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3.6k · Sep 2011
CynQuavia Sep 2011
Im not a lover ima fighter
and yhall woinder why i dont like her
She talk that mess all day
but when i stress
she says it okay.
I dont like you
I wanna fight you and you wonder
why people dont like you
your hurt me I beat you >
I have to hands nomatter what you do
Forget all these ugly people im threw so
Im not trynna be you
2.8k · Sep 2011
CynQuavia Sep 2011
Stupid ugly acting peoplewant me to do everything for them heres what I have to say
Shut up* and let me be
All of yall need to flee
Talk and talk and talk
all day long
shut up and go away
Im Not rachet or *****
And yes im nerdy gerdy
I dont care what you've gt to say
Shut up and go away
1.5k · Sep 2011
Where were you, Daddy?
CynQuavia Sep 2011
Daddy were where you when i turned two?
'I was in Jail tryna get out to see you'
Daddy were where you when i got rushed to the hospital
' smoking **** at 9am'
daddy dont you care bout me and your other 8 kids?
' Girl you know i dont give a ****'
I still care for you and I love you
'I love you too, but i cant give to you'
Daddy your low down and ***** when i turn tenty
youll still act as if your two.
Just cause you got out of prison on April first you still trynna hustle with all those drugs
' you didnt have to go there i put up with you threw all these years
Daddy where were you when i started middle school?
'i was in prison'
Im not gonna be like you
your so stupid
Im done with you!
1.3k · Sep 2011
CynQuavia Sep 2011
Bald* like an eagle when born
Loud like a war has begun
Hot like lava from a volcano
Warm like an apple pie
sweet like the tears in my eyes
sour like buttermilk
solf like a *quilt
This is me all of these thing and i will remain the same
even from all this pain.
1.2k · Sep 2011
I found you!
CynQuavia Sep 2011
I found you looking at me
and tought wow what a beautiful sight
You came up to me and said I found you.
I wondered why you said 'ifound you'
Then you told me years later*
I found you looking at me
and said wow
You told me you found a bestfriend
someone to tell everything and share everything
You found a crazy Girl with microbraids and
a tatto that said I love Blue
You looked at me and said I do too
we started being friends and then besties
i told you everything and so did you
when i left you would txt me and sayi miss you,
I love you, when are you coming back,
Things been differnt for so long
I came back and you said I found you
You fund a Girl with long stright weave in her head with a white polo
and said Wow is that you
Thats me
your bestfriend you found 3years ago
This isnt really a poem I just wrote what i was feeling when going through a rough time and someone was there for me! Enjoy comment thanks
1.2k · Sep 2011
Daddy i dont need you
CynQuavia Sep 2011
I now realized why I was so weak and my
tears were so sweet
Because of you
I act the way i do
no cure to my needs
I do is weep weep weep
and do you care to see me sleep
I dont need you looking at my face and lying to me
I dont need you trynna upset me
Cause you are foolish and weak
trynna sell dugs
just like a ****
Boo Hoo
No tears in theses eyes or dont you care to ?
boo hoo to you and to all your kids that wanna be you
You stanky rachet dope selling fool!
And I dont need you
923 · Dec 2011
Your Love Is My Drug
CynQuavia Dec 2011
The Sound Of Your Voice In My Mind
Is Like PAint Leaking In The Can
Traped And Cant Get Out
Cant Erase The Memories Of Us
or The Laughter Of Your Voice
... Its So Addictive
On My Mind All the Timee ,
Your Love Is My Drugg ♥
850 · Jan 2012
CynQuavia Jan 2012
Money Hungry
Or Drug Abusers
**** Them Selves
Everyday Do Stupid Things
Really There Is Another Wayy !!!
850 · Sep 2011
Mommy I need you
CynQuavia Sep 2011
Mama I need you dont you see
you brought me in this world just for me to flee
My tears are for you attention
dont you listen
You dont hear my cries but you can see when im teling lies
Don know whats behind my smiles
Mama I need you
when my heart gets broken
or when i get hurt inside
Where are you gonna be
flee like the birds in the tree
Mama I need you when im feeling sad
just being with you ca mend my wounds
I might not say it I love you
but Mama I really need you!
831 · Sep 2011
Lying Games tells Honesty
CynQuavia Sep 2011
Im hurt by your honesty
in the past you told lies and know all I do is cry
Are you my daddy or just another man
trying to still my heart
No one can
You lied I cred
now whats there to say
Im threw Im done
with all your Lying Games
820 · Sep 2011
A man in Pain finds is way
CynQuavia Sep 2011
When he went blunderingback to God,
his songs half written, his work half done,
Who knows what paths his bruised feet trod,
What hills of peace or pain he won?

