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2.1k · Aug 2013
Currin Aug 2013
I'm from Sister Shubert's rolls and homemade chicken and dumplings
From bowling late on Thanksgiving night to trying to be the first one to find the pickle in the Christmas tree

I'm from the smell of my mom's famous pies (pecan, chocolate peanut butter and Kentucky derby fresh from the oven)
From "Sweet Caroline" and "Oh Happy Day"

I'm from the macaroni and cheese I never realized was good
From "Dance with the cow in a patch of clover" and puzzles on Nana's steps

I'm from Rook parallel to the bathtub
From my three favorite windows in the whole house and crazy surprises in my lunchbox

I'm from reading dad's sermons over his shoulder early on Sunday mornings
From lightning bugs and fried okra to the quote board and pickle pancakes

I'm from biscuits with honey for breakfast every Saturday
From McDonald's delicious chocolate birthday cakes

I'm from ***** feet and a pitch black washcloth
And that's the only way I'd want it
1.1k · Aug 2013
restless heart
Currin Aug 2013
an old soul,
a little crinkled on the edges
covered in the musty scent of a grandmothers attic,
tainted with memories of what has been
and what is yet to be
a free spirit,
drawn by the tug of
the wind
and the water
and the waves beating upon the shore
time and time again
wanting to go
the soul fights back a weary sigh
isn't there something better to be doing?
and after all
won't the tide be gone
in just a couple of days?
the slow hiss of air from a deflating balloon
another dream is drowned in maybes
washed away like a finger smudge scrubbed off a window on cleaning day
a constant tug of war
waging on and on
an old soul
a free spirit
a restless heart
Currin May 2016
A brain and a soul.
Just a brain and a soul.
A brain and a soul,
and a big gaping hole.

A brain and a soul,
and the weight of the world.
Can a brain and a soul
ever act in accord?

A brain and a soul,
both happy and sad.
My brain and my soul,
feel both good things and bad.

A brain and a soul,
learning more everyday.
The brain and the soul,
slowly paving a way.

A brain and a soul,
expectations on lock.
Fearful brain and a soul,
angst running amok.

A brain and a soul,
what could be more true?
With a brain and a soul,
panic often ensues.

A brain and a soul.
Just a brain and a soul.
A brain and a soul,
and a big gaping hole.
864 · Aug 2013
Inside the Jelly Jar
Currin Aug 2013
Inside the jelly jar it is as small as small can be
You'll find creatures there that only you alone can see
There are creatures full of wonder - full of faith and hope and love;
Some are clumsy like the giant. Some are graceful like the dove
They are all very different - in their own special way
And when they look inside their hearts they find that they can save the day.
I think that we as humans posses these traits as well
Some just may be locked in our hearts in an ugly sort of cell.
Therefore I invite you to set these feelings free
And after this you'll find that you're not who you used to be;
You're a whole new person - and much better by far
And it's all because you took the time to look inside the jelly jar.
845 · Nov 2013
love & world geography
Currin Nov 2013
I wanted to put you on paper
To wrap my mind around you a little bit
(But we both know that's harder than it seems)

Remember when we learned in world geography class that you can never really fully represent a three dimensional object on a two dimensional piece of paper?
I think that also applies to you

You're the globe and I'm the cartographer that could never quite put you on a map
I have a globe the size of you in my brain and I don't think I'll be wrapping my mind around you anytime soon
835 · Jun 2013
Currin Jun 2013
a "yes", a "no", a "maybe so"
a "can't decide", an "I don't know"
decisions everywhere I go
a "yes", a "no", a "maybe so"

a "what", a "why", a "let me be"
please oh please just don't ask me
problems and worries are all I see
a "what", a "why", a "let me be"

a "yes", a "no", a "maybe so"
a "can't decide", an "I don't know"
decisions everywhere I go
one more and I think I'll blow
Currin Nov 2013
I laid on the bridge and looked up at the stars
Reached out my hand thinking I could touch mars
This is what poems are made of

A small glance at you with a grin in return
Stomach butterflies and a heart that can yearn
This is what poems are made of

On a swing with my friends under a never-ending sky
Jumping and wishing my body could fly
This is what poems are made of

Reading a book that makes me glad I can feel
Ink on a page can seem so much more real
This is what poems are made of

Riding in a car with the windows rolled down
A song on the radio, cruising through town
This is what poems are made of

A smile, a sob, a laugh and a grin
A story, a memory, two good deeds and one sin
This is what poems are made of

