wasn’t good enough
Yet then again nothing ever is when it comes to you
All I wanted was for you to notice me
But no that could never happen
So I moved on realized none of this was worth my time
Cynthia Clark Jun 2010
Is it the truth?
Or is it just another lie
Your known for that you know
Countless times you've said "I'm kicking him out"
Don't you realize you sound like an idiot every ******* time
At first I thought it was the truth but soon I learned it's all *******
How would I pay the bills without him that's your ******* excuse
So I'm gone for good I'm not coming back home
It was me or him and you picked him over your own child
So go live your happy life without me cause were all better off that way
Cynthia Clark Jun 2010
I layed in his arms
I felt like i wasn't there
The air was warm
I was cold
The tv was on
I was looking at the wall
I needed an escape
The door was open
I got up
He said stay
I said then you leave
He got up and went to the door then turned around
He said I love you baby
I replied don't lie to me
And then he walked out
He got in his car and left
Now I'm alone
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