I hope God smiled nd took his hand,
And said, "Poor truant, passionate fool!
Life's book is hard to understand:
Why couldst thou not remain in school?"
A poem by charles Hanson Towne found inside a notebook amongst Chicks Benetto's belongings.
808 · Sep 2011
Who cares
CynQuavia Sep 2011
People say that tears mean a lot be do you see in all it in this snot
Don’t know how I feel and you say what’s the big???
Big deal if or is it not why do you say stuff that’s make me hot!
I cry cry cry and people always fear me not
Cussing screaming stressing over this stuff
Making me bald Anit that enough!
You may not know this not know this at all but I care
Way too much for me to just fall down the drain to come back tomorrow get away from all this pain.
Who cares? No One cares!
794 · Sep 2011
CynQuavia Sep 2011
Who Is she?
Who is I?
Do they know that I cry?
tears pouring down my face like rain on a very hot day
burining my soul that people call cold.
No one knows what I do
Lame crazy physco is what the say
no need to worry Im okay.
702 · Sep 2011
CynQuavia Sep 2011
nobody can heal the broken bones left inside me
nobody can feel the way I do everyday
nobody understands the way my mind works
nobody  lets me do me
nobody wants to find the cure to help me
but EVERYBODY wants me in thearpy
nobody wants tolove me the way I want them too
nobody cares to my needs
663 · Jan 2012
Pain Inside
CynQuavia Jan 2012
Every time I try to speak my Mind I Get Criticized
And I Cry Inside.
It Hurts To Think Know One Cares
And No One is there.
To think A Lot of things at a very young age Its weird
To me
I just want to be normal like birds in a tree
Things seem to hurt me very deep
My heart aches and my Lungs scream
I Look Next To Me And Say Whos There ?
No Answer , No One Is There
So The Pain Inside Will Remain In My Mind !
653 · Sep 2011
C*Y*N* Q*U*A*V*I*A
CynQuavia Sep 2011
C* *Creative in every kind of way
Y Young and very beautiful
N Never give up at anything
Q quick to judge when things rubb me the wrong way
U Unique and very diverse
A adventruous and very weird
V velocious In the things i do
I I love you too!
A *And very sucsessful
618 · Sep 2011
A Citys Sunset
CynQuavia Sep 2011
Across the roof-tops of the town
I saw the flaming sun go down;
For some, another day of tears
Lay buried in the hurrying years.

The shadows folded; here and there
A yellow light began to flare.
For some, another golden day
Of gladness sped upon its way
This is a poem by my favorite poet Charles Hanson Towne.
616 · Sep 2011
*Skin* the movie
CynQuavia Sep 2011
Born colored
to a white family
people wonder whos the enemy.
dad looking for me a white husband
but do they know that Im below them
Im black with a white family
hurt because im the enemy
Left my family
dont know whats gotten into me
Had a family
but got abused on
and was left alone.
Havent seen my family in 7 years
Dont know how i ut up with it all these tears
Father died
i tried to hide
scared betrayed hurt.
because of the color of my *SKIN
611 · Dec 2011
Me And You
CynQuavia Dec 2011
Me And You Have Something New
Our Relationship Is Trust
And We Do Not Fuss
I love You And Need Yhu
To keep me Safe
Me And Yhu Is What I think About All Dayy !
546 · Sep 2011
CynQuavia Sep 2011
Love is like a shooting star it comes and goes.*
How do you feel when you loved?
How do you feel when you’re not loved?
Tears, Fear, and heart aches.
Love is the most hurtful thing on earth is it so?
Yes, I do, no you fool
Make up your mind
Don’t go chasing waterfalls
If you don’t know where to go
It comes and goes make sure you know where to go to find true Love

— The End —