This is what poems are made of
693 · Nov 2013
12:04 am
Currin Nov 2013
Look at me. It's 12:04 am and I'm excited. I have this excited energy running through me. I'm exhausted and I'm tired and I'm excited. And I want to talk to you. I want us to have a deep conversation. I want to share my adventurous feeling with you. I want to fall in love. I want us to be so tired our conversations turn into strings of nothing. It's 12:04 am, I'm awake, I'm excited, and I'm thinking of you.
(But of course you're asleep)
686 · Jan 2015
the spirit of being alive
Currin Jan 2015
I crave human interaction
I want deep connections with anybody, everybody
human beings are the most beautiful things
I will ever see in my lifetime
all so carefully unique and unbelieveably complicated
I'm greedy to know human souls

there are just so many stories
so many mindsets
so many ideas to be discovered

I'm not a fan of small talk
never have been, really
I'm a fan of kindness
I'm a fan of closeness
I'm a fan of the way people mindlessly doodle while on the phone

I want to both observe humans and know them all at the same time

maybe I'm crazy
maybe we all are
maybe human is synonymous with beautiful
667 · Aug 2015
luck of the draw
Currin Aug 2015
I may not ever win the lottery,
or even raffles at football games.
I could go the rest of my life without ever winning a game of chance,
consistently losing cards, money, and dignity.
Yet my lack of superficial fortune will never phase me,
for as long as I’m with you
I am the luckiest person alive.
665 · Sep 2013
A few realizations
Currin Sep 2013
You're going to end up in a car with the star of the football team with no idea what to say to him
You're going to run down a hill in a flowing skirt and feel like a model
You're going to wake up with cramps and a broken heart and want to stay in bed for eternity
You're going to have an inside joke with your locker neighbor and realize he's not such a bad guy
You're going to write so many papers that you have a little indention in your finger from holding the pencil
You're going to stumble across that old love letter you got in 5th grade and nostalgia will flood your mind
You're going to square dance in the middle of a city with your best friend
You're going to sing at the top of your lungs going down the interstate
You're going to laugh until you cry
And you're going to realize that yes, life is beautiful; and yes, life is sad; but more than anything, life sure is weird
Currin Sep 2013
There's a girl who laughs the color of the full moon
She crinkles her eyes as a smile spreads over her face
Stretching like leather on an canvas

There's a girl who cries the color of an unripe blackberry
She watches sad movies and chokes back tears
Letting the salt water tell her to breathe

There's a girl who dreams the color of old lace
She flips through an old photo album
And imagines her future through the fading memories of the past

There's a girl who sings the color of your favorite t-shirt
She lets her voice be drowned out by the radio
The wind whipping through her hair on a Sunday afternoon

Then there is a girl who is nothing

And I don't know which one matters more
543 · May 2014
Currin May 2014
do you remember when we went hiking?
we got to the top of the mountain and looked down at the lake
you held me close and told me this:
"you are my favorite person and this is my favorite view"

do you remember when we went stargazing?
it was late at night and your hands were warm against mine
I looked at the sky and it was so beautiful
but not as beautiful as you

you are my favorite person and you are my favorite view
535 · Nov 2013
A little more about you
Currin Nov 2013
I wanted to write a poem
For you
About you
Something with YOU
(It's amazing how many "you"s there are in poetry)
And I'm not sure if this is even a poem
It might end up with me just ranting
I'm gonna pretend it's a poem anyway

So, you
The infamous you
You could be anyone really
You could be you, the boy I've been thinking about all day today
Maybe you are my best friend who I haven't seen very much lately
And perhaps you are you, the reader
Once again, it's amazing how many "you"s there are in poetry
But back to the topic
YOU are magnificent
Just wanted to get that out there.
You you you you you
I think you're pretty special
I love you, you
And maybe that is just a statement about my beliefs but I did say you were pretty special, didn't i?
Well you are
You're special and magnificent in the best possible way
And I love you
(I told you this would just end up as a rant)

The end
506 · May 2013
my paper king
Currin May 2013
a paper town
a paper queen
care to be my
paper king?
crown of paper
sword of gold
a cape to put on
when we're cold
take my hand
come with me
build a castle
out at sea
daring sword fights
rule the land
this town was always
built on sand
take a risk
we'll be free
anything we
want to be
fleeting paper
love so bold
let's forget
all we're told
a paper town
a paper queen
care to be my
paper king?
505 · May 2016
Currin May 2016
She was small. So very small.
A girl afraid of being too large,
crushed by the weight of the world on her shoulders.

She was complicated. Oh so complicated.
Both happy and sad and trying to figure out why,
in love with the feelings that come with being alive.

She was nervous. Horribly, horribly nervous.
The crushing anxiety often too much to bear,
causing her to curl up into a ball of fear, sometimes too scared to breathe.

