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Oct 2012 · 941
Abusive Partner
Why am I always hurt
Day and day its always the same.
He hits me and kicks me
And says its all my fault
That he suffer's at work.
I try to hide the bruises
Under the make-up and clothes.
But the physical pain is to
Much to bear.
I dont think I can take much more of this.
He walks through the door
All mad nad ticked off.
He grabs me and hits me
With the back of his hand.
I start to whimper
He yells horrible words
And slams me onto
The cold hard floor.
When I start to cry
He picks me up
And throws me on the bed.
Then he feels bad
And gives me a kiss.
I feel like i'm standing alone.
Fighting with right and wrng.
Should I stay or should I go?
But in the end
I always choose wrong.
I wrote this about abuse, I personally have not experienced anything like this but I have come close. I left before it got to bad. Seeing all kinds of stuff about abusive partners on the news and how they end up going right back to it made me want to write about it, hope you all enjoy!
Oct 2012 · 807
September 11, 2001
On that fateful day

We lost many innocent lives

When the two planes hit the twin towers

It sent us into shock and confusion

Not knowing what was going on

Wondering if it was an accident or terroist attack

Everywhere everyone screamed and panicked

We watched in horror as people plummeted to their death from hundreds of feet

Fires burning from variouse levels

Many were told to stay put

That rescue would come,

But little did they know the crew would be wrong

Parts of the building, dust, ash, and smoke fell or poured through holes in the building

Many sacrificed their lives to save others

Phones stopped working

Papers from great heightes fell to the ground

You could hear disturbing cries for help

Relatives trying to phone in to see if loved ones survived

Everyone cried, scared for theirs and others lives

Friends call oue looking and searching for others

When the towers fell everyone ran for their lives

As we stood watching the television,

Or listening to the radio we gathered and cried

So many injuired and death on that sad, sad day

Family, friends, and coeworkers dead or trapped

Heart break filled everyone

Prayers were heard all over the world

To this day we have a moment of silence

For family, friends, and strangers all over the world,

For the brave men and woman.

We will NEVER forget that fateful day called 9/11.
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Safe Haven
This feeling is so over whelming
But very addicting
Watching it slide across my wrist
Blood pouring to the surface
While I'm in the zone
I don't feel any of it
But afterwards it stings like hell
This is my Safe Haven
I have controle over it all
I controle how many lines
How deep I cut into my flesh
Knowing this is not healthy
But cant seem to stop
Sometimes making pictures
Or simply just words
Why is this so addicting?
Why can't I make it stop?
Trying to figure my life out
Wondering if it's too late
Can I change my course of fate?
Oct 2012 · 647
Satan Cannot Come In
He tries to run down my faith

To stear ne away from my God

Throwing curve ***** here and there

Bringing in sickness and death

Satan will not win the battle

If I stay on my knees and pray

When Satan wants me

He has to walk through the blood

Until then Satan can not come in!!!
Oct 2012 · 512
They Make Us All Family














Oct 2012 · 578
Will Anyone Even Care
As I sit here trying to deliberate my fate

Thoughts of suicide cross my mind

The only problem is I can't seem to choose

Will it be a gun to my head?

Will it be an overdose?

Will it be a noose around my neck?

Will it be a deep cut down both wrist?

So many choices, so little time

One way or another I will choose

As I sit here trying to deliberate my fate

Thoughts of suicide cross my mind

The only problem is will anyone care?
Oct 2012 · 464
Baby Tell Me
Baby tell me that you love me
That you want to hold me close

I want to kiss your soft lips

To run my fingers through your hair.

Baby tell me that you care

That you will be there for me

I want to feel like I am wanted

To look into your eyes and know

Baby tell me that I'm not crazy

That you feel the same about me

I want to love you forever

To know that I'm yours for eternity

Baby tell me all your little secrets

That I may do the same for you

I want to know that I'm the one

To know my instincts are forever right

Baby tell me all your hidden fears

That I may keep you safe

I want to choose you

To be my baby; all you have to do it say YES!
Oct 2012 · 427


Can you hear them calling?

Be quiet...

Be still...

Listen closely and you'll hear it...

The Voices...

The crying...

Of the dreams forever calling...

The cold...

The darkness...

Succumb to the Dreams...

They've been watching...

They've been waiting...

