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Cyleybee Oct 2016
Empty chairs and tables,
the lingering smell of coffee and muffins,
I still remember the latte that you deemed to be your favorite.
You always ordered it with a shot of esspresso,
you said you liked the way it made your hands shake.
You liked it so bitter,
I liked it so sweet,
Maybe that's why you liked me.
I was the sweetness in your bitter coffee.
Coffee shops remind me of you,
and the history you've made,
I know you've got your life in place,
I've yet to take the hint someday,
I'll be shaking and waiting for something more.
Cyleybee Oct 2016
Are everything,
The breeze to my rustling leaves,
The shore to my crashing waves,
The clouds to my rain,
The rose to my thorn.
Mean everything to me,
You’re my muse,
My last thought at night and my first thought when I wake,
You’re on my mind with every lyric I hear,
You’re on my mind always.
I love you and there’s no turning back.
No matter how much I resist you,
I simply can’t.
Because you’re
Cyleybee Oct 2016
You make me lovesick,
To me, that’s worse than being sick because at least for regular sickness there’s a cure.
Whenever I close my eyes, even just to blink,
I see a perfect picture of you in my mind.
I see you,
Laughing, talking, smiling, the cute closed mouth half smile you do that shows your dimple on your left cheek.
God, it’s terrible that I know that.
The way you make me feel in indescribable,
You’re so cool,
The way you move,
The way you think,
I’m more than convinced you’re a gift from a higher power.
I’m so sick, why does this always happen?
My mind is diseased by the sound of your voice,
Diseased by the scenes of you and me,
Images I can’t seem to misplace otherwise I’d miss them too much,
I’d miss you too much,
And my God, I don’t think I could handle that again.
You make me so sick,
And the only cure to this sickness is you.
Cyleybee Oct 2016
It feels like roses in bloom;
It feels like champagne and warm grass;
It feels like when someone envelopes your cold hands is their warm hands;
It feels like comfort after being neglected for so long;
It feels like promise;
It feels infinite;
It feels like I never want to let go;
It feels like everything I’ve never had;
It feels like fresh air rushing into my lungs, then being taken away once it’s over;
It feels like all my dreams coming true when I kiss you.
I can compare all of these beautiful things to the feeling I get when I kiss you, but I could never put words to the beauty of your lips on mine.
Cyleybee Oct 2016
When the rain falls,
The house falls dark and silent,
Aside from the sound of the raindrops hitting the roof.
The music keeping me company reminds me of you,
You’re already long gone, yet a part of you resides in my mind.
You were the person who taught me how to dance in the rain when all I used to do when it came was cry,
I hate to say it but I’ve cried more than I’ve danced.
I lost my dancing partner and the rain filled up my eyes because I was too busy searching the sky to try and find the reason why you left.
Eventually, the rain that resided in my eyes would have to fall,
And oh my did it ever fall for you.

— The End —