She was a lover. One of life’s many lovers.
Deeply fascinated by every human heart,
a bookworm because she loved the way words resonated with her soul.

She was small. So very, very small.


But through writing she could make herself LARGE.
473 · Jun 2013
a pair of two
Currin Jun 2013
we'll face the world
a pair of two
you with me
and me with you

you'll hold my hand
I'll kiss your cheek
together strong
together weak

come make me laugh
I'll make you grin
we'll never feel
alone again

standing together
side by side
our souls will never
have to hide

we'll face the world
a pair of two
you with me
and me with you
462 · Aug 2015
maybe this isn't my forte
Currin Aug 2015
sometimes I think I’m not fit to be a human being
I just can’t seem to handle everyday life
I’m drowning in more stress than I know how to deal with
stress that is only amplified by my own mind
I’m breaking up, breaking down, breaking apart
shattering like glass hit by a hammer
a hammer made of a suffocating workload
a hammer made of crippling anxiety
a hammer made of ever-present loneliness

I’m just trying to make it through each day
despite the shards of glass in my wake

who knew being human could be this hard
Currin Feb 2014
I am a speck in the ocean
And there is a wave of happiness crashing over me again and again and again
Sweep me away to the middle of the sea
I wanna get lost in this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful life

For there is far too much beauty in this world
And far too few words
To ever fully grasp
Just how wonderful this life can be

Sweep me away to the middle of the sea
I don't ever want to go back to shore
438 · Sep 2013
How to mend a spirit
Currin Sep 2013
Buy a box of your favorite thoughts
Take them off the shelf
Glue them in the corner of your brain
Let them become yourself

Pick a bouquet of your favorite songs
Chose them each with care
Plant then deep inside your soul
For when you need them there

Grab a jar of your favorite feelings
Pour them in your heart
And when your breath just seems to stop
They'll remind you when to start

Tie a string with all my love
A bow upon your bones
Let it warm you so you know
You'll never be alone

Write a poem, hang it up
Let everyone get near it
And at the top make sure you write
"How to mend a spirit"
425 · May 2014
again and always
Currin May 2014
thank you
again and always
I love you
again and always
again and always
I miss you

again and always
..for my grandfather
414 · Nov 2013
An experiment
Currin Nov 2013
What I've always wanted?
To write this poem
That can be read
Two ways
This is hard
I think I'll go back
To regular poetry
The end.

The end?
To regular poetry
I think I'll go back
This is hard
Two ways
That can be read
To write this poem?
What I've always wanted
I really wanted to try writing a poem like this and turns out it's really difficult. I envy all of you who can write these with ease, you amaze me.
410 · May 2013
Currin May 2013
sometimes I like to think
about all the places
I could be going
and all the things
I could be doing
if I was anywhere but here
but then I realize
if I was somewhere else
I would probably be thinking
the exact same thing
and I think sometimes
we get so caught up in leaving
that we forget how nice it is
to be
385 · Sep 2013
Who a poem is for
Currin Sep 2013
A poem is for the poet
Not for the teacher
Not for the reader
Not for the editor
Not for any of those people
(although they may want it to be)

A poem is for the poet
And I think sometimes we forget that
363 · Aug 2013
a little bit of gray
Currin Aug 2013
I wanted to make sense of the world
To dot my i's and cross my t's
And hope that everything would sort itself out
I colored inside the lines with black and white, and thought that's what made it look beautiful
And I tried so hard to blend in
That I lost what it took to stand out
Until one day I didn't cross a t
And tried not to worry that it looked like an l
I colored outside the lines, just a little bit
Even though it made it look gray
But no one ever said gray looked bad
And when I stopped trying to understand the world I realized that the world doesn't want to be understood
Some things just aren't meant to make sense
And when I stopped trying so much to fit in
I learned that the world likes people who stand out
And if that's not beautiful, I don't know what is
359 · May 2016
Currin May 2016
they say you have to have courage to be an artist
I say I’m working on it
there is a door inside of my heart
and it is bulging outward in the middle
I'd be lying if I said it wasn’t full of light
but so much light is a little bit scary
I’m not so sure what i’m afraid of,
but as many times as my mind has argued that
fear is irrational, my heart has always managed to
fight back and win
Not today
Today I am going to turn that doorknob ⅛ of an inch
and tomorrow I am going to turn it ⅛ of an inch more
One day soon, I am going to be radiant
342 · May 2013
at a loss
Currin May 2013
I'm not quite sure
what is happening
and I'm not quite sure
what to do
all I know
is that you've got me writing love poems
and they happen to be
all about
323 · Dec 2017
Crinoline Minute
Currin Dec 2017
the crinoline in the corner
blinks twice
at the mascara
spinning on the vanity
slowly leaking blood

house cats pirouette down hallways
of marble and steel
ripping their claws out
as to not interfere with their work