And yet you refuse to dream...

They've been screaming...

They've been shouting...

And yet you refuse to dream...

They're getting angry...

Growing desperate...

They'll never leave and let you be...

They NEVER lose...

They ALWAYS win...

Because they feed off your dreams!
Oct 2012 · 631
Heart Break
H- Holding my torn broken heart in my hands
E- Even though I'm

A- Always on the brink of tears

R- Right back to the very beginning of pain

T- Trying to cure my broken heart

B- Breaking down after every attempt

R- Right back to the very begging of pain

E- Even though I'm

A- Always on the brink of tears It's

K- Killing me everyday on the inside cause I lost you.
Oct 2012 · 367
Heart Broken Forever
My HEART has had enough HEART BREAK

My EYES have seen enough TEARS

My EARS have heard enough LIES

MY MOUTH has tasted enough SALT

My SOUL has had enough SCARS

My WRIST  have endured enough CUTS

My BODY has had enough ACHES

My SPIRIT has had enough SUFFERING

But MOST OF ALL I cant take anymore HEART BREAK.
Oct 2012 · 863
B- Breaking down at every awaking moment
U- Under all the hurt and pain you have caused me

L- Lying to all my family

L- Lying to all my friends

Y- Yet they always seem  to be

I- Igniting the never ending torture

N- Never seeking help; always scared

G- Going raving mad cause I'm always bullied.
Oct 2012 · 488
Heart Broken
How could you do this to me?

How could you up and leave me?

I thought I was your one and only

Guess I was way over my head

I feel so empty inside

You made me feel whole; and complete

But now all I seem to do

Is sit up all night crying my heart out

I feel as if you have just ripped my heart right out of my chest

I am so very alone

You just played with my emotions

Tore my heart right open

I shouldn't feel like this

But no matter how hard I try I do

What happened to our first kiss?

Getting Married and having children of our own?

The part where I say '"I DO!" ?

What happened to growing old togeather?

I've had my heart broken one to mant times

So guess what I am going to do

I may not be Miss Perfect

But I can and will heal

It may take me months or years

But Who cares when you have had your heart broken?
Oct 2012 · 1.7k
Choose Wisely
You are a beautiful person both inside and out

And you will go far in life of this I have no doubt

And all the people who put you down will one day see

That they were so wrong about what they thought you would be

So as you begin your journey into adult hood

Stay rooted and grounded in God’s precious word

Take Jesus with you wherever you might go

He will direct your path and show you things you’ve never known

So climb the highest mountain, sail the seven seas

With you and Jesus, there are no impossibilities

You are such a wonderful person and you can do anything

Never let anyone tell you differently

The Key to Success is Jesus Christ

Let him be your leader as you begin your new life

Just follow his path, he will show you the way

He will magnify his love for you, making you stronger each day.
Oct 2012 · 605
We have been through so much together
This much I know is true
You were there for me when no ond else was
Showing me true love the only way you knew how
I know I often made your life a living hell growing up.
But the person I am today you helped shape
You showed me to trust and love
How to be a responsible adult
but most of all you dad are truley an amazing person
You are a fighter and a survivor
Together as a family we can beat the odds
Along with mom and Michael and even Juliann
No matter the outcome of this long fighting battle
I want you to now that I LOVE YOU!
And am proud to call you my dad and my hero!
I wrote this for my Foster Dad who is dying from cancer.
Oct 2012 · 1.4k
Teenage Love VS. True Love
Is this just teenage love or something deeper then that.
Many people say its just teenage love
That were too younge to know what True Love is
How can you know what true love isif you never experienced it.
Is it simply a wishful prayer
A fire that ignites in your heart
A playful giggle
A rosy blush
A risky wink
Or even a kindly smile?
True love can be anything
A tender understanding of one another
A growing warmth in your soul
A gentle trust between two lovers
Or a passion of fire that takes over
Does the world become lost in a crazy wild nonsese?
A happy oblivion of exhileration
Complete and total joy
An innocent kiss in the moonlight
Cherishing every given moment
Honor, loyalty, and protection
Or is it something that simply lasts forever?
How do you know what true love is
Can anyone tell you?
The answer to that is no
You and you alone know if its simply teenage love or true love!
Oct 2012 · 552
Longing for You
I long for the day when I can finally be with you
To embrace you for the first time
It seems I have been waiting an eternity to find that True Love
I pray thatday will be soon
That I no longer have to wait
To feel you close and near
Knowing you are forever faithful
The day that I met you I knew you were the one
But too afraid to tell you
Wandering around looking for love in all the wrong places.
But the Mightly Lord led me in the right direction
Into your loving arms I go like a shepard to its sheep
Knowing I am forever loved and cared for
So I wait till the day we can finally be together.
Feb 2012 · 2.9k
The Joys Of Being Pregnant
Don’t talk to me, I’m not in the mood

