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cursed Aug 2013
My dead lover once told me
To pick the reds over the blues
For years I tried to comprehend
And on his third year death anniversary
A friend since child came to me with an envelope
A blue and a red
"This will determine your future"
He said as he slid the envelope across the table towards me
"Well, I like blue so I'll just pick blue."
My friend was shocked
Signalling me not to
And that is when I trust my dead lover
I chose the red over the blue.
That night I cried blood
Reading a letter by my dead lover
Whom cheated on me more than the years we have been together
He was ready to pop the question on our seventh year
Because he get a hell of a day by his dad
Over cheating on me
And a hell from his mom
Over making me wait
It really caught my attention that year
He has changed
Until he was dead.
Now I am more curious over the blue
And when it was handed to me on our suppose to be tenth year anniversary
I cried blood again
To know he never loved me the way I loved him
To know it was a deal with the friend who gave the envelopes
To know my friend was a cancer survivor
To know my friend gave me to him because he thinks he could not lived long
And look who died first.
No one knew why
No one expected it
But now I'm married to the person I never noticed.
A tribute to a person who is a follower of my writing blog since the start. Congratulations, and may your marriage is blessed!
cursed Aug 2013
I thought of anything that could **** me
Maybe everything.
Maybe it won't **** me in weeks to come
Maybe one year,
Two years or more
Maybe never,
You won't know, right?
cursed Aug 2013
I loved him, you know?
More than any lovers I ever had
And people would not believed me
Because I never met him
Touched him
I only see him from the screen
Distance does not matter to me
I would rather stay away from him
Than seeing him every day
*All is gone.
cursed Aug 2013
On a light raining day
I sat by the river bank
My wrist ached
My heart flows out through my eyes
My mind screamed from my hand
A flick of the sharp razor
Brings peace to me.

On a light raining day
I sat at my window seat
My wrist ached
Like the other day by the river bank
There's no one in the house, I thought
This is a perfect chance
To run away from this hideous life
And so does every other day I thought of that
I failed.

On a stormy night
In my room
The only light of the night
From the moon it shone passed my window
To every area of my room
Lifeless shadow dance around
And there is me on the same window seat
Smiling weakly at the outside world
This time I'll be gone for sure, I thought
Blame it on me for being weak
Blame it on me for taking in the negative
But also blame my parents and the world
Blame them for giving me pressure
Blame them for being stereotypical.

On a sunny day
Where children are laughing
And a lifeless me on my bed
The pain was unbearable
But the blood flowing out made me smile
A weak smile on my face
Is what they saw when they found me
The face of my parents
The pain that struck them
The pain that struck me
It may be the same
Call me a selfish young lady
But it was worth it
All the pain
The loss of blood

— The End —