******* don’t last forever
they say
two years max
three if you deflate them
every night before you sleep

there’s a lily
in the dining room
who pierced her tongue
with a cufflink
she once wore a crinoline too
you know

her sister works at a diner
from four to close
no scrambled eggs here
she’ll say
it's over easy or nothing
sausage on the side

but the crinoline
is too close to the fireplace
and the cats
don’t know how to love
while the lily
stopped being beautiful
when her sister melted
into the frying pan

a spark punches the crinoline
upside the face
and a ****** cannonballs
towards the toilet
drowning in bliss
303 · Dec 2017
Currin Dec 2017
I have a rainbow for a mind.
The colors are there, always in the corner of my vision and since they won’t crumble and go away I’ve decided to accept them.
It isn’t always easy.
When the boy from physics yells my name it is navy blue.
And when he runs down the hall after me the sound his shoes make is orange, orange in short staccato bursts.
And then he punches me, hits me, teases me for something I can’t control and all I see is the sound of his fists beating against my skin.
Red, red, blinding red.
And the noise grows and the colors come at me in all directions.
Red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, violet.
Red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, violet.
And suddenly I can’t take it anymore so I squint my eyes shut as hard as I possibly can and I scream.
(My scream is periwinkle. It has always been my favorite color.)

I have never once seen a black and white movie.
All my dreams are in color and my memories are too.
I see colors when I’m talking on the phone, listening to the radio, sitting in the corner of my room where it is just loud enough to see the sound of the air conditioner, making itself known with little beige waves.
All my life has been red swirling with yellow swirling with pink swirling with blue swirling with purple.
I have a rainbow for a mind.
296 · Aug 2015
i don't like this anymore
Currin Aug 2015
honestly, I didn’t think it would be this hard
school, you leaving, all of it

I’m stressed out and you’re not here to tell me to take deep breaths
so I have to remind myself and sometimes I forget

my hands are a ****** mess because I pick at them when I’m nervous
and right now my nerves are running pretty high

most days I just really want you to come home
237 · Dec 2017
first floor bathroom
Currin Dec 2017
Floors frigid like ice
against my bare legs. I count
ten speckles per tile

At least one-hundred
tiles per stall but it’s hard
enough to focus.

Paper rolled in *****
that can’t seem to hold their shape

Lead scraped against stone
making everything dull gray.
Names scribbled over.

The lock screams as it
slides to the right of the door.
Seemingly mocking.

Three large, cracked mirrors
stare unyieldingly through me.
Five minutes ‘till class.
203 · Dec 2017
Currin Dec 2017
I can see your hand as it reaches towards me
Slowly, slowly, ever so slowly
(I should have known you would be just as timid as I am)
I count your fingers as they make their presence known against my back.
One, two, three, four, five
Each one a little dewdrop of warmth
Making that small section of my back almost as warm as my blushing face
Your thumb starts moving in lazy circles
Light, so very light
So gently that I am not even sure if you are touching my skin,
perhaps just the small bubble of air around it -
Either way it feels electric
You are a current
And I know I am at risk of being electrocuted
But you are making my hair stand on end
Physically you are touching my back but in my mind it feels more like you are touching my heart
Shocking me again and again and again
I never want to get used to this feeling
183 · Dec 2017
elephants have anxiety too
Currin Dec 2017
How embarrassing it is to be human.
Always failing,
never once realizing the power vested in our souls.
We are like elephants, arguably the biggest and strongest creatures in the animal kingdom.
Yet until we learn to harness our capabilities,
we will always be scared of a mouse.
182 · Dec 2017
Currin Dec 2017
Be mad.
Be wild.
Get upset.
Cry, at least as often as necessary.
Embrace the darker part of you utterly and entirely.
Be afraid.
You are not a single rose garden.
You are an entire world,
containing both sunshine and thunderstorms,
and maybe even a tornado or two.
As Walt Whitman once said,
you contain multitudes.
Let your inner fire rage on;
it is part of you too.

Because, my dear,
you are LARGE.
You are more than just a six by two rectangular cutout of a human being.
Your thoughts can start fires.
Your words can change hearts.
Your emotions can illuminate everything at least within a ten mile radius.
You are not just a piece of sand on a crowded beach.
Hell, you’re the whole beach,
and the ocean,
and the mountains,
and the city,
and everything in between.
You are LARGE,
and I hope you never forget it.

— The End —