I’m tired, I feel sick, I have gone off my food

I have got heart burn, piles and I’ve got a sore back

Don’t argue with me, I won’t cut you any slack

I have got big, black bags, under my eyes

I look like I have eaten to many pies

I have stretchmarks, I look like a frigging map

The baby kicks me in the ribs when I'm trying to take a nap

I'm forever hot, I forever sweat

My ******* leak, my tops always wet

When I walk, I puff and I pant

I can’t wait to have this baby, I hate being Pregnant
I have had many family members in my life who are or were pregnant. They have told me so many thinkgs. Some loved being pregnant but some hated it. I guess what Im trying to say is that being pregnant can be diffent for everyone.
Feb 2012 · 1.2k
My Scars
My scars are mine and mine alone.

My scars shape the person I am today.

My scars will never go away.

My scars are all over my body.

My scars go across my wrist.

My scars are full of pain.

My scars are mine forever.
This is very personal to me. This is what  I and many people face in life today.
Feb 2012 · 573
I Am A Person
I am a person

That is not


I like myself

For I am unique

I am one

And one alone

A heart of gold

And a soul of ston

If I had a chance

To be complete

My heart of gold

Would make me weak

It would break the stone

Around my soul

It would make me feel

As if I were whole

Only if this could be

Then everyone could finally see

The person left is only me

The person left is proud to be

The person left is me!!!
Jan 2012 · 425
Too Late
I cry silent tears as the blood runs down my arm
The pain is unsufferable but the blade is unstoppable
As it slides across my skin
In even little little lines
I have controle over how deep I cut
I'm not sure hot to stop the blood from flowing rapidly
I think Ive made a mistake
Wish I could take it all back
Before to long the time will come
But for now your way to late
To save me from my fate
Jan 2012 · 555
Remember when you were little, all the games you used to play?
Remember your mom yelling, blaming you then dad would hit and hurt you?
Remember thinking it's your fault, how this only happens to bad girls?
Remember playing with your dolls, asking them what you did wrong?
Remember the thunder and lightening, as you cry looking out your window?
Remember hiding undersheets, thinking you were safe from the world?
Remember the quilt you felt, wondering how someone could hate you so?
Remember thinking you would surely die, to find yourself suffering yet another day?
Remember praying to a God wondering if he existed, as you asked him to take the pain away?
Remember the sad moments and happy moments, because what doesnt **** you makes you stronger!
Jan 2012 · 585
You are the one for me
My life's one desire
When I think or talk abou you
My face brightens up
Baby, Im crazy in love
I want to spend the rest of my life with you
Im nothing with out you in my life
You make me feel wanted and beautiful
When i hear your voice
I get a warm fuzzy feeling
Your constantly on my mind
Your all I think about
You are the one I love and cherish every day
Baby, tell me Im not crazy, tell me
That you feel the same way about me.
I Love my Fiancee with all my life!
Jan 2012 · 534
The Spirits...


Can you hear them calling...?

Be quiet...

Be still...

Listen closely and you'll hear it...

The voices...

The crying...

Of the souls forever falling...

The cold...

The darkness...

Succumb to the spirits...

They've been waiting...

...and yet you refuse to see...

They've been screaming...

They've been shouting...

...and yet you refuse to hear...

They're getting angry...

... Growing desperate...

...They'll never lose...

They never lose...

They always win...

Because they'll feed off of your fear.
Jan 2012 · 829
I wake...

sweaty and screaming

foolish and alone

And so I continue on...

Living each day

feeling his sweat...

And hearing his breath

In the back of my mind

Everytime silence creeps on me.

For night falls,

I know that when my head hits

that pillow...

the fight begins

And he always wins...

In the end.

— The End —